chapter 9

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Frank opened his eyes only to close them back up again due to the annoyingly bright, yet at the same time dull, light. He slowly drew open his eyes again and looked around where he was.

 'How did I get here...?' Frank asked himself as he finally realized where he was.

 The bad lighting; the uncomfortable bed; the smell of hand sanitizer that lurked in the rooms; the low murmur of voices and noises he heard coming from outside the hall; he was in the hospital.

 Frank scanned the room in hopes to see the only people he wanted to lay eyes on at the moment. Gerard and Mikey.

 As his eyes danced around the room, he noticed he was hooked up to several machines and drips.

 A small knock on the door took to Frank's attention. The person entered to the room and practically flew to his bedside.

 "Oh my god. You're awake!" Tears of joy fell down their face. 

 "Gee?" Frank asked; he sounded fragile, pained, weak, and tired.

 Gerard sniveled and whisked away a tear or two. "Yes Frankie?" Tears streaked his face and left his cheeks stained.

 "You have no idea how happy I am to hear your sweet voice." He whispered.

 "I feel the same way Frankie." Gerard leaned forward and kissed his forehead. Just then Mikey came into the room.

 "Frank!" Mikey cried as he flew to Frank's bedside much like his brother had only moments ago.

 "I'm so happy to see you Mikes." Frank said hoarsely through his think icy tears. The Way brothers clutched onto Frank and all three of them cried together. 

 Gerard was just so happy that Frank was ok and that he was alive. He was just so over come with emotions from the whole situation...

 "So... What's the damage?" Frank bit his lip nervously.

 Mikey answered this time, "Well... A broken ankle... Several bruises and cuts that will most likely scar, a concussion, and while you were in there you caught some sort of virus, like a flu kind of virus... And now you're more prone to pneumonia. Ah, and there are signs of... Internal bleeding"

 "Well fuck..." Frank chuckled nervously.

 "You'll be ok Frankie." Mikey lightly played with Frank's hair.

 "We'll be right by your side until you can come home." Gerard assured him and kissed his cheek.

 "I'm gonna go get us some coffee, want any Frankie?" Mikey asked.

 "No thanks Mikes." Frank gave gave him a warm smile.

 Mikey stood up from his kneeled position next to Frank's hospital bed. He looked into Frank's bright hazel orbs, squeezed his hand comfortingly and kissed his forehead lovingly.


 "Gerard?" Frank whispered.

 "Yeah Frankenstein?" Gerard smiled.

 "I-I'm sorry I acted that way... The other night when you told me you.... You had feelings for me I just.... Didn't know how to think or what to say..." Frank trailed off.

 "Hey don't worry about that. It's fine. I should have handled the matter a little more delicately. But it's behind us now, ok?" Gerard held tightly on to Frank's hand.

 "The night I got kidnapped... Well before I was actually taken.. I had finally cleared my mind and thought through everything... And I realized that I am gay... And I do have feelings for you Gerard... I wish I could have told you sooner...."

 Gerard's eyes filled with tears as Frank spoke.

 Frank started coughing a bit violently, and Gerard became rather scared; but after a moment or two and a class of water, Frank stopped.

 "Gee-" Frank began to be continue but only to be stopped again by the same blasted coughing. He didn't look good; he was pale, his face was flushed, and he looked like he would be sick at almost any moment. Gerard thought he looked like a few shades short of death... Harsh visual, yet vividly necessary.

 "Gerard I don't think I'm gonna last much longer." Tears filled Frank's now dull hazel eyes. 

 "Frank?" Panic was injected into Gerard's voice.

 "Gerard..." Frank had another coughing spell, but this time he coughed up a small amount of blood. 

 "Oh my god. Frank?!" Gerard frantically reached for the 'assistance' button and pressed it feverishly. The faster and more often he pressed, the more he hoped someone would come faster.

 Meanwhile Frank violently spat out more crimson fluid.

 "Gerard... I... I have to..." More coughing and more blood came from Frank as Gerard pressed the button anxiously. "To tell you something... I.... I love you Gerard." Frank whispered almost too quietly. 

 "I love you too Frank." Gerard pressed his lips to Frank's as they shared what would be their last kiss. He felt the force behind Frank's lips slowly slip away, the last breath of life slowly left Frank and Gerard felt his final breath on his cheek. 

 Gerard's heart sank and he felt limp. His finger no longer persistently stabbed the button... Gerard felt as though half of him had just left. He clutched onto Frank's hand for what felt like dear life. 

 "No! Frankie?! Frankie answer me! Please Frank!" Gerard uselessly begged.

 A nurse quickly came bustling into the room and examined the many machines connected to Frank.

 "I'm so sorry honey." She cooed to Gerard while she stroked his shoulder consolingly.

 Something hit the floor and Gerard whipped his head around to see Mikey standing in the door way and a Vitamin Water rolling by his feet.

 Gerard met Mikey's gaze. Both their eyes seemed suddenly lifeless. The color in them was dull, the usual glimmer was now covered by built up tears. Absolutely everything around them appeared sad, bleak, and depressing.

 "The Black Parade has taken another marcher..." Gerard murmured as he blankly stared at Frank's corpse that moments ago held the soul to the man he had come to love so deeply. 

 "No." Mikey whispered and fell to his knees right then and there. Only he knew exactly what Gerard was talking about...


 "So long and goodnight Frankie..." Gerard and Mikey whispered as they placed a single kiss on each of Frank's pale, lifeless cheeks.

 "We'll carry on..."

a.n; i hope you all liked it.. comment what ya thought and stuff.. dont kill me cause the way i ended it /).(\

check out my killjoy frerard if you havent already...

xx galaxy venom c:

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