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For the majority of my life, I've always thought that I was a vampire, a monster who craves the taste of human blood. My cravings, however, are more intensified than the average vampire's. Like my youngest brother, Stefan, I am a Ripper. Though despite this flaw my brother and I share, we find our own ways to control it.

He feeds on animal blood, the defenseless little bunnies and the occasional squirrels he finds in the woods. He tried to get me into feeding on them, however, his attempts were futile. I tend to find myself drinking alcohol, just enough to control the hunger. I'll admit that I find it pleasurable to taste an intoxicating liquid down my throat, but I don't drink it as much as Damon.

When it comes to my other brother, he doesn't hesitate to have a taste of human blood. Damon chooses his victims and jokes about his kills as if it didn't bother him. He behaves like he has no humanity, but I begin to have doubts as he focuses his attention on Elena Gilbert. Though there's no doubt that he cares for me and Stefan. He's always there for me, especially during my episodes.

The occurrences of my episodes worry my brothers deeply as my mood drastically changes in a matter of seconds. In one moment, I'm the kind butterfly. In the next, I'm the vicious serpent. I try to control it as much as I can, though it tends to have the urge to release the monstrosity inside of me. While my brothers manage to calm me down in public, they allow me to vent my anger in our home.

It is said that these episodes are a genetic trait from my paternal ancestors. Generations upon generations of creatures have experienced immense joy and excitement, as well as agonizing sadness and depression, all within the same time period. These creatures were known to be witches.

Despite not remembering much of my childhood, I manage to remember that I was once a witch, a siphoner, to be precise, a creature that was required to absorb magic before casting any spell. I never had a chance to perform spells as a child as my father had me drink an elixir that suppressed my abilities. If not once, he had me drink it twice daily whenever my episodes were a complication. I had continued this process until the traumatizing day that I became a vampire. Since then, I believed that my days as a witch were over. Apparently, I was wrong.

Sheila Bennett had confirmed that I was still a siphoner while having the abilities of a vampire, something that was deemed impossible. She provided me a book full of spells and rituals, along with significant information regarding my ancestors. I was already eager in learning about my history. I became engrossed in each page that I've read, just like how I would with a history textbook. One page, in particular, had piqued my interest as it talked about the pendant currently hanging around my neck.

I remembered my father giving it to me at a very young age and how he told me to never take it off. I didn't understand why I had to wear it, but I trusted his word. When I had read this page, I learned the truth. This pendant keeps me from enduring a permanent death. If I were to "die", I would be sent to what seems like another dimension, where I encounter a group of older witches. They have the power to tear my soul into pieces, but as long as I wear the pendant, they cannot harm me, and I would return to the land of the living.

All of this had been my secret, and now my friends know about it. They know about my pendant. They know about my episodes. They know how I became a vampire. They also know that I'm more than just an ordinary vampire. They know EVERYTHING.

I had begged them not to tell anyone, or else there would've been consequences. They had complied, and because of this, I began to trust them.

I felt as though I only needed them and my brothers in my life. I didn't think I needed to truly open up to anyone else, especially not in a romantic sense. That seemed to change, however, when I met HIM.

- Katrina S.

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