Eddie Munson X Reader - Mardy Bum

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Mardy Bum by the Arctic Monkeys. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Baby, I'm home," Eddie called out as he came into the trailer, dropping his keys onto the coffee table as he went. Usually, you'd already be waiting for him when he got back from work, desperate for a cuddle that you'd been longing for from the moment you'd had to separate that morning. But today, you were nowhere in sight. "Y/N?" he pressed on, slowly making his way further inside, listening out for any hint of you hiding away from him. 

When he'd reached the bedroom, he found you, busying yourself by his cupboards, probably reorganising the mess that seemed to accumulate in a matter of days, no matter how hard you both tried to keep it tidy. 

"Hey, Sweetheart," he hummed, moving up behind you, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "How was your day?"

You shrugged, continuing with folding the shirt in your hands. 

"Am I in trouble?" he murmured, his hands on your hips keeping you firmly in place in front of him. "Are you mad at me?"

You continued to ignore him, finally pulling yourself away from his touch and gathering up the last couple of items of clothing from the floor. He followed behind you, watching carefully as you ditched the clothes into the washbin in the corner and made your way back to the living room. 

As you slumped down on the couch, you caught a glance of him, the first one you'd had since he'd gotten home, and you could swear you'd never seen him look so confused before. He had his arms crossed over his chest, brow furrowed as he watched you, replaying his entire day to figure out what he possibly could have done, or forgotten, to get you so pissed off. 

"It's not our anniversary," he told you, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "And your birthday isn't for another month." He paused for a moment. "And I know for certain that I took out the trash and washed up this morning."

You rolled your eyes slightly, pulling your legs up onto the couch and settling a little more comfortably into the cushions. 

"Whatever it is, I'm sorry, Baby, please don't be mad at me. I love you-"

"Good for you," you muttered, clicking the TV on with the remote, only for him to close the distance and switch it off at the socket. "Hey-"

"I said I'm sorry," he interrupted.

You crossed your arms over your chest, clearly sulking over something, even if Eddie was still completely in the dark. 

"Baby," he repeated softly, moving to kneel in front of you, frowning up at you. "I'm sorry."

"Well, sorry doesn't bring back my 3 Musketeers, does it?" 

A soft bubble of laughter slipped out of Eddie at your comment, a smile pulling at his lips. "You're mad because I ate your candy bar?"

"I'm mad because I told you I wanted it and you took it to work with you anyway," you corrected. "I was saving it for after work and I came home and it was gone."

"It was a candy bar-"

"It was my candy bar and you ate it."

"This is ridiculous," he murmured. 

"It was mine," you bit out.

He let out a small sigh, pushing up to his feet and scooping his keys off of the coffee table. You were a little shocked when he swung the door open, heading out to the van and leaving you a little lost on the couch. Sure, you were pissed off, but you hadn't expected him to go storming off over it. 

You stayed sitting there for a couple of minutes, assuming he would walk off the frustration and come back with a clear head. But, ten minutes passed and he was still gone. And then twenty. And it wasn't until thirty minutes had gone that you heard the van pull up outside.

You were on your feet in an instant, tugging the door open just as he reached it. 

"Woah," he murmured, steadying you slightly as you stumbled out towards him. "Careful, Baby," he added softly, hand resting on your hip. 

"Where were you?"

He held up a heavy grocery store bag in response. "Had to make it up to you," he hummed, ushering you back inside and over to the couch. He placed the bag in your lap, grinning when you opened it.

"Jesus Christ-"

"I bought every single one they had in the store," he told you. "Even had the guy go out back and see if they had more stock."

Your eyes lifted from the bag to look at him. "Eddie, there's got to be $30 worth of candy here. We can't afford that-"

He waved his hand slightly, silencing you. "This guy gave me a really good tip today; it covered the whole thing," he murmured. "And I can't stand you being mad at me. Needed to do something to make it better."

"You're an idiot," you murmured, shoving the bag aside and pulling him closer to kiss him. 

He hummed out an agreement. "Do you forgive me?" he uttered, nose still nudging against yours. 

"I forgive you," you agreed softly, pressing another chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back. 

He was grinning, slumping down on the couch beside you and pulling you on top of him. "Good," he hummed. "Because I missed you today and I don't intend on letting you go for the rest of the night." 

"I need to make dinner," you told him softly, smiling down at him as he let out a faux-frustrated groan. 

"Well, you'll have to do it with me hanging off of you."

You chuckled slightly, tugging him up to his feet with you and leading him over to the kitchen. He was quick to wrap his arms around you, his chin resting on your shoulder and his hair tickling your cheek. 

"See," you hummed out. "This isn't so bad, is it?"

He turned his head slightly, kissing your cheek. "I love you, Baby."

You turned your head to meet his, letting him give you a quick kiss. "I love you too."

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