Happiness and Plug Tails./ (SMUT).Eddie!

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prompt: the title. you're wearing a plug tail for the first time.
His curls tickled your cheek. His eyes was on yours, taking full sense of you. You closed yours lazily, leaving his as you allowed yourself to just taste you on his fingers. Looking at him again, you felt more turned on at the sight of his red cheeks and parted lips at you. On a deep sigh, coming out of both, his finger was taken out of your mouth pulling a thin line of saliva towards him.
"You need to tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?" He asked calmly, running his fingertips down your body to your stomach, getting a weak moan from your lips as you had to uncurl your legs from his thigh.
"It'll be nice. We've already agreed with that, you don't have to worry 'bout me." You pointed out, reliving in your mind the scene from last week which consisted of you by his side at some sex shop deciding between plug colors, sizes and shapes that would soon be welcome in your brand new collection with him. You were always shy and uncertain, he was always so sure it made your spine tingle.  You liked that.
Since you had agreed to try new things with Eddie, it was the only thing you thought about, so it wasn't like you've considered rethinking it. You were just aching for it already.
"Promise me, puppy?" He whispered, kissing your shoulder. His breathing was agitated, his face hid a smile that made your stomach tingle. Honestly, if you knew the idea of ​​seeing you in a themed plug was going to leave him like that you would have come up with all that sooner.
"I promise, Eddie." You kissed his cheek, biting your lip at the feeling of his fingertips gathering your juices. Asking for more, you spread your legs wide for him.
He sank his knuckles into you, getting adorable purrs out of your lips as he worked his way to the tip. Your forehead nestled into his shoulder, letting him spread wet kisses down your neck, making you wetter. Then, while holding his arms, leaving your mind only on his lips and fingers on you, you felt the cold object in contact with your pussy. Your body didn't shudder, just softened more into his touch in anticipation for what was to come. You trusted him.
"You're so wet," he whispered in your ear, nose traveling down your sensitive skin, spreading goosebumps all over your frame. "So eager to be filled full, back and front, to feel me snugged into your stomach at the same time you're being stuffed."
A loud, drawn-out grunt was muffled in his chest. He rubbed the plug through your folds, teasing every sense of you. "Fuck," you took a deep breath, surprised, but still feeling so good to hear those words come out of Eddie's mouth. He looked just as happy and out of place as you, his flushed cheeks were proof of that.
"It's okay?" His voice was hoarse, filling you from the inside without even needing to be touched. The pink feathers, which you, being glued to his chest, could not see, caressed your thighs just nice and the length of the material cheered you up.
You dug your nails into his arms, burying your face in his neck, feeling every inch of his body on yours. "It's fine, babe." You assured him.
After being properly lubricated by your juices, Eddie pushed the small piece inside. Your teeth marked his skin in anticipation. His lips sucked the flesh below your ear, running down to your neck until it multiplied by your collarbone, in seconds you were stuffed full and hadn't even felt pain like you imagined.
His kisses reached your lips, and in nothing but gentle touches, he squeezed your thigh, pulling you to him while the rest of your body was thrown back with the intensity of his lips on yours, licking, pulling and nibbling. You pulled the hair at the back of his neck, making him grunt into your lips. Then he stopped, leaving you in a disapproving sigh, almost without awareness. He propped himself up on his elbows, pulling your body even closer to his, your thigh brushing against his bulge in reaction. Then, his eyes was all on you. "Jesus, puppy." His voice was barely audible. His bangs were damp, plastered to his forehead and darkened eyes making him even more inviting.
"Did you like it?" You gazed at him, giving more importance to his attention to you than to how you actually looked.
"Deffo," he pulled his body off the bed, leaving your mind lost in thought. "C'mon, up. You have to look at yourself."
With no deep thoughts, you got to your feet, slowly as if it were going to fall at any moment, the feathers hovering over your calf, making walking awkward. It felt good. You actually felt full, it was comfortable and nice. In just a few steps, you had Eddie guiding you to the front of the bedside mirror. He sat down, holding your hips as he kissed your lower belly. "Do you think this is as sexy as I do?" He asked amused. Big smile and shiny blue eyes, just so perfect.
You nodded, "It's nice." He pulled your waist to himself so that you stuck out your butt.
Whining, you held onto his shoulders, lowering your hand a little so that your fingertips touched the spider just above his chest, frowning at him. Even though he was right to think that. "You can agree with me," he insisted with a silly smile, still focused on your reflection in the mirror. "You do look sexy like that." His nose ran down your happy trail, making you not hesitate to grab hold of his messy curls. His breath so close to you as he wet his pink lips to feel you. "Say that to me, puppy." His hands sank into your thighs, allowing him to delve into you.
"Hm?" You muttered on a sigh, doubting he understood. He kissed your center, sucking your clit in some comforting wet noises. His wild strands of hair were making you wish you could squeeze him tight between your folds. You couldn't hold back and close your eyes, letting your mouth fall open between gasps. He took one of your legs, slung it over his shoulder and burrowed his head into you, rubbing the tip of his nose into your clit, brusquely tasting every drop you had to offer. "I am." You finally answered him, making him slow down on you. It was deliberate, you didn't expect otherwise. He knew you didn't like it when things were too fast, you always wanted to enjoy being with him to the fullest. So, knowing that, and wanting to hear your answer to him coming out of your mouth, he did exactly what you didn't want him to do.
"I need you," you muttered in what sounded more like a whimper.
You opened your eyes, meeting his deep, dark ones as he pushed the plug into place preventing your throbbing pussy from letting it go all out. He gave you one last kiss, pulling your honey to his lips, resulting in his mind being filled with your meows of devastation. He could feel his chin sticking as you tried disastrously to pull him by the hair back where you wanted him the most.

"Shh, calm down, puppy," He squeezed your ass tightly, massaging his fingertips into your folds to shut you up. You nodded, looking at him, feeling your throat dry. "Won't punish you, but I need you to say it fully."

"Uh-huh," you agreed. He left his fingers still in your warm, waiting for you to cooperate. "I'm sexy, babe." You felt like laughing but soon his fingers were inside you as he nodded with your words, making it hard to concentrate on not riding them right there.

"All four, pup," he ran a hand through your feathers, your stomach tingling at his pink cheeks, your mouth had gone so dry it was hard to speak. He had leaned back, giving a full view of his length over his lower belly, watering your mouth for wanting to relieve him until your throat was warm and Eddie-fed. Following your eyes, he chuckled, and lifted your chin to his. "Didn't you hear me? I want you on your hands and knees." You didn't expect to be able to feel any wetter.

"Yep, babe." You said with a goofy smile, making him giggle with you. You lay on your stomach, resting your knees firmly on the bed. Every inch of your body so excited and aroused by it all. Sinking your face into the pillow, getting dizzy in smelling his scent, you let your body relax. His hands pulled your back further down, making your ass high for him, his fingers pushed the plug deep inside you, making you moan between the sheets and stretch your butt for him even more.

"You look really adorable wearing that pink tail, hottie," he praised, seeing you sway your hips eager for the feathers to go back and forth so excitedly. "Aren't you feeling full enough, huh? You have to feel me deep inside you to feel good too, right?" He tugged your hair between his fingers, still stunned by how fragile you were in front of him.
He pulled the feathers up, taking the length from between your legs. He grumbled before lining up on you, taking one of your hands and placing it with his on your stomach. He would make you feel every inch of him. Rubbing the tip into your folds, he thrusted all at once into you, making the room echo with relieved moans as your toes twisted. God, he couldn't wait to see your hair messed up and drool running down your swollen lips within a few seconds, failing to call his name between silent whimpers.

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