catching - Bruce yamada

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You stopped walking when your Walkman began to make a weird sound instead of music. The sound of boys shouting at you became apparent, you looked towards them and saw a ball flying straight for your face. Instinctively you moved your hand to block it, but you caught it.

"I am so sorry, we lost control of the ball- how did you catch that?" A tall guy asked, pausing when he realized you were holding the baseball. You finally unfroze and relaxed a bit, looking at the ball.  "Magic?" You looked up at him with an awkward smile, attempting to make him laugh: you succeeded. You both stood there giggling like idiots, not even at the joke anymore but at each-other for laughing at something so corny.

"Okay,okay but seriously, you wanna play ball sometimes? I could use the extra practice" he looked at you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You stared at him a nodded, he was extremely cute. "Yeah- definitely, just when and where?" You asked, handing him the ball back. Just as you did his teammates began yelling, waving for him to come back. He turned back to face you before handing you a pen; "write your number on the ball, it's mine n if you tell me I might forget it." he held the ball as you wrote down your house number, making sure your handwriting was pretty. Unbeknownst to you, he was staring at you fondly as you focused on writing your number down.

"Ah also, my names Bruce." He held out his hand for you to shake, to which you did: "I'm Y/N" he smiled at you brightly; "pleased to meet you!" And you replied with he same thing.

"Ill call you later!" Bruce yelled as he ran off back to the field. He'd forgotten his pen so you figured you'd get it back to him when you both hung out. You waved to him while walking away.

"Y/N! There's someone on the line for you!" Your mom yelled from downstairs. You quickly shuffled out of bed and into the hallway, picking up the closest phone. "Hey.!" You hugged, trying to sound not-out-of-breath. "Hey! I was thinking me and you can go to the park tomorrow? Maybe catch a movie after some practice.." he trailed on, twirling the phone cord around his finger as if he were in a movie. "Yeah I'm totally down! What movie and what time?" You asked, leaning against the wall.

"We go to the park at two..maybe go see the movie around 4? Or later if you want..scary movies are better at night anyways." He replied. You imagined him shrugging just now, and it bought a smile to your face. "Yeah that's perfect, I'll see you then Bruce" .. "Can't wait, also you still have my pen!" Bruce laughed into the phone, causing giggles of your own to erupt. "I'll give it to you tomorrow!"  You both said your byes before he hung up.

"So whos the boyfriend" your moms voice came from the phone.

"Mom!!" You yelled, almost offended she'd eavesdrop on your conversation.

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