Sweethearts. /Cheerleader!Reader (Fluff).Eddie!

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On tiptoe, you scanned the bleachers looking for him.  You hadn't asked him to watch you properly, but you thought you'd done a good job dropping hints about it.  Even though you would understand if he didn't show up, you couldn't hold back and let yourself feel sad that he wasn't there.
"Here," your friend grabbed your shoulders before you could stare at your toes in sad eyes again. Turning you a little more to the side, she smiled as she saw your face light up. "Geez, you really made Eddie Munson come to a Hawkins basketball game."
Too busy to answer her, you waved eagerly at the curly mess in your field of vision.  He was serious, almost as if he didn't want to be there, his hands were in the pockets of his jacket and if it weren't for his smile, as well as his bright eyes beaming upon meeting you among the other girls you would think he was cursing himself inside for having come. In response, you jumped up excitedly, waving your arms even more, he reciprocated with elated waves.  Before returning to your right position on the back court, you blew him a kiss, and without hesitating for being in the midst of so many people, he pretended to take it, amid his dramatic expressions, and put it in his pocket.  If before he felt strange for entering that place, receiving dirty looks, sighs and mean comments at him, now seeing how happy you were to have him there he couldn't be feeling any better.
You did your best at the dances and pirouettes, feeling a little uncomfortable knowing he was watching.  You knew he wouldn't judge you, but still you couldn't stop thinking about how this wasn't his ideal scenario, and still you were there. Taking deep breaths, you tried to push the intrusive thoughts out of your head, you knew he liked you and that was why he was there.
Without properly catching your breath, you and the girls announced the end of the game.  Even among the cheerleaders, some people greeted you and while you thanked them for watching, you walked up to Eddie without even looking directly at whoever was talking to you. He kept the smile on his face, opening his arms for you and without even realizing it you gave a little impulse to throw yourself on his neck.  He wrapped you in a tight hug and politely pulled your skirt down, leaving his hand there preventing it from going up.  It was a habit of his, at some point you'd remember telling him you wore shorts underneath it. You stuck your nose in his hair, letting his curls nestle against you as he buried his face in your neck so your scent could comfort him.  As soon as your feet hit the floor, you both looked at each other affectionately, as if there was no one around making enough noise to be ignored like that, and avoiding thinking too much you took a step towards him and kissed him. Your lips were icy cold and his did a good job of keeping you warm, it was quick but special, for both of you, even though you were always together and the people at school were suspicious of you, you had never kissed in public like this. You could feel the eyes on you. His hands stayed on your waist, keeping you close to himself and your eyes were content to stay fixed on his lips, unable to meet his puppy's brown balls. He kissed your cheek, and then forehead, distributing several peaks there.  He always did it, and you would love it every time.
"Sorry for being late, my uncle needed the car." he explained, taking off his jacket and giving it to you right away. "Put it on, you look cold." He realized he was right as soon as his fingers touched yours.
"I don't mind, I'm glad you're here anyway," you hugged the fabric, feeling his scent enveloping you.  Smiling, still not being about to look him in the eye properly, you took his hand. "I mean, I know it's not your favorite place, so I appreciate you coming tonight.  It means a lot to me."
Rubbing his thumb into your palm, he felt like a 13-year-old blushing over some school crush. "Well, better get used to it then, you look way too gorgeous in that thing and it's nice to see you dancing," he said sincerely, making you squeeze his hand a bit as you sank your fingers into your face. "I like to see you happy, I'll be here as many times as necessary." He lifted your chin so you were looking at him, with you not saying anything just smiling and biting on your lip, he kissed your nose. "Are we still going to have lunch?  You promised me we would, just sayin'." He said it louder than he'd been talking before, trying to break the tension he'd caused.  You laughed in agreement, pushing him to you so you could walk side by side. 
"Huh, I must be very important then," you teased, in a low tone.  You started playing with his rings, hugging his arm as you walked between the people on your way to the exit.  He was the attention of the moment, unfortunately not a good one.  The whispers about you weren't pleasant. You didn't care, but you were afraid Eddie would realize that without you this wouldn't happen and then choose not to be with you.  As long as he didn't care about it, you wouldn't give a damn.
He was confident, he made it seem like no one was there.  Keeping his eyes straight ahead, and squeezing your hand to him, he kept going. "Yeah, you must be," he said, already more affectionate, realizing that as much as he was used to it, you weren't.
In a silence that was neither uncomfortable nor comfortable, he opened the back door of the van, pulling out a black T-shirt. Your smile turned into a frown. "Wait, what you're doin'?" You asked being a bit late.  He pulled the shirt he was wearing from the hellfire club over his head, without delay and very nimbly. Your eyes widened and you made yourself dizzy as you couldn't decide if you were going to turn your back on him or just stare. You felt pathetic.
"I'm not naked, pup," he chuckled, coming closer and gripping your waist.  Pulling your hands away from your face, he smiled at how embarrassed you were. "You're cute."
