Chapter 15

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One year later. (Timecheck: five years after Fall of Wall Maria, three years into their marriage)

Today was the start of an extended expedition. As the gates rose in Trost, his thoughts were focused on how far they could push, where they could find new locations for possible outposts as they continued to beat a path to Wall Maria, and the likelihood of abnormals upending their plans.

As usual, he ruminated about the odd narrative he had found among Sorkin's drawings and sketches—it was never far from his mind. After the trip to Morgana's home, he had thoroughly gone through the new documents with Hange, trying to align them with what they had found in Sorkin's journals. The journals referred to bright lights and used the word transformation—but seemed to be intentionally vague. He and Hange had examined the drawings over and over again and couldn't understand what he was trying to convey.

One partially finished drawing portrayed what looked like people lined up on a parapet. The next looked like titans below the parapet. They were started but never finished. Were they being fed to the titans shown below? Had they come from the docks he had described? Was there really a world beyond their own—and were they bringing people here to punish them? And what about the bright light? They knew a bright light had been reported before the Colossal titan had appeared but Erwin couldn't figure out what people on a parapet had to do with it. Had the Colossal all those years ago been spotted by Sorkin at some point? But why wouldn't he draw or mention something so monumental?

While all of it still felt like a dreamlike code they had yet to break, the new information buoyed him. He was sure he was close to something huge—maybe if he could reclaim Wall Maria he could finish what Sorkin had started.

Erwin put those thoughts away as he concentrated on the task at hand. But as the day wore on, he started to sense something off. There was something different going on than the typical threats they had grown accustomed to. It first caught his attention as three 13-meters in the distance didn't seem to take notice of the scouts, not even glancing their way. It somehow stirred a memory. He continued to push on into the abandoned town that they hoped could eventually house an outpost.

Once there, he noticed a definite lack of titans, with only a few engaging Levi and his squad. He sat on his horse for a minute assessing the situation. At first he thought it could be an impending storm—he had thought he'd heard thunder earlier and maybe even saw a flash of lightening. But the sky was clear and blue as far as the eye could see.

"They're on the move," Mike said landing next to Erwin. He knew exactly what the olfactory-focused soldier was referring to. The two had taken up a position on one of the town's tallest structures. From there he could see titans on the horizon that were lumbering across the expanse—but again not towards them. Erwin's senses were now on high alert. What were the titans moving towards?

His mind suddenly snapped to the answer. Lightning. A flash of light. "Let's move," he yelled to Mike, as he swung down to his horse and spurred it toward Levi's squad. The commander's heart was in his throat as he now understood clearly what was happening.

"What is it?" asked Mike as he caught up to Erwin.

"They're moving toward a breach," Erwin yelled. "It's just like five years' ago—in Shiganshina. For all we know Wall Rose may have fallen." He tried to keep his nerves on a tight rein despite knowing what that meant.

"Shit—do you think they're in Trost?" shouted Mike, blurting out what Erwin didn't want to put words to. "Oh, god, Morgana..."

"I'm sure she's fine..." Erwin called back, his hands forming tight fists as they held onto the reins, urging his mount forward. "But we need to get back, now."

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