Sensitivity - v. Hopper

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summary thing: House party at Vance's, girls flirting with him, teenage dirtbag v in the beginning, another made up character i named him miles
A/N: long ass fic ahead, was originally gonna make it two parts but too lazyyy


"Do you know how many people are coming?" Your friend asked as she held onto your arm, walking with you up to the front door. "Nope, supposedly anyone who heard about it is invited." You replied, shrugging. She made an "O" with her lips before stopping besides you when you reached the door. You raised your hand to knock but hesitated, did you really need to be out at a party? This late?

You were interrupted by your friend taking your hand and knocking before quickly moving her own away when the door opened. You smiled at the boy before you; "hey V"  "hey vance"your friend greeted, "sup" he nodded to the girl,then the corners of his lips dared to turn upwards when he laid eyes on you; "Hey babe" he reached for your waist to pull you away from your freind
before placing a small peck on the top of your head.

He let you both in and just as you expected, the house was already packed, and there were some girls glaring at you. "Crazy how I just got here and there's already girls praying on my downfall" you laughed out to your friend to which she nodded and laughed, side eyeing people as we walked to the kitchen. "Ima go hang with my friends, I'll see you in a bit?" Vance grinned, looking to the backyard then back to you. "Yeah, alright see you" you quickly pecked him cheek before watching him turn on his heel and head towards the back door .

You turned back to your friend, who was deadpanning "Y'all have to stop being lovey dovey, I feel like a third wheel." She pouted, pouring herself a cup of punch. "I mean, technically you are- but there's so many cute boys here: go be social!" You lightly nudged her, gesturing to the crowd of people. "You'll be alright by yourself?" She asked, looking back to you for reassurance, to which you nodded and ushered her to the crowd once again.

You sat on top of the counter, overlooking the party as time flew by. At this point, you were bored out of your mind. You'd sent your best friend to find herself a partner and your boyfriend went to hangout with his stupid buddies. You bought your cup to your lips, but paused when you saw a familiar group of girls heading into the backyard with the boys.

You quickly downed the rest of the punch before sliding off the counter and walking to the backyard door. You saw something you really wish you didn't; A girl feeling all over Vance's arm, practically clinging onto him like a fucking koala. you didn't want to be over dramatic, but you also didn't need or want other girls touching your boyfriend like she was. What made it worse is that he wasn't even trying to get her off, just standing there smiling at his friends laughing.

"Vance?" You called out, but he didn't answer, he was focused on his friends and their stupid skateboard tricks. Your anger only rose, not only did he have another girl on his side; but he was ignoring you too? It was embarrassing. "Vance!" You yelled this time, throwing your empty cup at his frizzy hair. His head whipped towards you, a scowl on his face. But it softened when he realized it was you. "The fuck is your problem?" He asked in a nonchalant tone, grinning, but deep down he knew that tone in your voice was not a good one.

"You! Over here- fucking- flirting with these..bimbos!" You yelled, gesturing to the girls on his side and the one on his arm. "Be fucking forreal Y/N, does it look like I'm interested in any of them?!" He replied, his shoulders tensing. "Yeah! Seeing as how your not trying to get them off!" You argued, glaring at the girls then back up to your boyfriend. He scoffed before poking the inside of his cheek with his tounge, a grin creeping back onto his face. He was visibly pissed now, but tried to keep his cool.

"Get the fuck off me." He shrugged the girls off before storming to you; "and you. Come with me." He grabbed your wrist before pulling you inside, pushing everyone out of the way as he made his way up the stairs. "Let me go you fuck!" You yelled, trying to loosen his grip to wriggle away. He pulled you infront of him as he stopped. "What the fuck?" Was all he said, in an exasperated voice while raising his hands before slamming them back onto his Jeans.

"Don't what the fuck me, I'm the one who should be saying that!" You replied through closed teeth. He was in disbelief at this point, genuinely not knowing what the problem was. "You come outside, yell at me, throw a fucking cup at my fucking head and then accuse me of flirting with some girls I don't know!" He summarized, as if he was proving a point.

"Your unbelievable V, I mean- do you genuinely not see the problem or are you just acting dumb?" You glared at him, smiling in shock. Vance groaned, throwing a hand across his face before plopping onto the seat behind him. "I don't understand Y/N. The only thing wrong here is how fucking sensitive your being!"

your face dropped at those words. "Sensitive?" You asked, trying to confirm what he had said. He nodded; "your being sensitive as fuck." You smiled is disbelief, " So apparently me not wanting other girls flriting with my boyfriend makes me sensitive as fuck." You turned to the stairwell, meeting the stares of many. You shook your head before walking away, down the stairs and through the crowd, everything was hazy until you exited the house then did you realize how big of a fight this was.

Your friend ram out the house and to your side, offering you her coat and support. "I know that was probably rough, and those people can't mind their business for shit." She rubbed your arm, giving you a side hug as you both walked down the street. "It felt real, like, more adult." You replied, staring at the ground with tears pooling in your eyes. "What did?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. "The argument- I mean we have disagreements but this just feels more real." You shrugged, looking up at her.

She could only hug you in response. "Y/N!" A voice yelled, running from behind you. You both turned to face the voice and there was miles. "I saw what happened back there but could find you guys, you okay?" Miles asked, stopping infront of you. "Yeah, just a little argument I guess" you shrugged, miles only hugged you before they walked you to your house.

"You two wanna to stay over? Parents won't mind" you asked, gesturing to the sleeping couple on your couch. "Yeah" "why not" they replied, smiling. You and the two stayed up til 12 eating icecream, talking about vance and his anger issues, then cuddling up toegther on your bed. (You spooning miles and Your friend spooning you) to go to sleep.

"Y/N! Vance is here!" Your mother yelled, closing the door after she'd let him in. But you were still sound sleep with your friends, icecream bowls on the nightstand and floor as well as a couple of candy wrappers here and there. Your room door opened causing you to jolt awake, your eyes landing on the figure in the doorway. You rubbed your eyes; "Vance?" You questioned, only the receiving a nod.

"Vance?" Miles popped up from under the cover, groggily staring. "Why the fuck is he in your bed?" Vance asked, gripping the flowers he was holding tighter. "Vance is here?" Your friend asked, also popping up, causing Vance to realize what was going on. It was just a friend sleepover.

"We had a sleepover, which you could've been here if you weren't too busy flirting with other girls" you mumbled the last part. "Look i just want to apologize." Vance stated, handing you the flowers.

"I was a total douche last night and I really don't have an excuse for it but basically- what I'm trying to say is I'm uh, 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆." Vance trailed on, his face turning red. Based on the way he kept chatting on and on, stumbling over his words and blushing, you could tell this was a sincere apology, even if it wouldn't sound like much coming from someone else, for Vance, this was a huge step.

"Mm, the flowers are my favorites..and your apology was nice" you teased, acting as if you were thinking hard about wether you should accept his apology. Both of his hands grabbed the side of your face before pulling you in for a kiss. You smiled into it before pulling apart; "apology accepted" you hugged him. "Well me and miles are gonna gooo help with breakfast..we'll see you two downstairs." Your friend whispered before sneaking away with miles.

You and vance just sat in each others comfort, leaning agaisnt one another, until he opened his mouth: "being sensitive isn't a bad thing, I like it when you care" Vance mumbled as he placed his chin on your head. "I'd like it if you showed you care too, and kept those stupid bimbos off of you." You replied.

"Your the only one I want, but if it makes you happy I'll keep them farrr away from us." Vance replied, gesturing just how far he'd stay away from them.

It was cute.

Word count: 1647

Rushed ending sorry


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