First meet (part 3)

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Pairing: Jake and (Fem)Mc.Genre: suspense, mystery, a bit of romance (maybe)Warning: A bit of sensitive content.

It was 8 pm, and you were peacefully cooking your supper while humming a song.

It's been three days since the elevator incident. Three days since you have last talked to Jake. It was unusual. Jake would always text you but since the incident, he has neither seen any of your messages nor replied even once.

You were worried and spammed him with thousands of texts just to get a single reply to see if he was okay or not. If somehow his pursuers have got back on him or if he maybe regrets meeting you. All these thoughts were clouding your mind making you restless.

You huffed, taking your phone





"I swear to God if it's a prank, I won't spare you"




You threw your phone on the couch and went to your room to take a shower.

30 min later You came out of the bathroom wearing a loose t-shirt with shorts. You then went to the kitchen to have your food.

You were just serving your food when you felt someone's presence behind you. Before you could turn around a big hand covered your mouth from behind and his other hand circled your waist trapping your arms between them. He lifted you effortlessly and started walking towards your bedroom.

You were wiggling to get out of his arms and constantly trying to hit him with your head and legs. But it was of no use, he tightened his grip even more making you yelp in pain.

"Mmmm" 'Hhh.....mmmm" You tried to scream but all in vain. At this point you were scared to death, a few tears fell from your eyes unknowingly.

He finally reached your room and threw you on the bed making you hiss. You immediately turned around to face him. He was wearing a hoodie with a mask covering his face just like Jake. But something was different about him. His aura, it was dark and dangerous, unlike Jake's soft one.

"W-who are you?" you finally managed to speak.

He just chuckled darkly and leaned his face closer to yours making you back off on the bed. He held both of your legs pulling you closer to him and held your wrists behind your back with his one hand. He leaned towards your ear and spoke in a dark voice "loving him was a losing game for you, m'lady. " He said then injected something into your neck making you groan and eventually unconscious.


(11:15 pm)

You woke up, feeling a throbbing pain in your head. You tried moving your hands to your head to ease the pain a little but were resisted by something. After a few minutes of struggling you finally managed to open your eyes with a blurry vision. Looking around trying to remember what happened a few hours ago. Your vision slowly became normal and that's when you realised that you were on your bed with your legs, and hands tied behind your back and a thick duct tape was covering your mouth.

 Your vision slowly became normal and that's when you realised that you were on your bed with your legs, and hands tied behind your back and a thick duct tape was covering your mouth

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"Mmmmm" your voice muffled.

-"Ah, you're awake. You sleep a lot little girl"

You looked up to see the same man from before, sitting on a chair with three laptops on the desk. You recognise one of them as yours and a phone in his hands which definitely belonged to you.

"Mmmhh" you again tried to speak but it just came out as muffled cries. He stood up and walked towards the bed making you crawl back. He sat on the bed. This time, you can clearly see his features. Dark brown intimidating orbs with eye bags, pink chapped lips, sharp jawline and a scar near his left eye. His hood was down giving you the view of his soft ruffled hairs.

"What the heck!!" you yelled at yourself in your mind for admiring this man in front of you.

"Like what you see?" He said cocking one of his brows making him look more attractive than he already was. You just glared at him in response showing your annoyance. He chuckled and removed the tape from your mouth letting you speak.

"You bloody piece of shit. Who the hell are you and how dare you to keep me captive in my own house and what the hell are you doing with my laptop and my phone and wh–mmmm". "Shh. you speak too much woman." He said putting the tape back on your lips. "Mmmhhh" You glared at him cursing him in your mind.

He then backed off from your bed and went to the door saying "don't move from your place and stay like a good girl where you are. I'm coming in a few. okay?"

"Mmmmhhh" you tried speaking. He turned around, "what?". He stared at you for a few seconds then came back to you and removed the tape from your mouth. "Screaming for help won't work for you."

"I know" You know very well screaming for help at this late would only hurt your throat. Your house was big and this room in the middle wasn't helping. The society you lived in has houses very far from each other. So someone could not hear you unless they are at the main gate or inside of your house.

After he went out you wiggled your arms trying to untie the ropes but it was of no use. The rope was tied professionally that you could barely reach your fingers to them.

You squirmed and wiggled in your place trying to get off the bed. After a few seconds of trying you managed to fall off the bed landing on your back.

You twisted and pushed your body moving forward trying to reach the table, to your phone to seek some help. After a lot of struggles, you finally managed to make yourself seat on the chair. You looked forward and your widened seeing the screen of your laptop.

You could clearly see your laptop transferring your files to the other pc. "Oh God! what is he doing", you exclaimed. You then looked down and saw your phone connected to his other pc transferring data. You looked closely and saw your chat with Jake was open.

"I have to do something. This man is surely from the government, one of his pursuers." After thinking for a few seconds you placed your mouth on the cord and pluck it out disrupting the connection between your phone and the laptop. You looked at your laptop, it wasn't connected with a cord. "It's a wireless connection" you mumbled.

Seeing no other way to stop the file transfer, you put your head on the screen and pushed it back with great force making it land straight on the floor with a loud thud. Its screen broke but you were sure that the laptop was still working. You somehow managed to walk towards it, then jumped over it trying to destroy it completely. It was really difficult to jump with your hands and legs tied but after a few jumps, you were sure now that your precious MacBook wouldn't work anymore.

You now tried reaching to his laptops to destroy them too but before you could do something you heard heavy footsteps approaching the room. You turned your back to the table to get your phone, with your hands that were tied behind your back. You somehow managed to pick up the phone but before you could hide it the door burst open, revealing.............

AN: the pictures are not mine as usual, and I don't claim any rights over them.

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