The Cheerleader and The Freak (Beauty and The Beast):

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Chrissy Cunningham as Belle

Jason Carver as Gaston

Eddie Munson as The Beast/Prince Adam

Scott Clarke (Mr Clarke) as Maurice


Once upon a time in a kingdom called Hawkins, inside a castle away from society, there lived a spoiled, selfish boy named Prince Eddie. One cold rainy night a creepy old woman knocked on the castle doors, seeking shelter from Vecna in exchange for a single blood-red rose.

Disgusted by her appearance, Prince Eddie turned her away and told her she was an "ugly bitch". She warned him not to be deceived by someones appearance, for their true beauty lies far within their heart. When he called her an ugly bitch again and asked her to leave, the creepy woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress underneath. Stunned by what he had just witnessed, Prince Eddie tried to apologise to the powerful woman that stood before him, but it was too late, she had seen there was no love at all in his cold heart....

Filled with burning anger, The Enchantress transformed Prince Eddie into a hideous, horned beast and placed a powerful spell on his castle and everybody else who lived there. Ashamed by his actions, Prince Eddie (now called The Beast) locked himself in his castle, a single magic mirror as his only way to look at the outside world.

The rose she had given him would bloom for many years, but under one condition. If Prince Eddie could learn to love others and earn another's love in return by the time the last petal fell, the curse would be broken. If not, he would remain a hideous Beast forever....


Somewhere else in Hawkins, there was a pretty girl called Chrissy Cunningham, who lived in a small suburb of town with her father, Scott, who was an inventor and create many confusing things she didn't understand. Chrissy loved cheerleading, because the routines she had to learn took her on adventures in her curious mind that she couldn't get to experience in her small town.

One day, Scott had to go out of town to attend a science fair to showcase a few of his inventions. So an hour before sunset, he hitched the wagon to the family horse Phillipé and took his inventions through the woods to the fair. But along the way, he got lost. It was very dark outside and when Phillipé got spooked after stepping on a brittle tree branch, causing him to gallop back down towards home, Scott was left all alone.

Then, out of nowhere, grey and blood-thirsty wolves started attacking him! Running up the nearest hill for his life, Scott had no other choice but to seek shelter in the dark and gloomy castle that was on the hill....


Inside the damp environment of the castle, Scott was truly amazed to find that the castle servants were all enchanted objects. The clock, candelabra and teapot could all talk and understand him! Although Scott was very confused by all this, the talking objects ushered him to  the fireplace to warm up, but just then the master of the castle, a huge, hairy and terrifying horned beast, came plodding in, smoke puffing out of his gaping nostrils.

"I-I didn't mean any harm..." Scott stammered, slowly backing up into the corner of the room. "I just needed a place to stay...."

The Beast snarled "I'll give you a place to stay, you weak fuck." and grabbing him with a gripping force by the collar, The Beast locked poor Scott in the dungeons, tight and secure....

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