Asked out?

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"Ugh why hasn't Leon asked you out for the social yet" cries Sapphire randomly as I quickly clamp a hand to her mouth as Leon and Charlie walked past our table. Sapphire disgustingly licks my hand ". Ack" I cry as I snatch my hand wiping the slobber on Winter's shoulder which lead to another scream and quickly scrubbing the jumper i spattered with Sapphires spit onto Tara who just wiped it on Andy unnoticeably. "Your so annoying" I say to Sapphire in a jokey way who just sat there grinning evilly. I sigh. Mr Jones (our school party planner) suddenly starts clapping his hands so the whole class suddenly shut up. "Class the end of the year is right around the corner and that awesome social is right next week!" Cries an excited Mr Jones as the whole class groans."And thanks to our lovely teacher Mrs Ryder's we'll be preparing for the social by learning awesome dance moves" he practically screams with excitement. Then he gets all serious "And I heard that some of you lickle kiddies haven't got dates yet, so I'm doing it diary of the wimpy kid style! You know the whole you pay 50c to buy a card and write to your lucky one to be your date" he say his face changing back to excitement. "We'll start after lunch" he declares and marches of to mrs Ryder's as we get permission to talk. " I wonder when Leon's gonna come and ask you..." Says Tara really loudly except her sentence remained incomplete cause I had charged into her hand covering her mouth as she fell down. Suddenly Leon awkward walks over "No" I scream in my head as he stood right in front of our tabla looking directly at me. "Umm this is really awkward maybe I'll ask later" he says turning around to be yelled at by Kris "Go on Leon stop being a wuss" Leon winces and turns back at me. I cross my fingers hoping he's looking at Tara or someone else but as usual my crossing fingers thing doesn't work. "Umm Lisa, doyouwannayouknowkindagooutwithmeforthesocial" he says in a rush. "Ugonoummzgo" I mumble. Winter frowns "What she's meaning to say is of course" "in a different language" she whisper adds in as I kick her under the table. My cheeks burning red "Cool thanks Lisa" Leon says looking down embarrassed. And finally goes away. I sigh not in the romantic "Hmmm" way but a relieved,angry and annoyed sigh you know like "Hhhhuuuuu". "Finally" cried Tara happily as I banged my head on the table with stupidity , I'm not one of those drama globs but I really just wanted to hang out with Winter,Tara and Sapphire at the social. "Soccer" I told myself "soccer will help" except I felt like I wanted to kick the ball at people, certain types of people. "Um guys do you mind if I spent lunch alone" I say as normal as possible. "Aw I really wanted to talk about you-know-what but ok" shrugged Sapphire "Cool thanks guys" I say as I ran to the soccer field were me and the boys usually played soccer to disguise where I was really going. None of the boys were there which was a good sign so I sneaked of to my secret place. Behind the basketball court on a barbed wire fence, there were no walls or people but it hid me well and i felt secure. I started kicking my anger out my kicking the ball hard at the fence "Why didn't I just say no" I say angrily to myself. Then I kicked the ball away and started madly kicking the fence as hard as I could. "BANG" "sh**" I nearly shout out as the fence fell down onto the sideway next to the road. I grab the ball and quickly jog to the basketball court before someone finds out what happened. As I sat down on the court I burst out laughing at that random moment serious when I thought about it, it was practically the first time I smiled all day.
"And a one, two, three spin" cried Mr Jones twirling the test dummy from the art room. Me and Leon were partnered to Walz with each other and gladly you just had to hold hands not shoulder, waist and all that crap. I groan in frustration when I trip over my shoe lace. Ollie and Sapphire were awesome, I smirked "I knew you two were meant for each other" I mutter under my breath. Me and Leon stunk at this! I tripped over Leon's foot, Leon got tangled with the whole twirling bit cause I twirled him instead the other way round. Finally it was over after an exhausting hour. I'll be glad when the social is over!

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