Blood, Sweat, and a Swatch of Cloth

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/No One's POV/

A Spaniard in yellow navel clothes tosses a plate of bread between two men. One was black and muscular, the other was white and blonde. Their legs were chained to a metal pipe attached to the floor.

Spaniard: "(Supper, Eat it fast.)" The man walks away and the blonde looks at the muscular man.

Blonde: "You hungry?" He glances to the pole and the man smirks and nods. They both take the pole, smack the end against the loop on the floor a couple of times, and break off the chain at the end. They pull the pole through the loops and stand up. They were free.

Blonde: "Now what's your plan, mate?" They run up to a stack of crates filled with fishing nets and strands of rope. They hide behind it and the blonde peeks behind the corner.

Black man: "Find my weapon and steal a ship." A couple of Spaniards lingered in the room ahead of them. The ship rocked a little too hard for their liking.

Spaniard 1: "(God help us. I don't like the look of that storm coming.)" The blonde man swaps to the corner across them and looks at his cellmate. He nods over at the navel man and he nods, understanding the assignment.

Spaniard 2: "(It looks like it's veering west, into the gulf. We might be safe.)" The blonde whistles and the Spaniard takes notice. He walks over to investigate and the blonde man pulls him behind the corner. He holds him in a chokehold and the black man runs up to the second Spaniard and does the same. The Spaniard passed out and the blonde quietly leans him against the wall. The two men slowly made their way to the back of the ship.

Spaniard 1: "(So. How far until we reach our destination again?)" The blonde peeks behind the corner and the Spaniard is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Bored out of his mind.

Spaniard 2: "(A week out.)"

Spaniard 3: "(No. The captain said the voyage was gonna be seven to ten weeks. We've been out here for eight weeks.)"

???: "(It's four days.)" The men all look to the wall by the blonde and he quickly hides. "(Four days until we reach our destination.) It's been fifty-nine days since we left so it should be four days... roughly." The Spaniard walked over to the mysterious man and kicked him. "Argh!"

Spaniard 1: "(Shut up! We weren't asking you, piss pot.)" The blonde whistles and Spaniard 2 notices. He walked over to where the blonde hid and quickly pulled him behind the corner.

???: "*Slight pain* (Sorry!) Ah... just trying to be helpful." The Spaniard crouches down next to the mystery man and gives them a scowl.

Spaniard 1: "(Why does it matter? You'll be dead before we even arrive.)" The black man whistles and draws the third Spaniard over.

???: "Oh... forgot about that." The blonde walks out from behind the corner and sneaks up behind the Spaniard but the floor creeks. The blonde quickly looks down and then back at the Spaniard.

Spaniard: "(Hm)?" He turns around and the mystery man wraps his chains around the man's neck and pulls him back. The Spaniard struggles for a moment before the mystery man quickly pulls his head at an angle and they hear a snap. The Spaniard goes limp and the pair of boots drop him at his feet. The blonde and the man's eyes meet.

Man: "Please tell me this is a prison escape?" The blonde man smirks.

Blonde: "Aye. That it is." The black man tosses him a key and unchains the man. He wore a black navel coat with a white hood and touches of red here and there. He had (H/C) hair, (S/c) skin, and (E/C) eyes. The man rubs his irritated wrists and smirks. This man was (Y/N) (L/N).

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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