Birthday MADNESS!

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"See you at 9 hon" mum says reaching for my forehead and kissing it. "See you mum" I say waving as she drove off down the street. I turn to the pale yellow house and knocked on the door, surprisingly it was open so I walked right in. There was a table (which I guessed was the present table) which was teetering around like it was gonna collapse any second so I dropped the present to Alicia into a nearby chair. Stuffing the rest of the shoelace on my soccer boot under my foot which was in the shoe and then pulling on the black Nike hoodie onto my head covering my eyes halfway. "Hahahahah lol" cried Alicia shrieking with laughter at Andy's pathetic and nerdy joke (which makes no sense what-so-ever). Creeping up behind her I yell at the top of my voice "HappybirthdayAlicia" "Oh my god" she cries out startled clutching her heart " God Lisa you scared the nutz out of me"! I snigger, Alicia rolls her eyes "Real mature Lisa Smith". "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" laughs Andy literally lying on the ground crying with laughter. "What, what did I miss" cries Alicia as Andy slowly got up and started saying the stupid joke again "Lol" giggles Alicia laughing with Andy. "Who's dat" I ask Alicia pointing at a guy (I guess) In a blue hoodie "Leon (hiccup) duh" "Cool thank" I say to her jogging beside him "Hey Leon!" "Sup Lisa" he says fist bumping me. "Soooooo what ya doin" I say awkwardly as I was really bored "Nothin really just eating these delicious nachos" he shrugs "May I steal one or two or three" I say smiling unnaturally sweetly "Pfft Lisa your on my soccer team" "Yay" I say scoffing down all nachos "Mmm they were good" I say. "Umm Lisa?" Says an ever so familiar voice, I turn around to see Tara, Sapphire and Winter huddled together looking I have to admit AWESOME! "Hey guys, U look Amazing" I say looking at Winters starry shirt, Sapphire's cat top and Tara's neon orange 'Sarcasm is my second language' shirt (a present from me I think on her b-day). "Thanks" Winter beams "We're going to the table to get something to eat wanna come" Sapphire asks "No problemo" I say nodding bye to Leon. "OMG LOOK AT ALL THOSE LOLLIES" I shriek stuffing lollies in my mouth,pockets and shoe."LISA calm down" cries Tara snatching the Red skins I had in my hand. I do my best puppy eyes and begs to get the last red skins from Tara's hand. Tara rolls her eyes "Ugh your puppy eyes suck" in a jokey voice and drops the red skins on the ground. I pick them up and immediately gulp in all down.
"Truth or Dare"Freddie's asks Andy (used to be B.F.F) "Dare" says Andy with a smug expression. "I dare you to hug Alicia" laughs Freddie "No" Andy yells red as a beetroot "Are you chick-en?" Clucks Freddie. Andy's face grimaces he went up to Alicia and hugged her yelling "HAPPYBIRTHDAYALISHIA!". Tara and me who were silently watching started cracking up hard cause Andy's got this huge crush on her. Andy was pissed so he came running up to us "You think that was funny" he says angrily "Yep" I say and Tara just laughed harder. "Truth or dare" he smiles "Dare DUH!" I say. He started "thinking" furiously and comes up with the most crappiest dare " I dare you to swap shoes with Leon" he says smugly. "Wow that's the best you could think of?" I yell while tipping all the lollies out of my shoe from earlier "Lisa your weird gurl" yelled Kris in his sassy tone. I laugh as Leon's shoe fitted me perfect. I felt awesome! "Truth or Dare Tara" I cry "Truth" "Who do you like?" I smugly say even though I already know who she likes "Actually on second thoughts I choose dare" she say nervously "I dare you to eat the grass" I say evilly cause Alicia has a dog and you never know😈. Then the dares got pretty intense Charlie ate out of date chocolates and "tried" doing a flip of the table but failed. Ben drank from the toilet, Rosemary flirted with Alicia's brother (she looked like she enjoyed it), Cathy blared the music at high volume and got in trouble, Kris had to do the nae nae on camera and post it on YouTube Freddie was dared to hack into Obama's (precedent of USA) phone, and Winter had to eat 50 packets of wizz fizzes and of she went hyper.
"Lisa+Leon=Lion" yelled Freddie "Don't listen to him Lisa" whispered Leon in my ear. I groan Freddie and Leon don't get along with each other well but why does Leon always have to defend me it really weird and annoying. I can stand up for myself I'm not a wussy little girl too afraid to even blow a punch. I want to throw a whole bunch of comebacks at Leon and Freddie but Alicia's looking really worried and I don't want to- you know what I mean. "Your a f***en d**k head and your bad at soccer" screamed Freddie. That did it Leon shoved Freddie to the ground, Freddie aimed and punched Leon hard on his jaw and then Leon and his gang with Freddie and his friends had to drag them away from each other.
By the end of the fight Leon had a bleeding nose and Freddie with his black eye. Alicia was crying I know why. This party was crazy and no not even close to a good way.

Sup guys,
This chapter is kinda old but the updates are coming really soon!

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