Chapter 17

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No one knew where she was. He and Hange and Levi couldn't get a single word out of any MP, official, appointee—anyone. It was either a total stone-wall or they just didn't know where she was and what was going to happen to her. What was their intent? Was she a hostage? If so, why was no one making demands? Or did they really intend to try her for murder? Why was there no process moving forward then?

At a certain point he knew it was futile. He and Pyxis had been discussing mounting a coup with Historia at the center and now he realized that the only way to find and free Morgana was to proceed with this plan to topple the government. He had disbanded the scouts and sent Levi with his squad including Eren into hiding. Now came the tricky part. Getting arrested himself and taken before the king.

It was a gamble—one he wasn't sure was going to pay off as he endured an "interrogation" by the MPs. But he had to stay strong. It wasn't just humanity he was fighting for anymore as Hange pointed out—it was his family.

His family. There was a time he never thought he'd ever be able to say those words. As he sat, his one arm chained to a wall, he had time to reflect. Could this be the end? Now that he realized how much he valued them, how much he wanted to change for them? Would he, his wife, and his unborn child die at the hands of this corrupt and cruel government? No—his plan had to work. It had to. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. He was so tired, so very tired.

Just then he heard his prison cell door swing open with a harsh squeak. He kept his eyes closed. He wasn't in the mood to banter with the MPs that were going to rough him up some more. He was bruised and battered. But he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of acknowledging them.

Suddenly he heard a rustling of skirts and then felt soft hands turning his head. He looked up and was speechless. It was her. Was she really there? Or was he hallucinating the perfect wife again?

"Oh, my darling," she whispered, crouching down and looking into his eyes as she cupped his face. Then she laid a hand on his shoulder. She didn't know where to look first—his bruised and battered face or the space where his arm used to be. "Oh, my darling, my darling," she repeated, the anguish at his current state clear.

"Morgana," he gasped. "Oh, thank god..." He dropped his head against her breast as she pulled him to her. "You are real, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm real..." she pulled back and looked him over again, pressing her hands against her mouth. "Oh, god, Erwin, what has happened to you? What's going to happen to you," she whispered.

She wrapped her arms around him but he could do nothing to comfort her or return the embrace. He just kissed her hair and made soothing noises.

"Don't worry, my love. They've never beaten me yet—not the titans, not the peerage, and not the government. They may have gotten my arm, but they'll never get me," he chuckled sadly into her lovely hair.

Finally she pulled away and he could see her bite down the tears. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't get so emotional. I know I need to be strong. I guess it's the hormones..."

She never cried, it flashed through his mind. Even now. "How's the baby?" he asked softly but urgently.

"Everything's fine, I think," she said laying a hand on her stomach, giving him a small smile. "From what I know from—before—I think everything's fine." She had been pregnant twice before, so was familiar with what was normal. In fact, he remembered that she was pregnant when he first met her and she had been radiant—much like she looked right now.

"I'm so relieved to see you looking so fact, you look beautiful," he said quizzically. He glanced over her to see she was wearing a pink silk dress and her hair was done in an elegant updo.

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