Steve Harrington X Reader - Best Friend

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A/N - This chapter was very, very, very slightly inspired by the song Best Friend by Conan Gray. Reader and Steve have been dating for a long time and are now living together. I hope you all enjoy it.

When you'd woken up in the middle of the night, you had expected to find Steve already awake. Usually, you were a pretty sound sleeper unless there was something making a ton of noise, so to find him still sleeping beside you, snoring softly, was a bit of a surprise. You sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. And then you'd heard it.

The clattering was pretty loud. Loud enough that it couldn't be from someone else's house. Loud enough that it had to be coming from inside yours. You sat silently for a moment, keeping your ears tuned in the hopes that maybe you'd been imagining the noise altogether. But then, it had come again.

"Steve," you whispered, shifting closer to him to shake his shoulder lightly. He grumbled, his arm reaching out in an attempt to draw you into his chest and make you go back to sleep. "Steve," you repeated, shoving him a little harder and watching as he peaked an eye open to look at you. 

"What time is it?"

"There's someone in the house," you started, ignoring his question and causing his other eye to pop open. 

Steve sat up. "Baby, it's probably the wind-"

"It's not the wind. There is someone in the house," you pressed on, shushing him when he opened his mouth to speak again. And then there it was again, the clatter from the other side of the house. 

"Shit," he muttered, scrambling out of bed as quietly as he could manage and dipping into the closet to grab the bat he kept there 'in case of emergencies'. "Stay here," he uttered, frowning when you immediately scrambled off of the bed to get closer to him. "Baby-"

"You might need backup."

He sighed, shaking his head, looking as though he wanted to argue, but quickly giving in. "Fine, but you stay behind me, alright?"

You nodded your agreement, following close behind him as he pulled the door open almost silently. 

The two of you crept down the halls in silence, listening out as the sounds grew louder as you approached the kitchen. As you reached the door, Steve readied the bat, taking a deep breath. 

And then, as he leapt through the door, ready to take on an intruder, the house erupted into screams. 

It took you a moment to realise what had happened. Steve, having jumped through the doorway with the bat, ready to defend the two of you, had scared the ever-loving shit out of Robin, making her cry out in fear. And her cries of horror, in turn, had led to Steve screaming in shock. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Robin yelped, her sandwich completely forgotten on the counter. 

"Me?" Steve uttered. "What's wrong with me?" He shook his head, finally lowering the bat. "You're in my house. I could've killed you."

Robin raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, your screaming was so loud it almost burst my eardrums," she muttered, rolling her eyes. "It's a pretty unconventional form of self-defence, but if it works for you-"

"What are you doing here?" you interrupted, unwilling to hear the two of them start bickering in the middle of the night. 

"I needed food," you murmured, offering you her sweetest smile. "And the grocery store was already closed, so-"

"So you came to raid our cupboards instead," Steve interjected, shaking his head. "I gave you a spare key in case of emergencies. Needing a snack isn't an emergency."

Robin rolled her eyes again, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. "It sure felt like an emergency," she uttered, listening to Steve's disgruntled sigh. 

"How'd you get here?" you pressed on.

She shrugged slightly. "I walked."

"Robin," you chastised, your eyes widening. "It's the middle of the night. You could've been attacked or hurt or-"

"I couldn't exactly drive. I don't have a licence."

You let out a frustrated grumble. "You're staying here tonight," you uttered.

"We haven't washed the spare bedding since Dustin stayed," Steve murmured, finally reaching out to pull you close to him, still a little shaken by the sudden wake-up call he'd received. 

You sighed softly as you leaned into his touch. "Then she'll have to just stay in with us, won't she?" When his face contorted in disgust, you let out a soft chuckle. "She's your best friend."

"I hate her," he disagreed, making you roll your eyes. 

"You love her," you corrected. "And you aren't going to let her walk all the way across town on her own in the middle of the night," you pressed on. "So, she's staying in with us. You can come in with us too, or you can sleep on the couch, Baby."

He grumbled slightly, risking a glance over at Robin, who now had a mouthful of her sandwich. "You know, she's a fidgeter, right? She's going to keep us awake all night-"

"Consider it practice for when we decide to have children," you interrupted. "She's our full-grown toddler for the night."

"Fine," he uttered. "But no food in the bed. Either eat it now or put it in the fridge and have it tomorrow."

Robin saluted him, taking a final bite before shoving the sandwich back onto its plate and into the fridge. "Let's go, roomies."

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