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I fling my foot forwards and send the battered muddy soccer ball soaring through the air. It flies into the goalpost with extreme accuracy. I punch the air and run towards my team, I'm the only girl here but I couldn't care less. I'm all stuff like that, Leon Mitchell runs toward me and slams a high five on my muddy hand, I grin, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and lacing up the laces of my mud splattered black converse. Then the other boys come and join us "You were AWESOME Lisa" cries Max, I grin back at him. "Lisa, you literally are the BEST, we were almost losing", Leon shouts and pulls me into a hug, for some weird reason I blush and push him away."Thanks",I say. My best friend Tara Summers was talking to Sapphire and Winter. She saw me coming and rolled her eyes"Well, well, well look who finally showed up" she says sarcastically. I roll my eyes back at her and lay down on my stomach right next to her. " Soo what arr y'all doin" I say awkwardly, " Isn't it obvious were talking about you and Leon" replies Winter cheekily. I groan "It was just a thanks-for-making-us-win hug not I love you hug" I say grumpily. Just then "Lisa" cried Ben "These losers want a rematch say we're cheating" he yells. "Sure I'm coming" I yell back. "Guys" I say uncomfortably "You won't mind if I just..." "Yeah what ever" says Tara. I grin and walk towards the boys then Winter whispers loudly "And while your at it give Leon a big kiss". Sapphire, Tara and Winter start giggling ,
I blush. Leon and the other guys were in a group huddle Leon saw me and yelled "Hey Lisa we've got a killer plan". I jog up to them and lean my head so it look secretive. "Look guys" says Leon, I look up at his face so it looks like I'm concentrating. Bad move! I was suddenly into my usual daze and him he's soo cute when he's serious he's deep chocolate eyes, his pale skin and his shockingly spiky hair. "Lisa?" He says shaking me out of my daze "Yeah sorry" I say mumbling like an idiot. He continues his plan then he says my name again but for a different reason. "Lisa you've got to do that amazing goal thing and you've got to do it when we're are just about to lose so our nerdy opponents won't throw a hissy fit" he says raising his eyebrow. " Your our secret weapon" he adds blushing slightly. I blush and smirk at the same time "I'll knock the lights out of the sucker" I say. He grins "GO TEAM" we yell at the top of our voices. We start playing with 'the nerds' well that's what we guys call them. We played till halftime and we were losing by 2 points we came back into our team huddle slightly red with effort. Suddenly Max says "Why don't we play for the 5th and 6th points without Lisa so the wieners won't get all sucky about us cheating when we're not but on the last game Lisa jumps in and wins is the last point to win the game. I puffed my fringe out of my face angrily and stiffly walk back to Tara, Winter and Sapphire who were joined by Vicky and Jem. They were playing Truth and Dare when I just sat down next to them Leon came over and gives me a sympathetic pat on the back. I smile and shrug happy that he was being nice to me. Than Kris yells "Leon were starting the game" Kris looks at me then adds to Leon "And stop flirting it's kinda gross" he yells. Leon turns red even when the guys got a 5 minute break for half-time. Leon rolls his eyes at me I roll mine back and then he grins and swaggers back to the gang. Tara, Sapphire and Winter stare at me with their eyes bulging and mouths wide open no offense but they looked like gapping frogs. "OMG I i can't believe that h he actually t talked t to you" stuttered Tara dramatically. Sapphire joins in " I I know r right". I roll my eyes then Winter says " But guys you know what this means right" she says leaving big hints to go... "OOOoOooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" they cry before I could stop them "Lisa and Lion sitting in the tree k...". "STOP" I yell hysterically at them, they stare at me like I'm a lunatic but then burst out laughing when suddenly I started idiotically rolling on the grass spluttering with laughter. We finally calmed down they started chanting "Lisa and Leon Leon and Lisa" about 5 times until we stopped and lay motionless on the grass. "But it is true that Leon like you" Winter says indicating at me I shake my head "No why would a guy like me" i say pointing at my face which had army paint on for a dare. "And why would he like ME when their are like more than 2 dozens of girls who are more prettier than me. Like Mandy Adams" I gabble. Tara raises her eyebrows and scoffs, Sapphire gags on her Taco and Winter pulls a disgusted face shaking her head. "Ok ok" I say " Maybe she is a bit obnoxious and slightly mean but deep down she's a great person" i say trying to change my friends opinion on Mandy. But they still haven't changed their opinion "Girl theirs no chance for that girl to change" Tara says in a ghetto bitch kind of way. I smirk when she says the words with accents. I was finally having fun with my friends when suddenly Ben Peters came hobbling over with Andy Bates at his back. "Lisa (pant) your (pant) up (pant)" pants Ben who was holding his knee for he was out of breath. I nod and at the corner of my eye I see Andy standing next to Tara and they were both blushing. I jog over to hear andsaw Andy telling Tara "I want to talk to you" he saw me and added "Privately" he says indicating towards me "Andy she's all your" I say with a foolish grin on my face Tara gave me a punch on the arm. I run of toward the boys exploding with laughter. Leon saw we laughing " What's up" he says "Nothing" I reply back. Leon was red in the face and he was sweating. We waited for Andy to come back which took a while cause he was casually walking towards us. I took my place near the goalpost and the center of the game. Andy was goalpost, Leon right in the middle, Ben near Leon, Max staying back with Andy, Kris jogging next to me, Inda was our backup, Remus near the referee and Baron like a brick wall standing infront of me. As we took our spot our referee/next door grade6 teacher Mr.Riener took out his whistle from and his pocket and blew it. Which was a loud noise from such a small whistle but the game had begun. It was really hard cause "the nerds" had learnt a few tricks but we can hopefully win the game. The ball was going back and forth back and forth and the ball had barly gone past me thankfully. Suddenly the ball was heading straight at me I jumped and stamped the ball into its breaks. I felt unsteady taking a few steps back and taking a lungfull of air i ran towards the did a perfect backflip and sent the ball flying past the opponents goalkeeper and "GOAL"!!! Leon ran towards me and scooped me onto his sholders and shouted for victory. I leaped of his shoulders to be greeted by a herd of boy congradulating me I say "Thanks" and sprinted back to Winter, Sapphire and Tara who was still blushing because of Andy. "Hey guys do you want to play too" I ask will jumping around Winter shakes her head, Sapphire yawns and Tara says as usual "You've gotta teach me how to play first" i groan and collaps onto the grass tired. Tara, Sapphire and Winter heave me up and collapes beside me. I get up and shake their shoulder roughly to come on Sapphire and Winter got up but Tara lay motionless on the ground pretending she was dead so i heaved her of to class will listen to Winter and Sapphire murmuring about the kittens that are being put down at the pet store a few blocks away. We four step into the classroom just when "BBRRRRIIIINNNGGGG" class began.

Sorry for the really long chapter guys. I'll try making the other chapters shorter and try to update this book once a week (cause of school). Hope you guys liked this book!! Pls vote and comment! I'm trying to get 1K views and votes. Thx
Bye - Fizzy11

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