Billy Hargrove X Wheeler!Reader - True

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A/N - This chapter is based loosely on the song True by Spandau Ballet. This is set between seasons 3 and 4, but, can we just pretend that Billy never died and never tried to sleep with Mrs Wheeler, because Reader is her eldest daughter in this chapter! I've also decided that in this universe, Billy and Max became friends/allies in their shitty home. I hope you all enjoy it.

Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mentions of domestic abuse situations and violent outbursts.

You had been going crazy ever since you'd taken the test, pacing around the bathroom in the hopes that maybe you would wake up and it would all be some ridiculous nightmare. 

You and Billy had been so careful. I mean, there had been the odd occasion when you would throw caution to the wind and take the risk, but he always made sure to control himself enough to be safe. And now, you were seeing the repercussions of your stupid actions.

God, how were you supposed to even tell him that you were pregnant? You hadn't even told people that you were a couple, even though you'd been dating for coming up on 2 years. Shit, your parents didn't know you were seeing anyone. And his Dad didn't know that he snuck over to stay in your bed most nights.  

Christ, this was going to be a waking nightmare. Maybe if you went to your Mom first, she could help you out. You could deal with it all and never even have to tell Billy that you had ever been pregnant. But the thought of lying to him like that was enough to make you feel sick. You couldn't imagine keeping something so life-changing to yourself for the rest of your life.

You wiped the forming tears from your eyes, hightailing it back to your room in an attempt to remain unnoticed by your family, only to let out a terrified squeal when you turned around from shutting the door to find Billy lounging across your bed. 

"Evening, Princess-" His words trailed off when he saw your wide, tearful eyes. "Shit, I didn't mean to scare you," he hummed, sitting up and reaching out to pull you closer to the bed, standing between his knees. "I'm sorry, Princess, I didn't think It'd be so scary to find me in your bed," he teased, his hands drifting over your hips until he noted how tense you were, letting his hands drop to his knees. "What's that?" he finally uttered, eyes fixed on the test clutched in your hands. 

"I-" the words got stuck in your throat, dropping off into nothing. "It's nothing," you managed to squeak out, quickly moving away to tuck the test away in your bedside drawer. 

"That's not nothing. What is that?" he grumbled, grabbing your wrist to hold you in place as he pulled the drawer back open. 

"Billy, Stop," you yelped, attempting to hold him back from grabbing the test. "Billy, it's not important-"

His eyes widened when he finally got a grip on the test, the lines bright on the display. "What does that mean?" he uttered, turning it over in his hand, both of your wrists still held in the other hand, keeping you from moving away from him. "Does that mean you're pregnant?" 

You swallowed around the lump in your throat when he glanced up at you, your stomach flipping over. "Yes."

"Shit," he murmured, nodding slightly and releasing your wrists, letting your hands drop between you, settling in his lap. "I thought we'd been careful-"

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. "So did I," you told him, sniffling back a sob. "But then I remembered that night we went out for your birthday and we were in the back of your car and-" your words trailed off. "We got a little carried away, remember?"

"Fuck," he breathed out, dropping the test back into the drawer. 

"I should tell my Mom, right?" you uttered. "She'll know what to do and then you don't have to worry about anything. You can just pretend this never happened-"

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