Three| Poor Oreos

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It's been about three days since the masquerade ball  and y/n was lazing around the mansion bored out of her mind.

It was quite empty dino was in his office being shady as usual. The men who were forced to watch her stood a few feet away their stone cold glares making the hair on her neck stand up even though she should be used to it by now.

Arthur still hasn't come back much to y/n's relief but everything was quiet without his annoyingly loud voice.

Maybe I shoul-

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Marvin's voice coming from outside as he yelled. And that could only mean one thing.

"ASH!" y/n yelled running towards the door as it opened tackling the unsuspecting blond to the ground while "accidentally" pushing someone as she did so.

"YOU BITCH!" Marvin yelled as he stumbled backwards. Ash chuckled as the h/c-nette stuck her tongue out childishly before rolling off him and offering him her hand.

"Sometimes I think you have a death wish. But then I remember your just dumb" ash said in the most loving way possible as a big brother should

Y/n punched him playfully and pulled him into another hug that he welcomed and she smiled "I haven't seen you in foreverr" she whined

Ash rolled his eyes letting her go "its been two weeks" he  responded as he looked her over checking for any differences in her appearance.

"two weeks too long" y/n sulked



Plus... I was worried about you-

Bringing her hand up to his cheek she poked a cut making him hiss

"what happened" she sighed and he shrugged "it's nothing" y/n gave him a scolding look before pulling him towards her room much to Marvin's dismay

"you can't keep doing this y/n, Papa wants him in his office" Marvin said lowly as he followed her.  Needless to say he Hates y/n and if given the chance he would torcher her to death. Lovely.

"well tell papa to wait Ash has life threatening wounds that need tending to" she smerked slamming the door in his face and locking it

She heard him curse and walk away before the foot steps of the men who were supposed to be watching as they stood outside her door.

"have a seat" y/n ordered pointing to her bed before walking off to her bathroom to find the first aid kit. When she came back ash was on her bed looking through the book she was currently reading.

"its really good. You should borrow it" y/n replied and Ash nodded looking at her as she concentrated on cleaning the minor cut on his face.

"how have you been?" Y/n asked after placing a bandaid on the wound and setting the first aid kit aside onto her wooden dresser.

"alright I guess. Y'know as great as its going to be when your a gang leader. Skips great though and shorter told me to tell you that he can't wait until you guys hang out again." He said giving her a genuine smile.

Its been a while since he's been so relaxed. It's ironic really. This mansion has caused him so much pain and suffering and yet being here with her seems to make it all disappear for a while.

"Any progress with Griff?" She asked hesitantly knowing it was a sensitive topic. He shook his head and y/n gave him a reassuring smile.

I don't know what I'm doing but I hope this makes you feel better! <3

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