Drunk Love. /(Fluff).Eddie!

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prompt: you got drunk at a party with your friends and one of them called eddie could to pick you up. + him taking care of you. + little discussion of how you love him but don't know how to put it in plausible words. + you're both being sweethearts.

He felt his palms sweaty and his breathing a little ragged. He was there due to a call from your best friend; according to her you were properly drunk, he doubted it a bit, but still hasn't completely discarded the idea.

He took his back of the van door at the sight of you, watching you jump in excitement at the sight of him there. You had a radiant glow on your face and messy hair that made him feel the same butterflies in his stomach as the first time he saw you. As soon as you took a step forward, the words spoken by your friend who supported you by her side made sense, you couldn't even stand still.

"Wow, it's okay. I've got ya!" He grabbed your waist before you both could fall. Without hesitation, you grabbed your arms around his neck and hugged his body, as if your friend wasn't even there anymore.

"Aren't you my hero? Aren't you, pretty boy?" You asked amidst some disconnected words. Your friend laughed, making him blush as you pulled his cheeks together and scrunched his hair to kiss his nose. Mentally deciding that he liked you drunk, he thanked your friend for calling. Given your conditions and schedule, he'd refuse to even imagine you returning home alone. "You're ignorin' me?"

He cupped your face in his hands, needing to stop himself from laughing at how cute your arched brows and watery eyes looked. "No, pup, never." He assured, kissing your forehead as he pulled you to him. "I am your hero, I'm glad to hear that." Shaking his head so his curls tickled you until he could hear your giggles, he guided you into the van.

"So why don't I have a kiss yet?" He belted you, still afraid that you might fall down the stairs somehow. You had a pout, your voice was so serious, and the way you were crossing your arms showed that it was really getting to you. Drunk you was emotional and clingy, he was enjoying it.

"Sure," he cupped your cold cheeks, kissing your nose and then your mouth. Your hands tangled in his hair and then he pulled back a bit before it could make you want to go a little further. "All the kisses you want." He chuckled, playing with the pick hanging around your neck. The chain was his, but it had become yours a few days ago. He was happy about it, still reliving every morning in his head the way you almost refused to keep the object because you knew it was something important to him; and for that very reason he had given it to you.

"Just one more and I forgive you,"

"You promise me?" He laughed to himself as he realized he couldn't resist you even knowing you were being silly for being on the alcohol.

"Yep," you laughed as his curls touched your skin, his lips wet your cheek and forehead and nose and neck and shoulders until you had to ask him to stop before you suffocated on tickling.

"You're welcome, pup," he said as you caught your breath. Still on the stairs, without leaving your side, he pulled out a jacket he'd laid out for you in the backseat and the bottles of water he'd make you drink to avoid so much suffering the next morning. He wrapped the leather over your arms, cradling you like a burrito, and bit your nose lightly as you cuddled up. "Comfortable?"

You nodded, "Did you know I would be cold?" Your words were messy and you had a slight, genuine smile on your face. Your eyes almost couldn't stay open, in a way he thought it was all cute.

"It's late at night, Hawkins is a cold place." It wasn't at all, he was just with you long enough to know. Still, he chuckled at you and winked before leaving to go to his seat.

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