The Taste of His Cherry Chapstik.

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"Boris!!" I screamed. My mom looked at me in shock with a confused face. I I closed my eyes to blink and as soon as I opened them I was in the car again, panting, sweating and crying. Boris was on top of me calling "Potter, Potter, Potter it's okay!" I looked over to the seat my parents were in and my dad was still driving but Xandra was looking at me with concern. She sighed in relif when she saw I was awake. She started saying something to dad but I couldn't quite make it out. "Potter!" I jerked my head to look at Boris. He had his hands on my back. He lifted me up to sit and I just looked at him. "You're real?" I said with a shakey voice. My hearing wasn't muffled anymore, but were was mom? Boris is here but . . . Whats going on? "Yes I am?" I immediately huged him to see if he actually was snd when I did I cried. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe, I'm now noticing how important the stupid, pale, Ukrainian, black-haired, fuck means to me.he rubbed circles on my back and he then let go. "What happened?" He asked me. "I had this dream, my mom was there. She told me I was in a coma and all of my memories with you were . . . Fake. I cried for you, so hard. I didn't care my mom was right there infront of me, I needed you" I explained. Boris smiled at me and hugged me. "Im right here Potter" He said in his softest voice.

4 hours of being in the car were over, finally. I was glad to be back at home but I could tell Boris wasn't. I knew why, but I never told him I knew. Boris would go ballistic if he knew I knew. Boris was getting abused, really baldly. He'd have black eyes, bleeding lips, bruses everywhere, ect. I felt bad but I couldn't do anything about it. I mean, if anything, I dont want Boris to have to suffer like me. "Sure" Xandra said, tapping me on shoulder with her sharp, white nails. That knocked me out of my thoughts. "I'm spending the night here" Boris said grabbing my hand. "Oh, okay" Boris smiled as we walked in.

When we entered my room Popper was sleeping on my bed. I raced up to him and snuggled him. Boris watched from the doorframe and laughed. "It feels so nice to be home" I said. Boris frowned and sat besideme on my bed. "Well, for you, yeah. Not so much for me" Boris had a hint of sadness in his face. I rubbed his arm. "What do you mean?" It was a stupid question because I already knew exactly why he didn't want to be home and why he was spending the night. A tear fell from Boris's eye. "Hey, I'm here for you. Dont cry" I tried to comfort Boris but im shitty at stuff like that. "My dad . . . He um, beats me" Boris said, giving hand motions. "I'm sorry" "Don't be" I really was sorry though. "But-" "No. Potter, I know. I don't want you to stress about me I'm fine!" Boris snapped. I stood up. "I care about you Boris! More than anyone else. I have the right to give a damn about you!" I shouted back.

Boris stood up. Shit. I was now less intimidating then before, if I even was, because Boris was stanidng right infront of me. He towered over me. Boris was a real trouper, getting through everything. He even looked badass with all the cuts and bruises, though they shouldn't have been there in the first place. He always dressed cool 'n shit. He was intimidating. I fidgeted with my hands as he got closer to me. "Look Potter. I know you care about me 'n shit but, I know you need more help than me right now. I made your life suck. I turned you into a druggie for gods sake!" Boris yelled in my face. We had never faught like this. When we did it wouldn't be as loud as this. One of my weaknesses were yelling and shouting. My dad and Xandra used to be abusive to me. Not physically but verbally. They got over that and accepted me as their son. I forgave them but I'll never forget. I backed away but Boris only became closer. "B-bull shit! You made my life better. And so what I'm a druggie. I'd probably turn out as one anyway!" I screamed back. "Were both fucking depressed here Boris!" I yelled.

Boris glared at me then pinned me to my wall. I froze in fear. I know Boris is strong, over-powering, a taller, bigger, and intimidating, person. My eyes widened as he brought his face closer to mine. I whimpered as he gave me a glare and put his knee in between my legs. "Let's not fight anymore. Don't fight your feelings Potter" Boris wispered in my ear. That sent a fuzzy warm feeling down my body in my stomach. He chuckled and backed away. I was blushing so hard and my face was hot. My eyes were wide as I let out a whimper. Shit, I was a mess. I collected my self and walked forwards at Boris. I looked up at him with my arms crossed. He just had that awful smirk on his face. "What was that for?" I asked. He leaned down at my level. "I like to see you in a blushing mess, and I love seeing you angry. It's so cute" "Shut up you queer" I snapped. Boris gave me a glare. "I didn't mean it like that! I swear!" I started to apologize. "I get it now. You dont want me sticking up for you like I like you is it?" Boris asked blankly. "What no". He walked out my door withought even saying goodbye. What the fuck? I didn't even do anything!

I really screwed up didnt I? Oh god. Boris is, well was the only person I had, now hes gone. I actually cannot believe I dug like this for myself. I sighed and sunk down in the cheap mattress under me. Why did I say that? If only Boris knew I was gay, gay for him. Stupid bull shit. I shut my eyes and let the salty tears run down my cheeks. I grunted and hid under my blanket. I dont know how to apologize, I'm not good at stuff like that. I need Boris back. I need to tell him I'm sorry and get him back.

Only if it was that easy.

Word count : 1126

I needa update this book more aaah. Sorry if I'm slacking off on you guys. School is comming up and I needa study and do homework so I'm not going to be able to update as often. Hopefully this didn't move to fast.

QOTD : Boris or Theo?

Love Struck // Boreo (Boris x Theo) The GoldfinchWhere stories live. Discover now