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It had been a long time since they could all sit down and relax and share a meal. They had reclaimed Wall Maria and were on their way now to taking back their place in the world. To recognize their hard work, Erwin had invited Levi's squad members for a special dinner in the mess hall.

It was a festive affair, with drinks and food abounding. Morgana had prepared dishes for the cadets who were eagerly shoveling it in as they sat at one of the long tables laughing with Hange. Erwin and Levi and other officers sat at the table next to the boisterous group of friends.

It was quite a treat for both Morgana and the cadets, who had rarely interacted. As he saw her smile and light up at the eagerness with which the young people greeted her, Erwin felt a slight twinge. He had always kept Morgana quite separate and he wondered if he allowed more interaction they both would have been more open with one another.

As Morgana set down a basket of biscuits she had made to accompany the stew, the curiosity and excitement got the better of the cadets and a lively conversation ensued that Erwin listened to without partaking, secretly amused and gratified at how the young people gravitated to his sweet wife.

"This is delicious, Mrs. Smith," said Sasha with her mouth full. "You're a really good cook!"

"Oh, please, call me Morgana," she said, giving Erwin a quick look wondering if he would approve of such casualness between subordinates and their commander's wife. She quickly babbled to cover it. "I never really cooked until I got married, so I'm still not all that proficient—but I think I'm getting better."

"You didn't cook?" asked Connie, bluntly. "Who cooked for you? Your mom?"

"Well, no—I, um," she didn't realize that she had inadvertently cornered herself and didn't want to get into the fact that for years she had lived in a luxurious town house with servants.

"She was too busy performing!" chimed in Hange excitedly. "Didn't you know Morgana here is the most famous singer in the history of the walls?"

"Singing?" asked Eren. "I thought you were a piano teacher?"

"Oh, no," gushed Hange. "Morgana Sorkin—the loveliest voice you'd ever want to hear. People paid oodles to hear her sing, sold out the Great Hall every time—even sang for the king. Her voice is straight from heaven."

Morgana colored under Hange's hyperbole.

"Morgana Sorkin? My parents spoke about you—they loved music—and your dad—he was the mapmaker, right?" Asked Armin.

Before Morgana could answer, Hange broke in again. "Did they ever hear her sing? It's like nothing you've ever heard before. Do you remember the night at that Wall Rose estate, Morgana, when you sang 'Today'—you know, the folk song?

"I remember," said Morgana with a slight smile, still embarrassed by Hange's gushing.

"It was unbelievable. Not a dry eye in the house... soldiers, heck, generals, crying..."

"Even the commander?" asked Eren, cheekily, not turning around to see if the stern man's eyes were on him.

Hange laughed looking over at Erwin. "Even the commander."

"Wait—really?" asked Morgana, looking over at Erwin, who just smiled at her.

"Like a baby!" cried Hange. "We all did—I had to give Zackly my handkerchief!" They all laughed at the thought of their serious higher-ups crying at a folk song.

"It was like she cast a spell over the audience—what a night," sighed Hange. "Hey! That was the night you first met Erwin, right, Morgana?"

"Yes, it was," she said throwing a shy little glance over at her husband, whose eyes suddenly became soft at the memory.

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