Bring Me That Horrizon

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/No One's POV/

Norrington: "RAGH!" Norrington stabbed the pirate in the gut, the man was mortal. Everyone stopped fighting and every pirate was human... finally free of the curse. They all look at themselves confused. Norrington kept his bloody blade up and pointed at the pirate. He glances down at his stomach and then back at the Commodore.

Pirate: "Heh." He smiles for a moment before collapsing to the ground dead. Inside the commodore's office, the governor noticed the desk stopped shaking and took a cautious look inside the drawer, finding there to be a severed arm inside. He gasps in disgust, slamming the drawer shut before he heaved up his dinner. Back with the pirates, most of them stood ready to fight. The yellow-capped pirate looked over to Norrington and noticed the blood on his blade. Thinking the moon was hiding in the clouds, he looks up to see it shined down clearly. Norrington points his blade at the pirate's throat and the cruel man dropped his sword, beaten. One by one, the other pirates followed suit. Ragetti finally grabbed his eye and shoved it back in his eye socket. He stood up next to his best mate only to be met with the end of a pair of rifles. It was Murtogg and Mullroy.

Pintel: "Parley?" He nervously smiles at the men.

Norrington: "The ship is ours, gentlemen." The crew of the Dauntless chant 'Huzzah!' in celebration of their victory. The governor peeked out from the office and smiled. He steps out, walking over a dead body and joining in on the celebration, shouting out Huzzah with the crew and pumping his fists in the air. he walks next to a pirate and waggles his finger in the man's face then playfully scaring him.

/(Y/N)'s POV/

I walk up to Barbossa's corpse and stare down at him.

(Y/N): "You got what you wanted old man. Your mortality-" I hear a clang of something metal fall into a pile of coins. I turn around and Jack was already taking what he wanted from Barbossa's hoard. I look back down at the dead man. "This is where I wish dead men could tell tales." I crouch down. "But knowing you, you wouldn't tell me the time of day." I stand back up and back away.

(Y/N): "I hope you rot in hell for all eternity bastard." I look to my right and Elizabeth was standing alone. I take a few steps her way but Will beat me to it. "*Whispers* Come on you dense blacksmith, say it." He walks up next to her and they smile... but Jack ruined the moment by rummaging through the treasure. Ignore him, Will! Say what you want to say.

Elizabeth: "We should return to the Dauntless."

Will: "Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe." I facepalm. She doesn't say a word and walks off. Jack and I walk up next to the foolish man. I look over at the pirate and he was dressed in pearl necklaces, a golden crown, a golden goblet in one hand, and a gold statue under his other arm.

Jack: "If you were waiting for the opportune moment."

(Y/N): "That was it."

Jack: "Now if you'd be so kind, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship." He walks off ahead of us. I look over at the quartz hammer.

(Y/N): "I want to try something real quick." I walk over to the hammer and kick the skeleton away. I plant my hands on the handle and take a solid stance. I smirk and lift... nothing. Jack looks intrigued. "Heh. Let me just-" I adjust my grip and try again, pulling with all my might. I try kicking it next but didn't even budge. Jack walks up next to me.

Jack: "Might as you be so inclined to tell me, what the hell are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Help me lift it." I struggle to move the damn thing and Jack just shrugs. He drops his gold objects and we try to lift the hammer... we looked foolish.

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