Obsession, guitarist. /(SMUT). Eddie!

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 Prompts: rockstar!Eddie x reader. it's basically, all smut! you tend to always go to the same gig of the same band just so you can see a certain curly guitarist playing; until your not-so-appropriate thoughts before him, who barely knew of your existence, become true (or nearly so). eddie fingering you + a bit of a religious kink since i made him wear a crucifix necklace + leading up to eating you out (the soft curls getting in the way) + praising and probs a feel more.


 You watched him from afar, the way his lips were between his teeth, eyes focused on you right behind the little barrier, not even missing a single chord as his well-defined lips moved along with the lyrics. He made your insides warm and head full of thoughts with each finger pluck between his soft groans. Well, and just like any other night of their gigs, you would come home in silence, make your way to your room and supply your wishes with action. Tonight would be no different.

"That was intense," you whispered in a heavy sigh. Your chest was crazy.

Still not moving, completely incapable of doing such a thing, you saw the lights go down in slow motion.

Before the crowd of people forcefully guided you into the backyard, you found yourself taking note of how the crucifix fell dazzlingly across his chest, in a so inviting way, making you imagine his body on top of yours with the shiny object dangling in front of your eyes while his hips worked on keeping you noisy, just like they were doing on stage, but physically on you. Certainly, nothing too religious of your mind.

Feeling your hands getting sweaty, your eyes wandered over the wide smile that spread across his face; perfect teeth and fluffy wrinkles gathered at the corners of his puppy, smudged eyes. You were fucked.

He winked at you, messing up his bangs even more with a shake of head, and then he placed the little cross between his pink lips in a silly grin; within seconds you were out of control over your breathing, or anything else in you, honestly.

Moving your head, you tried to push off the shame as you forced your legs to stay out of his field of vision. It was pathetic to think you were following a band to gigs around your neighborhood just because you couldn't handle how hot a guitar player looked like. You were stupid.

"Breath, you freak," you sighed into your sweaty hair in the mirror, pressing your palm to the marble. Your body was tingling. Yet, considering how long you were standing inside that house, you were pretty much decent. You sucked all the air you could in relief, praying you wouldn't make yourself go to another gig of theirs once again, even though you knew you would fail. And even without thinking directly of him, your muscles still throbbed in eagerness, making your thighs rub together in the dim light of that not-so-clean bathroom. "Fuck," you cursed before that your brain consider relieving yourself there as a good idea, which didn't really sound bad, but you still thought you had an ounce of dignity left in you.

Like a calling, the door made a sudden noise like someone was trying to open it. For your misfortune (or luck), someone was there for you. "One's here," you didn't intend to leave, not until your body learned how to behave.

On one more try, the door opened so that you huddled over the sink. Not scary, just inappropriate. "I know," his husky voice filled the room, your eyes were wide and he looked a bit scared of what he just did. Kinda hot, to be honest. "I didn't mean to kill you, at least not like that." He added, voice softer, lubricating his lips in a foolish smile. Well, now you didn't know how to speak properly either. He closed the door behind him, walking slowly over to you, excited as your eyes roamed from his bare chest tattoo due to the sweating fabric of his white hellfire club T-shirt to his sensitive lips.

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