Eddie Munson X Reader - Superheroes (Part 2)

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A/N - This chapter is another highly requested follow-up to the last one posted in this book. I also sort of used the song Enjoy The Ride by Krewella for a tiny bit of added inspiration. At this point, I'm almost certain I'm just an Uncle Wayne Fan Club disguised as a Fanfic writer. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You could've sworn that you hadn't been so nervous for a show since your first-ever tour. Sure, there was always a little lingering anxiety in the pit of your stomach, it was probably the thing that actually made your job so exciting, but right now it was a touch more overwhelming than you were used to. Ever since you had made it to Indiana, you had been overthinking the invite you had extended to Eddie and his uncle. Sure, it had been a nice gesture, but the idea of having Eddie watching you as you performed had thrown you for a loop. Hell, the idea of him looking at you at all turned you into a giddy schoolgirl rather than the adult you knew yourself to be. 

You took another glance at your reflection, releasing a deep breath that you hadn't realised you were holding. "This is fine," you reminded yourself, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "He's just a guy. Just a regular, run-of-the-mill guy." You were lying to yourself and deep down you knew it. Eddie wasn't just some random man you'd met in passing at a bar in the middle of nowhere. He was a goddamned rockstar and it didn't help that he was hot as Hell too. He was plastered on the front cover of magazines with his band. He was literally everywhere you looked, whether you were seeking him out or not. And even though you were pretty damn successful too, you were still a little intimidated by it all. 

A knock on your dressing room door startled you slightly, and you blinked out of the Eddie-filled haze that you'd been standing in for God knows how long. 

And then, you had tugged the door open and come face to face with the man himself, your expression shifting from shocked to confused to delighted so quickly that it had left him grinning down at you. 

"Hey," he hummed, letting out a soft chuckle when your mouth opened and closed in search of a response. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt or anything, but your managed told us we should pop by and say hi before the show-"

"You aren't interrupting," you finally uttered, offering him your sweetest smile. "Just surprised me is all," you added, craning your neck slightly to look around him at the older man standing beside him. Wayne Munson was exactly as Eddie had described him. He was the most salt-of-the-Earth looking man you had ever set eyes on, and you had immediately taken a shining to him. Especially when you noticed the neatly ironed button-up he was wearing and the bunch of flowers clutched in his hands. "You must be Uncle Wayne," you started, chuckling when his eyes widened slightly. 

"Yes Ma'am," he hummed, clearing his throat slightly and straightening up.

"Eddie's told me a lot about you," you pressed on, risking a glance back at Eddie, only to find him grinning at the interaction. 

Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was revelling in the way his Uncle was acting. In 20-odd years of knowing the man and he'd never once seen him look so awestruck, and he was almost certain that he looked the exact same way when he looked at you. You really were something to behold and with the sweetness, you were showing towards the two of them, he was a little confused by the articles he'd seen circulating about your bad attitude and mean streak. 

"Only good things, I hope," Wayne uttered, before suddenly remembering the flowers in his hands, thrusting them rather suddenly in your direction. "These are for you," he told you, looking so damn bashful that it brought a soft chuckle out of you. 

"They're lovely."

Wayne cleared his throat slightly, shifting awkwardly on the spot. "They're a thank you for inviting us along tonight," he told you. "I've been listening to your music since you released your first album. Your music is absolutely incredible," he pressed on, finally gaining some confidence in your presence. "Drove half the guys at work mad playing your stuff on repeat before they practically banned me from music-picking duty."

"Me on repeat for an entire shift? Christ, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy," you chuckled. You hesitated for a moment before glancing up at Eddie, finding him already smiling at you. "You guys should probably go and find your spots. It's not long before I go on," you told him, touching his elbow lightly. "But get one of the security team to bring you guys back after the show and we can all go grab a drink, alright?" 

Eddie nodded, waiting for Wayne to start the slow wander back towards the front before turning back to you. "Good luck up there," he hummed. "Not like you need it, right? By now it probably comes naturally."

A soft snort slipped out of you and you quickly shook your head. "What I do up there is anything but natural," you corrected. "Sure, it's not as intimidating as it once was, but none of this has ever come naturally to me," you added softly.

"Well, it looks pretty damn natural," he told you, glancing back to find Wayne watching the two of you a little impatiently, as though he thought he would miss the show, even though it was you performing. 

"Go; I'll see you after," you told him, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip as he hurried off after Wayne, waving at you over his shoulder. 

*Time Skip*

The show had gone as effortlessly as it possibly could, and by the time you were back at your dressing room door, you were ready to curl up into a ball. And then, before you could even get inside, Eddie was there looking totally buzzed. 

"You did great out there," Eddie told you, propping himself up against the doorframe beside you. "Wayne had very high expectations and somehow you outdid all of them."

You glanced behind him, half expecting his uncle to be trailing a little bit behind him. "Where is he?"

"He had to head home. Too much excitement for one night; the old guy can't keep up anymore," he told you. "But, he did say that he loved the show. Said it was the best night of his life." He paused for a moment, shrugging slightly. "He thinks the sun shines out of your ass."

A soft snort of laughter slipped out of you at his comment, and you shook your head in disbelief. As much as you had believed Eddie when he'd told you that his uncle liked your music, you hadn't really expected him to love it this much. 

"So, how about we go and grab that drink?" He pressed on, offering you a sweet smile until he saw your own smile falter slightly. "Shit, sorry, you must be exhausted after all that," he corrected himself. "You put on a Hell of a performance-"

"I'd love to get a drink with you, Ed," you interrupted. "Just maybe not right now, okay? The idea of going to some busy bar full of people that might know who we are when I'm already exhauster-"

"I get it," he told you, cutting you off before you could finish, his smile firm on his face. "I wouldn't want to go out after a show either," he pressed on. 

You swallowed down the nervous lump forming in your throat. "But we could still hang out," you murmured, looking a little embarrassed to even be asking. 

Shit, Eddie couldn't believe how cute you looked right now, still a little unkept from being on stage and glancing up at him through your lashes as if you thought there was a chance he would ever tell you no. 

"Yeah," he hummed. "What do you want to do, Sweetheart?" he hummed, making your stomach flip with the ease with which he used the nickname. 

You hesitated for a moment. "Honestly?" you murmured.

"I love honesty."

"I would love to curl up on the couch with a shitty take-out pizza, an ice-cold beer, and the most horrendously cheesy horror movie I can get my hands on," you uttered, watching as his smile somehow grew at your confession. 

"I think I can make that happen within the next half hour," he told you, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "I'm in if you are."

You smiled as you finally opened the door of your dressing room. "Give me 10 minutes to get my shit together and I'm definitely in." 

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