Chapter 1

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TRIGGER WARNING: RELATIONSHIP ABUSE IS FEATURED IN THIS STORY. The abuse is perpetrated by an OC directed at another OC and happens "off screen" but could be traumatic for victims (if you are a victim and in need of help please call 800.799.SAFE).

Setting: A Wall Rose estate several months after the fall of Shiganshina.

Some sort of political bullshit evening was not what any of them were in the mood for.

Yes, the room was opulent-but it was hot. The early summer evening was not serving the bejeweled and sumptuously clothed crowd well-despite the doors thrown open to the sprawling estate with the hope of cooler temperatures as evening slowly approached.

Erwin and his contingent, recently arrived, were now knotted up near the entrance to the parlor, susurrant groups of stuffy aristocrats blocking the way to the relief of the terraces. Fortunately, waiters came round with trays of champagne, so they needn't employ soldierly tactics to reach the refreshments. They all agreed that it was the only thing that was making the current situation bearable. They were only there as novelties--"brave scouts" that ventured outside of the walls, humanity's strongest. Even as commander for only a few months, Erwin understood they had to occasionally trot themselves out like show ponies for the nobles and rich patrons to "ooo" and "ahhh" over. Especially after the fall of Shiganshina and the titan menace now more real than anyone had ever imagined.

He had to admit that they cleaned up fairly well. The four of them looked sharp and impressive in their dress uniforms. Levi had even prevailed upon Hange to wash her hair. They were an oasis of crispness among the wilting finery.

With the chatter in the room rising as more people arrived, the four of them found their conversation dwindling.

"Who is that?" Levi suddenly asked after there had been a notable lag where all four had been mindlessly surveying the clammy room, each one of them wondering how long they had to stay.

They all turned toward where Levi's eyes were fixed.

Off in a corner about 20 feet away was a young woman, obviously set apart. She stood looking over the room with her hands clenched in front of her, a slightly anxious veneer to her eyes, which she was trying to hide with a placid mask. She was diminutive in stature but not in voluptuousness, at least as far as one could tell under the severe black jacket she wore.

"That's Morgana Sorkin," Hange gasped.

"The singer?" Mike asked.

"Yes! I heard someone say that there was going to be some sort of entertainment tonight but I had no idea it was going to be Morgana Sorkin!" Hange yelped, her voice rising in excitement, drawing a few looks from nearby guests. Thankfully, the woman in question was out of earshot. "Commander, we have to stay to hear her sing! Promise we won't leave before that--I know you hate these things, but we'll never get another chance..."

As Hange babbled on about the singer's renown and how she had once heard her in Wall Cina a few years' back at a reception she had to deliver papers to, Erwin couldn't help but be intrigued as he took in the pretty young woman and how she was set apart from the crowd--almost like she was under guard by the two tall, forbidding individuals that stood just behind her. Her soft brown hair was artfully arranged around glimmering jewels, her slightly almond shaped eyes an indeterminate shade of moss green to brown. She had an oval face with ivory skin and rosy lips. Individually her features were not striking but taken as a whole they conveyed a sweet, gentle beauty all its own.

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