chapter 5

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Frank sat up and tried frantically to untie himself, but again it was no use; he was tied up extremely well. 

 He shifted himself so he could at least peer out the window but they were tinted to the darkest shade possible. The front part of the van was separated from the back by a window which was currently shut. Frank tried his best to be quiet so he could maybe hear just a tiny bit of what they were saying, but over the sound of the engine and the thickness of the window it seemed impossible.


 What felt like an eternity had past before the van came to an ungraceful stop. The back doors were flung open and two pairs of hands grabbed Frank. One of the two blind folded him while the other lifted him to his feet.

 "If you so much as put a toe out of line you'll fucking regret it." A different voice hissed into Frank's ear. He felt something press against his back.

 "Now walk. And don't you dare stop, we'll stop you when it's time." The person commanded.

 Frank took shaky, scared steps but he didn't feel like dying so he kept going.

 The cold floor collided with Frank's face as he was thrown on the floor into what he suspected was a room. The blind fold was taken off and sure enough, Frank was in the middle of a dark room. He looked around frantically hoping he would catch of glimpse of his kidnapper. But the only thing surrounding him was a deep pitch black darkness. There wasn't even a window to light the dark space. 

 "What the fuck do you want with me?!" Frank screamed.

 "Shut up!" Someone hissed, the sound of the door slamming followed their words.

 'Oh my god. I'm probably gonna die in here. Holy fuck.. Dear God... Gerard please help me somehow...' Frank pleaded to himself. A lightbulb went off in Frank's head; his phone was in his pocket. The problem was, how would he get it out since his hands we're bound behind him?

 He inched around the room till he came in contact with a wall. He placed his feet on the wall and laid his back down on the floor. He shook his legs till he heard the sound of his phone falling from his pocket then hitting the floor. Frank felt around for his phone, then finally grasped the familiar plastic case that protected it. He pushed it in front of him.

 'Fuck... How will I... My nose!' He thought. Frank leaned down and pushed the home button on his phone, the screen lit up. A few tears escaped his eyes and streaked down his face when he saw the picture of him and Gerard from last Halloween. Even though it was just a picture, Frank felt comforted, almost like Gerard was with him in a very strange way. It was great seeing a familiar face again.. He proceeded to unlock his phone, then tapped his way carefully to a new text message to Gerard.

 'Gee, help me, please. I was in the park when two guys kidnapped me. Help me some how.. Please' Frank tapped the send button with his nose.

 Tears fell to the screen as Frank began to well up again.

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