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•There will be a time skip now! Since this story is gonna be like-only eight chapters long...•

It's been about six months since I've met Mina and some of her friends. Since that time that we've met up at the mall we've done it a few times since then. But, we couldn't do it too much. She was busy.

Some of her friends that I've met are:
•Hanta Sero

•Eijiro Kirishima

•Denki Kaminari

•Katsuki Bakugou

•Kyoka Jirou

Also...I have Mina's number! We have one another's Instagram's as well. She said I am now part of the 'Bakusquad'. It has a nice sound to it. I'm in a group chat with them that's called 'Bakusquad4life'.

The seasons have changed. It's winter now. But...that doesn't stop me from taking my bike for a ride! It's 9:30 PM right now and I'm going home for a long day of riding.

I was WAY out of town. I still kind of am... despite that I can see the city up ahead. Before I went out, I made sure I filled up my gas tank. My prize possession-can go a long time!

"Burr", I said to myself, "I can't wait till I get home. It's been snowing all day. Not too bad though."

I keep on riding until I'm about...five miles away. I turn off my bike, set down its kickstand, and rest against it. Taking off my helmet I let the snowflakes scatter onto my head.

It feels nice. My girlfriend...her favorite season was winter. I miss her so much I couldn't even imagine it. For the first few weeks...I didn't even go outside once. I starved myself.

As I'm looking down the path I came I could've sworn I saw something. I blink-and it was gone. Huh-weird. Then...I hear footsteps crunching in the snow. But...nobody is there.

Also-I would have known if it was the pro hero Invisible Girl, because I would've seen her gloves. I take out my phone and turn on the light.

"What the hell?" I said aloud to myself. "Why do I keep hearing stuff, but don't see anyone?"

"That's because you don't look good enough, sweetheart." A chilling voice sounds RIGHT by my left ear, causing me to freeze.

"Who...who are you?" I didn't dare move once.

"You really don't know who I am?" His husky voice kind of sounds...familiar. "Why don't ya?" He steps in front of me.

"Dabi...!" My voice echos about. "What are you doing here!" I tense up, slowly backing up against my bike.

"Whatever I want. You?"

"Tch. Likewise", I rolled my eyes. "I could report you, y'know."

"I doubt that they'll find me easily", the villain said in a cool manner. "What's someone like you doing ALL the way out here?"

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I spat. "Like...actually doing something with your life?"

"I have been. I've been doing that for six years", he hissed at me through clenched teeth, lighting up his hands in a hot blue. "Now-I can do something with you!"

He lunged at me. I jumped out of the way in time. I am running to my bike-but he grabbed my ankle. Falling to the ground with a thud, I kick and fight back the best I could.

We're rolling away in a fighting mess. We're enough distance from my bike for me to use my quirk. You see-when someone is caught in the explosion of my quirk-they DO die.

They just stay dead for five minutes. I reach for the back of my neck. My finger hooks onto the loop where I pull it. Dabi doesn't see it coming.

"You think you're so smart", I hissed at him, "but-prepare to be blown away."

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