6- We need a plan

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I was alive. And that was the only thing that mattered. I told my friends the whole story. Everything about Vecna, about Casita, the portal, the other children...

When I finished, they stared at me, open mouthed.

"And you survived?" Félix asked "All by yourself?"

I nodded. "Well, you guys helped, too. You guessed my favourite song... How did you know?"

Pepa and Bruno seemed suddenly very interested in a specific spot on the ground.

"You said you liked it on our first date" Agustín blushed

That should have been the best afternoon in my whole life, as I was alive, but I still felt Vecna inside me. I hadn't defeated him. He would go back. I was sure.

When another death was announced, a boy we tended to call "Juan el Mocos" for his inordinate amount of snot, I knew we had to put a stop to Vecna.

"Guys, we need a plan to stop him" I told them

"Well, you're usually the one that comes out with plans..." Bruno seemed kinda ashamed.

"The thing is, I've got a plan" I smiled sheepishly "but you guys are not gonna like it..."

I told them my plan while they protested.

"No! Absolutely no!" Agustín seemed confident on avoiding my plan.

"But it's the only was to stop him..." I pouted

"Well, as much as we're gonna do it or not, we'll need to check your theory" Pepa got hold of her bike "C'mon, guys. Let's get moving"

"You can walk, right?" Agustín helped me up.

"Watch me"

We cycled like mad to the closer scenario, the school. I didn't like the plan, but we had to stop Vecna before it was too late.

When we arrived, the whole place was covered in "DO NOT CROSS" tape. No matter how much we pouted to the policemen, they wouldn't let us in.

"Great" Pepa sat in the floor, blowing her ginger locks from her face "How are we gonna find a portal to that so called red world without being able to search the place?"

I also sat in the ground, defeated. I looked around. Félix was holding Pepa's hand. Bruno also seemed mad with the policemen. Agustín had his head down, but, was that a grin?

He held my hand and took me appart from me group.

"Hey, Juli... I just wanted to say that, perhaps we don't have to let Vecna get you?" He blushed and looked sheepish "I mean... It's just that... I don't want to loose you again!"

He broke into tears. I felt bad for him, but I was sure I was doing the right thing. I knew that my sacrifice was the only way. I didn't mind that no one would realize what I'd done, that they'd pin the glory on my siblings. I felt more mature. For once, I didn't mind being a shadow, as long as I was right.

"I know..." My voice was sweet and gentle. I hugged him "But I can't let another person take the risk. They wouldn't know what are they facing. But I know. And I'm ready to sacrifice for this town"

"You say that so confidently... Even if the town won't know or care what you've done for them"

I took a deep, shaky breath "I don't mind them thinking I'm a burden, a shadow, worthless... I only care about being the hero, for once. Even if it's an invisible hero..."

"I envy you. I wish I could be half as brave, as confident, as mature, as sure as you are. The town might not know what you'll do, but I'll always know. You're already my hero"

I smiled. That was all I needed to hear.

Worthless :A Encanto (Stranger Things AU)Where stories live. Discover now