The Delinquent of Port Royal

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(Play the song now)

/???'s POV/

Ah, Port Royal, the one place in the Caribbean with little to no crime. Makes it perfect for a delinquent like me! Easy pockets ripe for the picking, barely any red coats, and I have to say, some of the lasses here are easy on the eyes.

Red coat: "Halt! Stop that thief!" I run past two red coats, giving them a two-finger salute.

???: "Morning gents!" They look at each other and give chase. I just stole a watch from some rich arsehole of an old man. The silver and gold craftsmanship can easily earn me about twenty gold pieces, maybe more if I polish it up and haggle up the price. As I'm running down the street, some kid opens the doors to a blacksmith and I crash into him.

Kid: "OOF!!" We fall to the ground and I scramble to my feet. Oh, it's him.

???: "Morning Will! Great day for a run isn't it?" This boy is William Turner or Will for short. My best friend ever since I arrived here. He has long black hair and soot from the forge on his hands and face. He sits up and rubs his head.

Will: "I suppose so." I hold my hand out and he accepts the help up.

Red coat: "HALT THIEF!!"

(Y/N): "That's my cue to leave!" I slap his back and resume my escape from the British. "GOOD SEEING YOU AGAIN!" I hear him laugh.

Will: " SAME TO YOU! He is going to get himself killed one of these days." I see a crowd of people ahead of me blocking my path, but there was a table off to the side, clear of people. I slide under a table and quickly push past a few people.

(Y/N): "Excuse me, pardon me, oh nice hat." I flick it off and the man bends over to pick it up. One of the red coats doesn't see them and they trip over the man. "Sorry didn't see you there!" I run up some creates like stairs and run along the signs and poles sticking out the walls of buildings.

Pedestrian: "That boy's going to fall and break his neck!"

Red coat: "Shoot him!"

(Y/N): "Shit!" I hear them firing their rifles and pistols and I hear their bullets whizz past my ears and face. I look ahead and I'm running out of things to run along. I jump down into a crowd and continue to run. "Keeping up lads? Shall I call a break?" I turn a corner down a narrow alleyway and a Naval officer was standing in my path. Pointing a pistol at me. I stop in my tracks and slide along the mud. The man was smiling.

Man: "There's nowhere for you to run now (L/N). We finally caught you. Your days of thieving are over." I look behind him and there's a lift at the end of the ally. I smile.

(Y/N): "Morning Norrington. How have you been?"

Norrington: "I've been all right, but today just got better." I run straight for him, still smiling. He looked surprised and fired his pistol. I jump off the walls over his shot and land on top of him, making the man fall on his back. I quickly nick his coin pouch and run for the lift. I hop on the table, grab the rope, and kick the lever holding the weight of the barrels up. I'm sent flying up and let go just before slamming into the post, landing on the roof. I look back down at the men chasing me and give them a theatre bow.

(Y/N): "By your leave, Norrington!" He's helped out of the mud and quickly checks to see if anything was stolen since I have stolen things from him in the past. His eyes widen and I jangle his coin pouch in the air, smiling.

Norrington: "(L/N)!! I'll see you hang for this!" I toss the pouch back to him. He catches it and looks at me confused.

(Y/N): "You know I only steal from arseholes Norrington! Also, I'm taking a few pieces for breakfast!" I turn around and run along the roofs of Port Royal. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and this is my tale! I flip my lucky gold coin and catch it.

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