chapter 3

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There was a tantalizing scent coming from one of the bedrooms. Neon had left Raze's cabin early to mentally prepare herself for the day. Her hands were rubbed raw from running it up and down the soft furnish of her pillowcase. She was in control of her body. Her red scaly hands were proof of that. Maybe it was the only way she could feel in control.

Curious, Neon swung her legs off the bed and hauled herself to a standing position. She ambled over to the smaller room, the one with the door frame painted gold. It had chipped a little, revealing the fissured dark oak underneath. It reminded her of the Japanese tradition where artisans would fill in cracks of broken pottery with gold in order to make them stronger. It was a nice touch.

She felt the doorknob. It jiggled when she touched it, signifying age. Tala had to give it a tug to release its suction on the ground. It jerked toward her hand, making a clicking noise as the corner made contact with the wooden panels.

Instead of food or a room full of perfume-sprayed clothing, it was her friends, their soulless eyes staring up at her, their bodies stacked carelessly like scrap about to be burned. It was like a challenge; the world was taunting her. Whoever was up there knew she wouldn't be able to save them. Whoever made her have this dream.

Tala slackened her grip and let her hand fall to her side. Her arms felt heavy. She felt an unbearable weight on her shoulders.

Tala opened her eyes. It was dark with the exception of moonlight that trickled through a slit in the blinds. It was a full moon, she noted inquisitively. She wanted to touch the moon. It looked so smooth and rocky at the same time. She wanted to uncover the mystery of it. She wanted to escape.

She scooped her watch up from the nightstand and clasped it onto her wrist. It was an hour before gametime.

There was also a sword on her nightstand. It was there when she had come home; it was the first thing she noticed. She hadn't touched it; she was afraid that she'd be tainted with the thoughts of a killer. She knew she had a knife, but that was for self-defense. The sword was official, sanctioned by the gamemasters, the oppressors; it was a sword for merciless, cold-hearted killing.

But Neon knew she wouldn't need the knife anymore. She would pick up the sword eventually, as offense would become defense in her role as a bodyguard. She contemplated giving it to one of her members.

Neon felt for the document in her pocket before drawing it out. She unclipped a pencil from the mesh basket and hovered her hand over the embossed paper.

Currently 6:03 AM, she wrote. She didn't know what else to say. There was nothing she could say. Neon had no desire to share her emotions at the moment. It wasn't rational.

She flicked a particle of dust off her sheet before stuffing it in her pocket. They didn't say she had to play by the rules. If she had the opportunity, she would make plans to escape. At that moment she wondered if that car was still out front, at the arch where they had arrived.

Killjoy was a good driver, she told herself. And her team wasn't so bad at coordinating. Could they pull it off with Fang breathing down their necks? She was skeptical.

Who would she reach out to first? The person who came to mind was Jett. Neon already knew Jett had her back- but would Jett kill for her? Kill those men in black? She spun the pencil in her hand as countless thoughts ran through her mind.

Her second choice was Yoru. Yoru was beginning to show hope of escaping, just like her. If the three of them could convene and strike up a plan, they could pass it on before anyone got hurt.

Neon was parched. She thought she might as well have a snack and a cold drink before the sun rose. She slipped into the kitchen and swiped a slice of bread and a jar of peanut butter from the side compartment. She held them between her tricep and chest. She forced the window open and stuck her free arm out. The weather was nice. If she paid attention she could feel the breeze tickling her arm hair.

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