Beaches and smashes. / Joseph Quinn X fem!Reader. (SMUT)

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prompt: just having quiet sex on the beach, enjoying his vacation and free time. :)


-> yeah, I'll be feeding here with Joseph stuffs as well!


"I love you," you relaxed your body, closing your eyes with your lips slightly parted as you sank your fingers into his curls.

Arching your back, a quiet sigh left your throat. He bit the tip of his tongue, grinning through his lazy eyes. "It feels that good?" He gave your nipple one more kiss before cupping your breasts and shacking them a bit. He looked even more attractive when he had all of his attention on you.

The moonlight was making the beach prettier and the little shine that lit him up made you want to be stuck in that moment forever. Two days on a mini vacation was enough to get him sun-kissed and for you to finally get satiated after missing him for so long. "Yep," you meowed, rocking yourself into him. His hands helped you, gluing you to his body and soon his lips were on yours.

He opened his mouth on a groan as you pulled his hair. His hands went back to your breasts, squeezing them until your nipples were trapped in his fingertips again. You were aching and cursing yourself for not having decided to sleep naked beside him on that damn beach instead of just topless.

"I love you too, pet," he muttered, watching you squeezing your thighs around him with hardly any breath left in your lungs. So fucking hot under his gaze. Keeping his eyes on you, he guided his mouth down to your aroused nipple and took it in his tongue, sucking all the flesh to himself.

"Joey," you etched your nails into his bare shoulder, scratching the spot so that he growled into your skin. With your other hand, you tangled the hair at the back of his neck, bringing him closer to you, encouraging him to use you however he wanted. "Joseph, please," he freed your breast in a popping noise that along with the roar of the sea was quiet comforting and sexy.

He enjoyed your nub with a few more licks, making your pussy throb. You lifted his face, kissing his nose as he closed his eyes in a stupid grin. "You're so hot." He squeezed your waist, lifting you a little and putting you properly on his lap. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you bit your bottom lip hiding a smile just to fill his face with more kisses. "How's my pussy?" He asked. This time you didn't hold back, and laughed along with him. His eyes were crinkled at the corners, the sunlight was about to start coming out. He looked stunning. As beautiful as the landscape you had.

"She's pretty wet and in need of you, sir,"

"I know I can feel you through your fabric, pup," he squeezed your hips hard, lifting you up so he could get rid of his underwear. His lips found your neck as your arms hugged him tight. Kissing his shoulder you felt the salty taste of his body, which excited you to think he felt the same in you. "Did you get that aroused just by me playing with your breasts? With just so little babe?" He brushed the tip against your entrance, collecting your juices and spreading it down his length as he held your bikini to the side.

"Uh-huh," you sighed, burrowing your face into his neck. You were nothing but aching for him, you could easily feel how slippery you were. "You're mouth too good." You concluded tricky, almost voiceless.

"I'm too good?"

"I said your mouth is too good," you rested your hands on his shoulders, staring deep in his soul with your lips between your teeth. You dove into him, eliciting a husky moan from his swollen lips as your eyes closed on a sigh.

"Fuck, babe," he whispered, swallowing hard.

"I know," you moved your hips up, sliding to his tip at a painful pace, and then slowly back until you had him all inside you. "I'm too good, right?"

He breathed heavily, marking his fingers in your waist. With a silly smile, he supported one of his hands behind him, out of the towel and reaching the sand, following your body with his eyes; from your face to your stomach that was so full of him. "Yes, you are. You're fuckin' hot and good, pup." He held your hands, putting them on his chest to give you support. You adjusted into him, rocking hard on top of him, making up for all the lost time. His hand dropped to your thigh, spanking it with a rigid snap, making you need to take a deep breath to keep yourself from being noisy. His face was serious, watching all of your moves, every inch of his attention making you feel even sexier. His full lips were pink and properly parted, not holding back, within seconds they were in your skin once again, marking every visible part of your collarbone. "No need to hold back, pet. There's no one here, let me hear your sweet moans." His hand went to your neck, rubbing his thumb through your veins, making you dizzy as you lost your strength.

"Joey," you begged in vain. It was obvious you couldn't be audible at all.

He held your body in place, guiding your movements with his so he could fuck you from underneath. Your curves were fitted into every inch of his frame. Your whole body and mind felt like jelly. "You're such a good girl, you're doing so great for me, takin' me so fuckin' well." He whispered in your ear, kissing your temple as he tugged on your hair to get a better look at you. You were a mess, damp hair, swollen lips and drool pooling at the corners of your lips. "You're so hot, pet." He concluded breathlessly, holding your figure to himself. Your eyes rolled back, head back as your legs closed around him with you claiming his name. As noisy and dramatic as he expected you to be. Still embracing you tight, he kept working on you through your orgasm, hearing your soft sighs on his neck.

"You're always so good to me, babe," you buried your face into his skin, kissing all his salty spots. "You always treat me so good, exhaust me so well, make me feel so fuckin' full." Your voice cracked as you kissed every part of his face, so softly yet so hot for him. You still felt wet, running down him as his grip got even tighter and a guttural moan came out of his throat. He filled you up, warm and nice. "That's my big boy!" You hugged him, stroking his curls.

You kept close to him, not that he would let you out, being showered with lazy kisses. He rested his forehead on yours, looking you right in the eye while rubbing his nose on your one, letting the silence comfort and restore both of your energy.

"It is dawning." He said, making your cheeks heat up because only then you noticed. "You wanna go for a swim?"

You nodded, still tired, refusing to make any sound.

"Are you sure?" He smiled sweetly at you. "Do you want me to carry you there?"

"Yep, babe," you replied with a lazy grin, squeezing your legs and arms around him like a koala.

You got up with his help, putting yourself in front of him as you waited for him to put on his underwear, feeling him dripping down your thighs. The feeling was quiet nice, fresh wind, wonderful sunshine, your boyfriend almost naked and traces of him still inside you.

He turned to you, cupping your chin and placing a soft kiss on your lips. "Are you sure you're not cold or anything else?"

"I'm sure, babe. Just water me." You opened your arms to him.

He laughed, holding you aloft and running out to sea while making you laugh with him. You enjoyed every moment he took from his troubled days to stay with you, this one was no different, knowing you would spend the rest of the day at the beach with him, sharing cigarettes, having him pulling your bikini under the water or holding you on his back to get you taller in the water was wonderful. You would keep all these little details with you for when he was away again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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