Seven| Tea

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Y/n sighed flopping on the cream couch with a defeated sigh, it was currently the afternoon and no one was home except Esme who was busy cleaning up the house.

Y/n had asked to help but ended up making a bigger mess causing the older women to kindly ask her to stop assisting her. Even yut lung was out and about doing whatever it is quiet guys with needles stashed in their hair do. 

Y/n walked through the mansion trailing a hand along the wall as she opened random doors peeking into the rooms. It wasn't as exciting as she thought it was going to be. Many were unused bedrooms along with a few offices that were empty. 

Coming closer to yut lungs room she sighed "his room is so boring I was expecting something more...flashy?" She muttered peeking into the room even though she's seen it a million times

Continuing down the hall she opened a few more doors before coming to a locked one. Jiggling the handle again she knocked "hello~ anyone else kidnapped in there?" 


Y/n continued down the hall before coming to a room filled with books picking one up from the table she looked at it reading the title "how to make poison to escape from dangerous situations" y/n scoffed tossing the book aside "nerds"

Who would even need that??

Continuing to aimlessly waltz around the room she glanced over the spines of the books that were neatly  placed into the oak bookcase. Y/n frowned "doesn't he have any picture books?" Her eyes landed on a book with no title and she reached for it curiously 

"What do you think you're doing?" Yut lung said from behind her his arms crossed over his chest his normal scowl adorning his feminine face. Y/n jumped up with a yell "AHH WHAT THE FUCK" seeing who it was she sent him a glare

"I could have had a heart attack!" She whined placing a hand over her chest, yut lung scoffed "you get scared too easily" y/n stood up coming towards him "yOu GeT scARed tOo EASaly" she mocked

Yut lung watched her with a bored expression "are you done acting like a toddler now?" Y/n shook her head "you can never be done acting like a child if you do I'll end up like you" he sent her an appalled look before rolling his eyes 

"Whatever, i want to listen to music" he said staking out of the room Wu behind him stiffing his laugh Y/n followed dragging her feet the whole way she didn't want to admit it but if he didn't show up she would have been lost

I would have had to eat books to survive! 

Y/n shuffled into yut lungs room with a scowl picking up her violin case she grabbed the bow then the violin itself before positioning it on her shoulder and sliding the bow over the strings. 

"Where is the rosin?" Y/n asked lifting her head looking at yut lung. He had magically got his hands on a steaming cup of tea that he was sipping at "I don't have anymore" he said with a sigh giving Wu a pointed look

"Tell esme to order some" he said with a wave of his hand. Wu nodded walking off to find the old maid and yut lung regarded y/n with a once over look "sit" y/n looked around the room 

is there a ghost???

Yut lung scoffed "why are you looking around like an idiot? Come sit before I change my mind" y/n set the violin back and the bow closing the case feeling giddy nervousness fill her 

He's finally talking to me~ 

If he becomes nice it'll make this whole kidnapping situation more fun 

Y/n skipped over to the couch and sat down next to him with a smile. He gave her a disgusted look and scooted away from her setting his cup in a dignified way. 

Pouring her a cup he turned to her "one lump for two?" Y/n wrinkled her nose "I'd like five please don't you find it weird that one or two is usually the only option?" She asked watching as yut lung sighed 

What a weirdo he thought putting in the sugar before stirring it with a small spoon and handing it over to her with a saucer she grabbed it and took a sip recoiling from the heat 

"OW ITS HOT" yut lung tightened his jaw looking over at her with a sickly sweet smile "No shit Sherlock" Y/n looked away a light blush coating her s/t cheeks as she lightly blew on her tea

That was embarrassing 

I want to disappear- 

his judging stare is boring holes into my skin like lasers 

Y/n internally cried taking a sip from the tea, yut lung watched her fighting the small smile that threatened to show. How can someone be so stupid he wondered.

 He ran a hand through his hair absently before turning his attention back to the crazy women he had sitting next to him

Only she wasn't next to him, she was behind him admiring his hair with an awed look "your hair is much prettier up close" she said reaching out to touch but he quickly slapped her hand away "what do you think your doing?" 

Y/n smiled innocently "nothing at all" she quickly sat back down and he deadpanned "out" y/n looked up "what-" "out" he said with a sigh and y/n huffed standing up "you will become my friend yut lung lee!" She declared

He scoffed "not going to happen" y/n walked out the room bumping into Wu on the way "sorry" he said politely and y/n reached out and grabbed his arm "what does yut lung like?"

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