One| masquerade

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Y/n picked up a string of pearls off her vanity and compared it to a plain black choker by putting them up to her neck. Sighing she chose the choker and placed it on her neck.

Looking at herself in the mirror distastefuly. Her face was done to perfection makeup done by dino's favorite make-up artist making her s/c glow, Her f/c dress fit her body perfectly just as his seamstress intended.

She slipped on plain black heels that raised her a few inches off the ground. And her hair done in h/s (hair style) She looked way wealthier than she actually was. In reality she didn't have a dime. But as the saying goes you should never judge a book by its cover.

The reason she didn't own a dime...dino fucking Golzine. Imagine paying off a debt, couldn't be her.

Her door opened and she lazily looked towards the Intruder already knowing who it was. An ugly troll better known as Fredrick Arthur dino's precious lap dog.

Dreading what was to come she gave him a sweet smile that was faker than Golzine's moustache... Oh you didn't know it was fake, well you do now! Fourth wall who?

"Hello gorgeous~" he cooed and y/n fought every urge in her body not to roll her eyes. "Hey Frederick, don't you know how to knock" she said. Regretting the words as soon as they escaped her lips.

She laughed nervously "I'm joking" she said while grinning trying to defuse the tension.


He decided not to scold her much to y/n's relief and wrapped a firm arm around her waist. " dino wants to speak with you so come along" he said pulling her out of the room.

She scowled but quickly hid it when he looked towards her. "I'll be busy tonight doll so.I won't be there to entertain you. Don't get too bored without me" he said adding an unnecessary wink at the end.

Thank the fucking lord- shit don't curse when talking about god y/n thats BAD voodoo!!

your fucking dumbass!

you did it again! Don't talk to.god anymore!!!

she thought and then turned to an expectant Arthur.

"Oh..that sucks I was totally looking forward to it" she said trying to hide her giddiness. But before he could react they reached Golzine's office. Frederick knocked and they heard a gruff "come in" before opening the Oakwood door.

Upon entering they saw Dino sitting at his desk stroking a fluffy white cat who layed sprawled across his lap purring pleasantly.

"You wanted to see me papa?" Y/n questioned and he nodded "yes my dove.." He gestured for her to come closer and when she stood next to him continued to talk but y/n was more focused on not rolling her eyes at him.

Why the animal names? Like we get that your a pedo and are the reason little kids can't be by themselves but do you have to be a zoophile too?

She was brought out of her thoughts when her name was called again
"y/n I'm going to need you to be on your best behavior tonight. Make sure everything runs smoothly and you're performance must be perfect. We can not afford any mistakes that will cost me my business deal" he said pausing for emphasis

"the Lee's are very important people y/n. But I know you won't let me down right?" He asked but made it sound like it was more of a threat than a question. Y/n nodded "Of course not papa"

He smiled and the crow feet by his eyes crinkled. "Good because if you do. There will be a severe punishment" he smiled like he didn't just threaten her and she gulped "Oh. I have something for you" reached over on his desk and raised up a masquerade mask for her to see.

It was a f/c mask that matched her dress and it is studded with jewels around the edge that reflected off the office's lights and danced around the room. two pieces of a shade lighter of f/c ribbon hung from the ends of it untied.

He gestured for her to turn around when he brought it up to her face and tied it carefully as not to mess up her hair. Turning back around when she was finished she lightly touched it with her hand. "Thank you papa"'

Dino liked having masquerade parties. Because apparently the other guests cough criminals cough think that by wearing a mask would hide there crimes but the deities will always know of their crimes no matter how Many masks they throw on their faces.

(If you get that reference ily😏)

Y/n fiddled with her fingers and looked at dino " any news from Asl- I mean ash?" She asked hopefully and dino nodded "Ash can't well more like won't be here tonight" he said sounding pissed and she hoped that he didn't punish ash for not coming.

Even though she understood why ash didn't show up she felt her mood dampen. Ash was one of her childhood friends you could say. They both grew up in this horrid mansion but for completely different reasons.

Ash was kidnapped and y/n was sold in the place of a growing debt. Ash was dino's type while y/n was not.

Her and ash couldn't be more opposite but they somehow always got along. She remembered how the both of them would sneak out into the garden and catch bugs before they were scolded and taken to train and study.

While ash was off learning how to be a badasss and a know it all y/n was given the role of entertainment. Meaning while ash got weapons and knowledge she was given the violin and the piano and books.

Sure she learned things but she was no where near Ash's level of intelligence. And she Couldn't fight even if she tried.

"Oh" was all she said as she was taken out of dino's room and into his Ballroom party room whatever you want to call it.

She walked up to a medium sized stage. It wasn't very high off the ground so instead of walking all the way to the other side to climb up the steps she just lifted her leg and awkwardly got onto the stage.


Arthur watched amused and then sent her a cheeky smile "see you later doll" he said has he walked out of the mansion. She shrugged and reached underneath a char that was located on the corner of the stage and grabbed a black case.

Opening it she pulled out her violin and its bow, before placing it on her shoulder and running the bow over the strings making sure it was properly tuned. When she was satisfied with the sound she grabbed a small Mic and attached it to her instrument.

Well now Im bored </3

Sighing she waited for a few guests to start streaming in before playing a simple but soothing melody. It was slow paced but upbeat at the same time.

Her third song was bittersweet and she closed her eyes enjoying the music as the notes carried throughout the room.

Soon dino sent a replacement so she could take a break and she huffed relived. Its hot up there. Not that he would care

As she walked off the stage the Lee's showed up surprisingly having their younger brother in tow. Dino greeted them shaking each of their hands "nice to finally meet in person Hua lee" he said shaking his hand with a firm grip before he turned his heat to Yut lung who had a blank expression on his face.

"and who might this young lady be?" Yut lung suppressed his eye twitch and gave him a charming smile as his brother's chuckled in response to the old mans comment

"This is actually our brother Yut lung lee"

So this is the rewrite of strings of fate. And this is not going to be following the timeline it will have a few things from it though. But probably not in order. If you couldn't already tell Im making y/n's thoughts in italics bc Im the author and I can do what I want😼

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