"And you're a bit too fit for my liking," you looked away, going to the door of the van. He followed you in to help you up. Feeling flushed in his cheeks, he knew he would never be able to imagine how much it took in terms of trusting your own words for you to admit that.
"If you're saying," he said already beside you in the van. You were still a embarrassed mess. Going through his stuff, he took some tapes in his hand and placed them in your lap. "Go, pick one." He waited, already imagining your reaction.
"Oh my god, that's Kath Bush!" You showed him the object with the purple cover photo you knew well. He didn't look away from the road, but it was comfort to know that even without looking at you, he was entirely there for you.
"Max said you liked it."
"And then you got it?" You asked excitedly, putting the tape to play.
He nodded, seeing your smile widen as the voice he found a little too irritating filled the van. Before he could even respond, you faked an imaginary microphone with your hands and tried your best to mimic the way Kate sang her songs.  At your exaggerated facial expressions, he chuckled, mentally thanking Max.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, little one." He whispered still enthusiasm with how you were beaming to the lyrics.
"Did you know," you took a break for some air. "That Kate Bush was kind of discovered by David Gilmour?"
"Yeah, I've heard about it at some point," he waited for you to continue.
"So, yeah, isn't it as if we are interconnected to each other?" You asked solemnly, glancing at him as you turned your attention to the road, just strumming the remaining melody with your fingertips on your leg. "I kind of like the thought of it."
"Yeah, sounds like a great thought, I'll like to think like that too." Taking a deep breath, he said. "So, have you been researching the bands I like?"
Soon, his large hand was on your thigh, pressing his fingers into the spot lightly.  Almost involuntarily, you bit your lips in a smile, you knew he wouldn't move up or down, you loved the comfort it brought you.  Then, you placed your palm over his, running your skin through his rings. Feeling him intertwine your fingers with his, you felt your chest warm.
"Yeah," you stated, a little embarrassed. "I needed to hear what you liked, and, huh, I really liked one," frowning, you pretended to forget something you had heard for hours early this morning. "Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne's voice is quiet addictive."
He widened his eyes and for a minute you thought he might crash the van. "No way in hell you liked them!"
"Yep, I did," you insisted, knowing he was just overreacting;  in the kind Eddie way of being. "Generals gathered in their masses/Just like witches at black masses," you turned your imaginary microphone to your hand.  He actually looked delighted, as if he had won the lottery.
"Evil minds that plot destruction/ Sorcerer of death's construction," he continued the lyrics, loud and deep in his lungs.  You faked the guitar in your hands, projecting the sounds with your mouth and suddenly you were a mess inside that small space, overtaking Kate's voice which was now in the background. He was happy, so you were twice as happy.
The rest of the trip went on like this, as did all trips, small and long, that you took from now on.  As much with the artists you liked as with his.
Opening the door for you to walk through, you noticed how the fact that his shirt was all black highlights how cute his hair and eyes and smiles were, you wished that was the reason for the sudden shirt change.  You didn't like to think that he'd had the need to switch because he'd be embarrassed to hang out with you wearing the hellfire club one (he looked dead gorgeous in it), you hoped you were being paranoid and that your mind was just being mean about it.  Anyway, you would remember asking the boys (or even Eddie) for a t-shirt like that for you, the design was made by him, and you liked it, you would love to have one for you and be able to wear it to school.
"You're good?" He put his hand on your waist, guiding you to a table.  He always kept ahead of of you when you were walking, even if it was a few inches, you thought that was cute. "Pup?"
"I'm fine," you said realizing he asked due to your sudden tension.  Your head already started repeating the order you would make to the waitress in your mind, over and over.  So, not that it was something difficult, you found yourself nervous because you knew that you would need to talk to someone new, who you didn't know and who had never talked before.  Something normal, but that you hated every time. "Yeah, I'm good." He chuckled a little, knowing full well what it was about.
You sat next to him at the place's table, playing with your fingers and picking at your nails, without even looking at the menu.  Taking your hands in his, Eddie let you mess up his rings, he was aware you would soon steal one or some of them that would eventually become yours, he liked it, it helped you to calm down.  He was used to it by now, and he didn't see any problems.
"Will you want the usual?" You nodded, too busy to speak as you repeated your request over and over in your head.
"Does the couple already know what they want?" The girl on roller skates was nice.  You took a deep breath, doing as you had planned inside your head;  as soon as Eddie finished ordering his, you'd say yours.
"And for the little one," he referred to you, who felt the breath fail in your lungs.  He had already spoken and you wouldn't even know what he had asked for. "A medium potato, a large strawberry milkshake and a cheeseburger, no pickles. Not a big fan." He said it exactly the way you would say it.
