Is He Even Real?

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"Yeah I am, and I plan to keep it that way for a while" Theo says, shrugging. "Yeah, just making sure" Boris says.
Boris lifts Theo back onto the swing and starts to push him again. After that day they never saw Sydney again.

The days pass at Oak Bay and the last day there rolls around. Theo wakes up with a lazy yawn and stretch. He gets dressed wearing loose dark blue jeans with a light brown sweater over that has one of those white collars. He immediately goes to Boris's room. Theo opened the door of Boris's room to see Boris right at his door with one of his hands out as if he was about to open the door. Theo bumps into Boris's chest and takes a step back.

"Shit, my bad" Theo says. Boris laughes it off and lets Theo into his room. "Last day huh?" "What?" "Last day potter" "oh yeah. Lets make the best of it" Theo says smirking. Boris knew exactly what he ment.

That day they spent the whole day swimming, walking around, getting drunk and getting high. "Potter your pretty fucked up" Boris said. Boris didn't drink as heavy as Theo this night. Nor did he get high, suprisingly.
Maybe it was because he knew how Theo gets out of control while not sober. There was no exact reason why. Boris was actaully pretty sober by the end of the night, wishing he could say the same as Theo but, he couldn't. Theo was wasted, singing laughing and saying weird shit.

"Quiet down you two! And go to bed we have to be up early for tomorrow!" Xandra shouted angrily. "Okay Potter, you heard the boss. Bedtime" Boris says holding Theo's hand and bringing Theo to Theo's bedroom. "Nooo!" Theo whined like a toddler. "Potter, lights out. We'll be on the road tomorow early, come on" "You're not my dad" "yeah, but, your mom told me to get you to bed Potter" Theo whined and got up from the floor. "But, I looove you! I wanna stay up to talk with you!" Theo cried. "Okay, I love you too but c'mon" Boris started dragging Theo to his room and sat Theo on his bed. "Alread go change into your pajamas. I'll brush my teeth and when I'm back you better be done" Boris said leaving Theo's room. 'Jeez, I have to take care of him like he's a toddler' Boris said in his mind. As Boris walkes back to Theo's room Theo is sitting on his bed criss cross wearing green plaid pajama pants with no shirt. Boris sighs and walkes to Theo's bed. "Want me to sleep with you or what?" "Mmm no" "Okay well get to bed hot stuff" "No! Stay here" "Well I have to sleep to man" "Lets bang" Boris snorted at the word, but then realized what Theo had just said. "What?" Boris said. "You know! You've been talking about my virginty for the past few days" Theo remarked giggling. "Potter you are way to drunk or high I don't even know. But sadly I'm gonna have to pass. Plus your not sober, that would mean I'm taking advantage of you, no?" Boris responded. "But I love you!" Theo cried. "I do too man but, no. Maybe later in life" "You've already said that before. When you kissed me, you made a joke saying you wanted to baanggg" "Oh, uh, sorry I just can't today Potter. Goodnight. Lights out now" Boris said turning the lights off and closing Theo's door. "Jeez" Boris muttered.

Boris layed in bed thinging about those words. 'But I love you!' 'I love you!' Theos voice repeated. Boris couldn't help but blush, the crimson color brushing on his cheeks. Boris sighed and fell asleep.

"Boris wake up. Unpacking starts like, now!" Boris wakes up in a shock. "Mmh- Theo" Boris mumbles rubbing his eyes.

The two boys pack up and eat breakfast. They get there luaggage and get into the car. "Bye Oak Bay" Boris said. Theo waves goodbye to Oak Bay and sits in his seat. Boris turns to theo a few minutes on to the road and blushes. "So, about last night. You remember shit?" Boris askes. Theo remembered it clear as day, suprisingly. Theo was to scared to talk about it and was to embarrased, so he lied. "No?...What happened?" Theo lies. "Oh, nothing important, you just seemed really drunk thats all" Boris lied. "Oh okay"

A few minutes into the trip Theo unbuckled his seat belt and lied down across all the seats in the car isle. Including laying his head on Boris's lap. "Dude-" "Mmm I don't care" "pft I hate you Potter" "Yeah right" Boris and Theo laughed. Theo got up and rummaged through his pocket to pull out a hair elastic. He scoots over to Boris and grabs Boris's thick, dark, curly hair, that was actually washed. "Hm?" Boris humms. "Can I braid your hair?" Boris's hair had become quite long since they first met. His hair has become about chest length. "Oh yeah, go for it" Boris turns around facing the window as Theo Braids his hair. "How'd you learn to braid hair?" "Oh, my mom taught me when she was still around. I used to braid her hair when she read to me" Theo explained. "Cool" Boris replied simply. Xandra looks over at the two boys and can't help but smile at the sight of Theo braiding Boris's hair. Xandra actually knew Theo loved Boris before Theo even knew that himself. Larry on the other hand was extremely homophobic and tried to convince Xandra into being one too. Xandra ignored it and continued to ship the two.

As Theo finished up, Boris placed a quick peck on Theos nose, leaving Theo in shock. "Thanks Potter" Boris said. Theo smiled and leaned his head on the window and thought about Boris and his long silky hair as he drifted off to sleep.


"He's awake! Theodore! You're awake my dear!" My head was spinning, vision blurry, headache, chest hurting, arm in a cast and eyes hurting from the bright light that filled the room. There she was. My mother, standing, right infront of me. I was shocked. I sat up, staring at her. She looked like she was crying. Well, she was. Tears streaming down her face as she held me cheeks in her hands. "No. You're not real" I said sharply. Tears formed in my eyes. "I am? Theodore you've- you've been in a coma for 4 months. After the bombing?" My mother said, kissing my forehead. "No, its been a year and you died" I said. This time tears flowed down my cheeks. "Theo dear, you've been in a coma. I'm real, I'm not dead" She insisted. "Mom, you're real!" I exclaimed. I leaned over and hugged her so tight as I cried into her shoulder. I pulled back and looked around the room in panick. Were's Boris? "Wait, were- were's Boris?!" I asked. My mother looked at me confused and sat on my bed. "We don't know a Boris Theo. Everything about me dying and this Boris, thats not real. You dreamed that in your coma" She said grabbing my hand. "No! He's here, I know it. I loved him! He- He loved me too!" "I'm sorry hun but-" "No! I loved him! I kissed him! He was my first love!" I screamed. Boris meant so much to me and now he's just, not...real? "Im sorry but she doesnt exsist Theo" My mother insisted. I stared at her. I felt relief my mom was alive and living but Boris, he was there for me and helped me with my trauma and everything. Now he just doesnt exsit? The full year I had spent with him, and Oak Bay too. "She? He- he was my best friend and my lover. He made me realize who I really was and helped me over your death!" I shouted as tears fell from my eyes. The salty tears fell into my tounge as I gulped. "He? Sorry, but I'm telling you he doesnt- hes not here" my mother pleaded. I screamed.



Word Count : 1362

PLOT TWIST HELLO??!! Also I am so sorry I need to start updating this more but, I had been going through ALOT, and i even tried to end shit. Like, everything. But I'm okay now dw abt me :).

QOOTD : weirdest dream?

Love Struck // Boreo (Boris x Theo) The GoldfinchWhere stories live. Discover now