Chapter 17

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Josh's POV:
time to win maya over.

Riley's POV:
time to win Lucas over.

The next week at school was very strange for Maya and Lucas. They kept getting secret admirer notes in their lockers, not knowing who they were from. They ignored it and after a while, they got to be too much. The gifts and notes were obviously from someone they both knew. After school on a Friday, Josh, Maya, Lucas, Riley, Farkle, and Missy were hanging out together. They were all doing whatever, either on their phones or talking. Josh and Riley looked at each other and gave "the look." Josh went over to Maya with a slight smirk on his face. He randomly kissed Maya on the lips and Maya pulled away with disgust, "what the heck Josh?!" she said and stormed into Riley's room. Riley then looked at Lucas and spoke. "Looks like she's not into you anymore. So it's my turn." She smirked like Josh had done and tried to kiss Lucas. Fortunately, he held back and looked at them both, "Your little games don't faze me Matthews. That goes to the both of you." he spoke. "Now if you don't mind, im going to go talk to the girl who makes me happy."

how do you like the new chapter loves? there's another one coming tonight. possibly even a spam. who's excited?

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