Only you - F. Blake

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"Donna will you be my lab partner? Mwah-mwah-mwah!" Gwen teased, making two kissing hand puppets as she put them in finneys face. He shoved her hand away laughing; "you know it's not like that, at least not for me" finney trailed off as he laid eyes on a familiar figure. "Y/N!" Gwen yelled excitedly, running towards you with wide arms. You opened your arms and smiled at her: "Gwen!" You stumbled back when she slammed into you, arms wrapping around you tightly.

You had just got back from a somewhat vacation, visiting your family back in another state for almost three months. "Hey finney" you greeted the older boy, giving him a side hug as gwen still clung onto your other side. "Hey Y/N" he replied, giving you a smile. You smiled back before glancing to the side of them; "those assholes still messing with you Finn?" You asked, looking up at him. he flinched when he heard the nickname, just hearing you say it made his heart flutter "They won't be now that your here" he elbowed you playfully.

"They better not, or I'll fuck all of them up" you replied, shouting the end of your sentence so they'd hear you. You watched as they kicked rocks and left. You wrapped your arm around finney's neck as gwen held your arm. Y/N L/N was back, and she wasn't messing around when it came to the Blake siblings.


You waited outside the school, leaning on the wall next to the door. You snuck away from pe since it was just running outside today. You listened to the sound of the bell ringing, not long after the footsteps on running kids as they bursted through the door. You waited until you saw a familiar mop of brown curly hair, and as soon as you did you jogged up to him.

"Hey finn " you smiled, he turned to face you and he immediately smiled back; "hey y/n". "Where's gwen?" You asked, looking around. "She's staying at a friends for the week, something about a team project?" Finney questioned her excuse. "Ah makes sense" you replied, holding onto the straps of your backpack.

The atmosphere was awkward, finney was visibly tense and it was just a weird vibe overall; it felt like he didn't want you there. You cleared your throat before speaking "Gwen told me you have a girlfriend?" You smiled at him, ignoring the ache inside your heart when you imagined finney with another girl. "I already told her- I don't like donna if anything I really like-" he quickly cut himself off when his eyes landed on you, you looked so pretty today. "Sure, anyways do you wanna stay over for a bit? My parents aren't home til' 9 tonight."

Finney shrugged, looking back to the sidewalk ahead of him: "sure". You looked ahead as well, the shift in the atmosphere was apparent, it felt calm. The walk home was peaceful, basically just you and finney admiring the forests and pointing out every little animal each of you saw. As soon as you got home you threw your backpack onto the hanger and slipped off your shoes, finney doing the same as he and Gwen had been over numerous times to know the rules.

"Want icecream? Just bought a gallon yesterday" you looked back at finney, opening the freezer. "Uhh yeah, just two scoops please" Finn replied, sitting at the kitchen island. You nodded before taking out the icecream and two bowls, as wel as two spoons. Finney just looked around, "it feels like it's been so long since I've been over" he laughed out, looking back to you. "I mean it has been a little over two months" you replied, smiling. Finney only nodded with a hum, watching you bring the two bowls to the counter.

"Any progress with Donna?" You asked before eating a spoonful of icream. He flinched at the mention of her before slowly looking up to you; "I don't like her like that Y/N" he laughed awkwardly. "Then who do you like finney?" You asked again, looking forward out of the kitchen window. To be completely honest, you didn't wanna know. You were gonna be jealous, sad and a lot of other feelings you wouldn't be able to explain.

"You. Y/N I like you." Finney replied, setting his spoon back into the bowl before taking your hand. You were shocked, flabbergasted (lol) your mouth only dropped open, the spoon that was moving to your mouth had stopped. "Serious?" You asked, not believing him for a minute.

"Yes, I've liked you since the first time we met- I mean your incredible! And extremely pretty" he replied, not breaking eye contact. "I, i like you too finney" you replied, jumping forward to hug him.
You both stayed like that for a while, embracing eachothers warmth.

" I knew it!" Gwen yelled, swinging the front door open.

"How the hell do you have my house key!?"

word count: 836


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