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Don't you ever feel like time goes by fast enough to where you're just confused? That's how I'm feeling now. It's been a year that I've met Mina and ALL her friend, six months since my tattoo and meeting Eli. It's crazy! My feelings for Mina keep growing more and more until I can't handle it.

Am I-...becoming SCARED? I don't WANT to think that, never! But I'm wondering if that's what it is. I mean...Mina has frickin FLIRTED with me-she knew what she was doing. Was she doing it for fun? Or...for good reason? Since I'm dense as hell and scared to open up, I don't have a clue.

I just arrived home from work when I got a phone call from Shoto. Oh yeah-...we're good friends now!

"Hey, Shoto. What's up?" I answer.

"Hey, y/n, you have time on your hands?" He asks.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Mina asked me to call you if you wanted to meet with all of us at the beach for a swim?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun", I reply, "but...I'll have to cover up the nape of my neck. Y'know-with how my quirk works and all. Wait a minute-! I have a wetsuit that has an opening for the pull-thingy. And-there is a thing that I can COVER that and attach it to my suit. I cover it everytime I shower."

"Cool. Why don't you meet us at the beach now?"

"Awesome!" I say, "I'll be down there as soon as I can. See you later."

"See you."

"Bye." I hung up. "Since I wanna work on my tan...I'll bring a swimsuit with me. First-I wanna swim."

I get my back ready. I pack everything that I need. can't forget snacks! Those are what make trips more exciting. In my bag, I have:

•my wetsuit with my trigger covering

•my maroon two-piece that ties in the back

•my beach towel with sunscreen and sunglasses

•Takis, Doritos, and Snapple

I get changed, get my bag, my helmet and house key-then I'm on the road again. This time, instead of speeding and rushing, I take my time and actually ENJOY the ride. I make it to the beach.

"Ahh, it's been forever since I've been to the beach" I sigh aloud, taking in the view.

"Plus-it's been forever since I've seen YOU. Hey, y/n!"

"Hm? Eli!" I smile and wave as I turned around to who said that. "How are you?" I got off my bike, my combat boots causing dust clouds.

"Great, great", his cool smile is on display. "You here by yourself? With friends?"

"With friends, yeah", I replied. "Are YOU here by yourself? With friends?"

"I'm meeting some friends here. They'll be here in about...ten minutes."

"That's cool" I nodded. "Anyway-I'll see you later!" We part with a wave.

I get to the beach and...I see all my friends! All the girls are in bikinis... Damn-it's looking VERY hot today! Dang-I gotta control myself.

I walk over to them and they all greet me with smiles and waving hands.

"Hi, guys!" I said as I walked closer, setting my stuff down. "Got here as quick as I could."

"Y/n!" Mina runs over and engulfs me in a hug. "Yay! You're here, finally!"

"Hi, Mina." I feel myself blushing. "Glad to see you too."

I walked away again to change into my wetsuit. After that, I adjust the coverings for my pull-thingy. I have no idea what it's actually called so...

I walk back out and dive under the cold waves. It feels nice! I was partners with Sero against Mina and Denki in a game of Chicken. And...

Sero and I won! Then...Mina and I got into a water fight. Fingers locked together, we pushed one another back and forth, trying to stumble the other.

Then-Mina gave a mighty shove, and we BOTH fell in the shallows. She was on top of me. My eyes widened slightly, my face heating up at how close to me, how close ON me she was.

As she came down...her lips met mine. The strange thing was-was that she didn't pull all. She smirked into it. This girl was enjoying it? Holy-

But...I liked it too. So...I stayed. Then, Mina pulled away. I was slightly disappointed at that fact. Wait-

"Mina-", the words wouldn't come fast enough. "Why did... You kissed me?"

"Sure did", she says in a flirty manner, having the audacity to lick her lips. "You taste sweet. Almost like...mangos?"

"Mango mochi ice cream", I mumbled, looking away. "Why'd you kiss me? I told me you didn't have time for a partner."

"I lied", she said simply, getting up and pulling me up with her. "To myself. I never realized how much of an amazing woman you are!"

"Mina", I gasped. "But... Won't your work get in the way of your love life?"

"Did I SAY that?" She rolled her eyes. "No."

"'re saying you're wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone like me..."

"You're the only you that's out in this world. I'd go for it", she grinned, taking my hand into hers.

•a short but sweet one! YASSSSSS IT FINALLY HAPPENED•

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