Billy Hargrove X Reader - Read My Mind

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song Read My Mind by The Killers. I hope you all enjoy it.

When Billy first met you, he made it his mission to prove that he was worthy of even a moment of your time. Of course, you'd heard the rumours time and time again. By all accounts, he was a total asshole. But when he'd met you, he had realised that maybe there was more to life than what he had first thought. 

After all, you were one of the most popular people at Hawkins High, and he was pretty confident that you didn't have a mean bone in your body. He'd never even heard you make a snarky comment and when your friends started their gossiping, you would brush it off with a simple "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Christ, it was infuriating and endearing all at once. 

So, he'd made an effort to be better. He stopped picking fights, even though he often wanted to lose his mind with how frustrated he got. He attempted, unsuccessfully, to quit smoking. He even tried to make friends with some of the less popular kids, though they were less than enthusiastic about him hanging around their lunch tables. 

And finally, about a month into his endeavours, you'd given him a tiny slither of your attention, a sweet smile across the lunch hall whilst you were deep in conversation with your friends, and he had been on cloud nine. The fire that it had ignited had lingered deep in his chest for almost a week and he'd practically been floating through the halls. And just as the high started to fade, you'd shown up at his locker with that innocent little smile of yours, looking like something straight out of heaven. 

"Hi," you hummed, clutching your books to your chest as though they were a shield. 

"Hey," he murmured, leaning himself up against the locker and watching as your eyes darted over his slightly exposed chest before returning to his face. "How can I help you, Sweetheart?" 

You blinked, a little startled by the question, and then cleared your throat. "It's my birthday this weekend," you confessed. "And the girls have talked me into having a little get-together, just a few people-"

"Are you inviting me to your birthday party?"

You hesitated for a moment. "It's not a party," you corrected. "But I am inviting you."

He nodded slightly, his tongue darting out to run over his bottom lip and practically hypnotizing you. There was no denying that Billy was hot, but he'd made quite the first impression when he'd come to the school. And now, you were starting to wonder whether you'd jumped to some rather unflattering conclusions about him. Hell, everyone was worth a second chance, right?

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Your grin came back full force as you pulled an invite out from between your books, handing it over to him. "The address is on the bottom," you told him gesturing to the bottom of the page. "Don't be late," you added, skipping off looking so damn proud of yourself that Billy felt his heart swell. You really were the cutest damn thing he had ever seen.

*Time Skip*

The party was a disaster. From the moment the girls had shown up to get ready with a bottle of tequila and full-on party dresses, you'd had the most sickening feeling building up in your stomach. And then, the guests started arriving. What was supposed to be no more than 15 people was quickly nearing 100, and you were starting to get a little freaked out. 

You'd spent the last half hour running around the house, locking doors to rooms that were supposed to be out of bounds and hiding away anything breakable or valuable from the partygoers. You'd just been locking up your parent's bedroom when Billy had found you, your signature smile missing as you let out a disgruntled sigh. 

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