chapter 12

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It was 12:00AM.

Chamber turned the electric fan off and traveled across the living room to take his crowbar.

In all honesty, he was scared. He would ditch the nightly prayer today. Have to run.

Scared of Jett. Something was tugging the back of his mind. Go to where Jett is. Don't let her kill Phoenix. It was the most reidiculous thing he had ever thought of. Phoenix getting killed? Not a good thing to worry about.

Chamber fished the spy device out of his jacket and glanced at the screen. He wiped it with his sleeve before changing it to Phoenix's house. Nothing in camera sight. He promptly left and made his way.

It was 12:00AM.

Phoenix was fiddling with the serum. His hand tremors got so bad that he had to set it down. He rocked back and forth for a bit. The retributionist was currently on the floor. Not very conventional but it gave him some comfort.

Phoenix stood up and shook off his wrists. Took a few deep breaths. Inhale, blow it out. Inhale, blow it out. He wanted to press his palms against his face and collapse into a ball. He would rather lose a finger than make this decision, but here he was.

Would rather lose his life than make a decision. There was his reputation on the line. What would they think? Jett, Chamber. He didn't reckon Yoru would care.

The TV was getting on his nerves. His nerves were a tangled mess right now, but still. He hit the power off button. He hit it a bunch more times. The TV light flickered on and off in response.


He had a funny idea just then. Phoenix went to the electric fan, switched the lever to maximum. It whirred. Shook the table a little.

He went to the AC, turned it to max.

Went to the thermostat, turned it to 85. Turned on all the faucets. All the showers. Flushed the toilet for fun. A couple times.

If this was using electricity and water, he might as well do whatever the hell he wanted. They're forcing him to be here? Fuck with the bills.

Except the government didn't pay bills- or was it the government behind all this? Whatever. No stupid federal overseer. No controlling authority. No idiot landlord with a vendetta.

After turning on everything that could be turned on, Phoenix resorted to kicking the walls and making holes in everything.

It was a shock that Jett hadn't shown up yet.

He was a sitting duck. Jett would barge in here with her stupid temper and blast the place up. The mafioso was after him, alright. Like a hunter after its prey. The prey knows it can't escape.

Phoenix was in a moment of panic just then. Nowhere to go, Jett on the loose. Criminal on the loose.

He put his fist through the painting on the wall.

Phoenix's breaths had gone shallow. His brain was spinning. This was not good for his body. The entire place looked ransacked. The mattress was untouched. He needed that to sleep. Phoenix left the vicinity in search of Viper. House One, House Two... House Three. Okay.

Went over and crouched with those trembling hands. Like the day he shot Fade.

He lifted Viper's arm and struggled with the long sleeve. He made a tsk sound. Ripped the sleeve off to expose the deltoid muscle. Pinched the skin and-

Wham. A knock to the head. Someone was standing over him. Phoenix yelled out, took the syringe with him and bolted.

She doesn't waste a damn second, does she?

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