Golden, goofy, boy. /(SMUT). Eddie!

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prompt: (that's kinda rough, soft sex). eddie being called daddy and actually enjoying it. (that was a request!) and eddie playing to you first thing in the morning after sex. takes place in his room after you've spent all day together watching movies. + eating you out, fingering, him getting of on you and stuffs.


 His room comforted you, it was extremely messy, just like him, but in a way that felt just like a tight hug. You had spent the entire afternoon with him, in his bare, well defined chest, his arms around you, his curls tickling your neck, his wet kisses all over your body and softly breathing calming your soul while you watched some movie of his choice. You loved having him take breaks so he could explain some event he thought was important for you to get to know better, and you loved it all, his animated voice looking at you as his hands gesticulated exaggeratedly, along with some locks bouncing in the air. You loved him so much.

"You're not paying attention to me anymore, pup." He hummed, grinning, letting his handsome wrinkles show, warming you up inside.

Reflecting his face, you bit your lip, holding his cheeks to you. Your thumb ran across his lips and he soon took your hand in his, kissing it multiple times. "I'm looking at you, I'm here." You said, feeling the dark room seem quieter, being able to hear the calm songs that his uncle was listening to downstairts.

He bobbed your nose, trailing kisses down your body, drawing laughs from you that made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He lifted your shirt slightly, touching his lips to your lower belly. "But you're not listening to me." He pointed, you rolled your eyes only for him to bite you and make you let out a weak moan.

"I got lost in you, you're quiet charming, sweetheart, that's all." You said unceremoniously, making his cheeks sharply flush and encouraging him to continue with whatever he had in mind for you. Receiving nothing but wet kisses and his firm fingers on your thighs, you added in a whisper. "I'm all yours, Eddie." As if he didn't know that.

Your nails dug into his scalp in a massage he adored, breathing heavily on your skin as he marked his rings on you. The tip of his nose brushed your inner thigh, his lips nestled there perfectly until he sucked the spot to himself, drawing incessant sighs out of you. It was clear that the place would be darker in the morning, just as he had expected and liked to see.

"Eddie," you prayed in a muffled groan. The curls neatly tucked between your fingers in hopes of feeling him better. His puppy eyes were nothing but yours, devouring you completely in pure adoration.

Without hesitation, going against his own principles, he ran his fingers over you, sensing how sensitive you were and not denying a smile to your body twitching for him. Then he allowed himself to kiss the spot as you curled your toes.

Heeding to your call, though not for long, he held your thighs tight, placing them to his shoulders, then digging the tip of his nose into your pubic hair to get a proper taste of you. Almost losing his senses in your juices, he allowed his mind to open his eyes, enchanting himself, already being able to feel him in his underwear, just with the image of your lips parted and your hand gripping the edge of the sheet fiercely while you were still tugging hard at his hair. He was already certain he could get there just by watching you, let alone having the pleasure of having you running down his chin as he tasted you on his tongue at the same time.

He clasped his thighs around you, losing himself in a sweet feeling that you didn't get wet like that just from the kisses and touches of that moment, but also from when your eyes were lost in his hands moving in the air, incessant conversations and your attention was cursing through his body; not that he was one to brag (which he was), but he knew he already knew you well enough to know how you worked.

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