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I've been back at work for a week now. I honestly love it! And...I'm the manager here-one of the best! I've been thinking about what Mina has said about getting a tattoo to cover up my arms someday.

I have made up my mind. And-I booked an appointment for next week! It's on Tuesday at 4:30 PM. I'm wanting it too look like a cherry blossom tree, with my scars to be covered up by branches. Then...the flowers. It'll look cool!

"Y/n!" An employee, Taylor, ran over to me, sweat appearing on his face.

"What is it?" I lifted up my goggles, "is your machine going crap again?"

"Yes...?" He looked hesitant.

"I can't keep leaving my station to come help you, y'know. I have work to do", I sighed, "ask Larson to help you. He'll know what to do."

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" He nodded and was off again.

I've been working on the frame of this motorcycle for a LONG time. Luckily...I'm almost done with it! It's been kicking me around to no end. I'm hoping to be finished with it by the end of the week. That is...if I don't keep being stopped.

The hours dwindle down to closing time. Since I'm the manager, I have to be the last one to leave. Now-everyone is gone. I'm making rounds around the shopping, checking that everything is good to go.

"Finally", I said to myself as I walked out into the cool night air. "Can't wait to change outta these clothes." I put on my jacket and my helmet, then I go home.

Getting inside I head for the shower. After that, I make myself some salad. Then...mochi ice cream. I chillax by watching some TV before bed. Looking at the time I see that it's 10:30 PM. Welp...I guess I can scroll through my phone until I'm too tired.

I climb under the sheets, starting to relax after a day of work. After another ten minutes I grow tired enough to put my phone down and go to sleep. Thankfully I'm off the next couple days so I have plenty of time to fool around and do what I want. So...

"Hey, Mina! It's y/n" I said as she picked up her phone.

"Hi!" She replied. "What's on your mind?"

"Since I'm off tomorrow and the NEXT you wanna meet me at the abandoned house on the outskirt of the city on the west side? You can bring a couple of your friends-if you want."

"Oooh!" Mina got excited. "Ghost hunting?"

"I guess you can call it that", I reply, chuckling at her excitement. "Wanna meet me there ASAP?" I ask.

"Sure! I'll bring Kiri and Denki with me. See you soon!" She says.

"See you, Mina."

"Later, love~!" Then she hung up.

"She just called me-..." I feel my face explode with color. "Snap out of it, y/n... It's probably just a nickname for you.."

I slip on my black ripped jeans, my black long-sleeve crop top, and my black combat boots. I get my leather jacket and my house keys on the way out. I put on my helmet-and get on my way. I haven't talked to her friends lately. So-this'll be interesting.

I get there in two hours. I went over the speed limits pretty much all the way there... Anyway-at least I didn't get caught! Right? Right! A couple minutes later I see Mina and her friends. Mina and I smile.

"Hi, y/n!" She says. "You remember these two dorks, right?"

"Yep", I nod, moving my hair behind my ears as I took of my helmet. "Eijiro and...Denki. Right?"

"That's right, m'lady", Denki said as he winked at me. "And, you're...y/n?"

"Hm. Yeah", I said, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Flattering how you think I like men."

"Either way-it would hurt me if I didn't say that you're quite nice" he smiles.

"Quit flirting with her, bro", Eijiro rolled his eyes. "Sorry bout him, y/n. He's a flirt-as if you couldn't tell."

"Hmm", I laugh, "I notice."

We all head into the house. It was old, dusty, and dirty. Everything was out of place in there... Tables turned, chairs broken, windows shattered. It was a mess. Mina brought a flashlight so she turned it on so we could see. Nothing so far.

"I bought ghost equipment!" Denki whisper-shouted. "It's all in my bag, right here."
"Pfft, great", Mina snorted. "Now-you're gonna invite a ghost to be intimate with you."

"'Having sex with a ghost~!'" Denki sings the song.

"I don't think any ghost would wanna do that- with YOU", I snorted.

"Here's the cat-ball", he said, handing it to Mina so she could set it up. "And-here's this sensor, box, and a radio-thing so we could pick up words." He handed them all to Mina so she cojld get them set up and ready to go. "Got them ready, Mina?"

"Yep!" She says, going to place the stuff in spacious areas.

"You know how to use these dowsing rods, y/n?" Denki asked me as he handed them over.

"Yep", I said as I took them from him. "I've watched Sam And Colby a bunch of times."

"Really? So do I!" Denki beams. "And, first...we can do the flashlights. I have-two!"

"Nice", I said, going to put one at an open doorway, and the other at the other doorway across from it. "Let's do the radio first. Plus-do you have stuff for the estos method?"

"No", he sadly shook his head. "I need to get that still."

We stand a few feet apart from one another, still in view of the flashlights. We all stayed quiet for a second to see if anything would happen on its own.

Then-I ask the first question. Mina is recording if we catch anything for evidence. Welp-here we go!

"Is there anyone here with us?" I asked, voice clear and calm. "If so-please turn on the blue flashlight." Nothing yet... "Three, two, one-."

"Ooh!" Mina said, squeaking as it turned on on its own, causing the rest of us to look at her and then at the item. "It did it! I caught it on video!"

We ask some more questions. But... nothing was happening. Just then-as we were about to head upstairs to go look around-

"Shhhh! Do you hear that?" Denki asked, "Mina-where did you put that red sensor?"

"Under the steps!" She whispered back.

It was an exciting nightmare from there on out. Mina got EVERYTHING she could on video, and sent it to the group chat. One moment...a door slammed by itself. By instinct-I latched onto Mina because I was scared. I was basically embarrassing myself by that point...

Nevertheless-she wraps her arms around me. It...almost instantly calmed me a way. Like-she was comforting me in MORE than a friendly way? I didn't know.

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