As the girl walked away, he swore he could see in your body how relieved you were.  On a deep sigh, you hugged him to your side, kissing his cheek and making him laugh softly. "My hero,"
He wrapped his arm over your body, snuggling you into him. "Whenever you need!" He concluded with his hand dramatically over his chest.  You hoped he knew how much that meant to you.  He was sure he would do that as often as possible so he wouldn't have to see you anxious.
"Thank you," and as a curse, your and his peace did not seem to last long.
"We have the company of some players from the basketball team, apparently it's not just us who like the food here." He said in a low tone, scratching his hair.  He released his arm around you a bit in case you didn't want to be seen by them being so close to him, but then you hugged him tighter and he understood that you didn't care.  Clearly, he couldn't hold back his genuine silly smile at that.
"It's not that bad," you looked at Eddie, luckily he was still oozing happiness. It was horrible to think that you both knew it was unavoidable that he would suffer from it, simply because Eddie wasn't labeled by them as "acceptable", given that your boyfriend was far more decent than most of them, if not all of them. "Right?"
"I mean they've always been assholes to me, hard to be different.  But I don't mind, I even like it, it keeps me entertained." He shrugged. "And, please, not saying that you think that, but don't think that they treat me that way because of you, they've always been that way."
You laid your head on his shoulder, still with him wrapping you to him.  It had a maximum of 4 players, Jason included.  You didn't really talk to them before going out with Eddie, just the basics and out of politeness, but after Munson you started to ignore their existence.  Fortunately, your friends, involved in cheerleading with you, support you and even thought you were cute together.  Either way, it would always be Eddie above any of them, you never heard anything good from either of them in the halls. You don't care how people at school would be labeling you.
  As soon as the waitress delivered your orders, Eddie putted your food, already anticipating that you wouldn't take it all and then he'd have to eat the rest.  Still with the nice girl on roller skates nearby, you heard one, "He's going to ruin Y/N."  Followed by a, "How can Y/N not see that he can finish them off?" Jason concluded, relating it to past events.  Your eyes watered and your throat went dry, you didn't like the way they treated Eddie at all;  and you felt that things had intensified with you being together.
"Just ignore them," Eddie commented, taking a sip of his Coke.  You could tell he didn't really care, yet he was uncomfortable seeing it affect you. "It's okay."
"I don't care if you don't." You said angrily, arms crossed.
"Good, it's perfect then," he pulled out a potato chip and brought it to your mouth in a cute smile. "That's my pup." His voice was lower, affectionate.
Having to get past you, they bestowed more disapproving looks and evil whispers at your table, as they passed Eddie, one of them tugged on his hair, screaming on his ear that he was a freak.  You looked carefully, realizing that when you were around Eddie didn't even use sarcasm as a response; he just avoided chaos as much as possible.  Without further thought, you stood up and pulled the boy's hair even tighter, not forgetting to mention one, "You're a fuckin' idiot, you stupid shit."  Showing him your middle finger. Eddie chuckled, holding onto your waist so you wouldn't go towards anyone, however, seeing the imbecile take a step towards you, he did not hesitate to get up and stand in front of you. "No, you won't lay a finger on this one." You've never heard him sound more serious (and sexier). Fortunately, the boy soon backed off, being dragged out by Jason, who by the way, looked at you like you'd been changed from water to wine.  You liked the feeling.
"Fuck," you muttered, adrenaline still coursing through your veins.  You were a little scared still, you couldn't lie.
"Okay," Eddie sighed, looking you up and down to see if you were okay. "That was quiet hot of you, I won't judge, but for God's sake, don't ever do that again!" He put you back in his arms, then forced you to sit down again (more for him to calm down than you).
"I don't know 'bout that," you said, straightening your flared skirt and getting more comfortable. "I quiet enjoyed doing this." you grinned, getting a smile and a shake of the head in denial in your direction as you sipped your milkshake.
  "Are you really dating me to scare them?" He joked, making you spit some of the liquid on you and the table.  You both knew he was the sweetest person in Hawkins.  He was a great influence, to be honest.  In between chuckles, he gave you napkins to clean up. "Seriously, that was pretty hot like I said, but don't do it again, please.  I don't want you to get hurt, even when I'm not around.  They're always like that, probably more now because we've only been together for a short time and we're still brand news on their radar but soon it will subside, just try to ignore them next time, promise?" He whispered in a serious tone, albeit with the same features as the playful Eddie you loved so much.  You felt better knowing the night wouldn't be a fiasco since they weren't there anymore.  And yet, you didn't like it and you didn't want them treating Eddie badly at any time.
You kept yourself busy with your drink.
"C'mon," he snorted, touching his shoulders to yours. "Promise me."
"Okay, I promise, love." You arched your brows, planning, like a whirlwind of ideas, how you might affect, violently or not, the boys on the basketball team who pissed off your boyfriend.
You wouldn't let it go.  Eddie sensed it, but didn't know that side of you well enough to know what to expect, so he just let it go (something he knew he would later regret).

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