What a shame - R. Arellano

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A/n- you have a boyfriend but he's a shitty one, I named him jack, hope you don't mind :)!

You sighed as you felt Jack wriggle his arm away from yours. You'd simply wanted to sit with your boyfriend for lunch, enjoy his warmth since it was freezing outside, but he didn't care all he wanted was to gawk at other girls as if you weren't there. You quickly got up and stormed away, not looking back even when you heard him calling for you.

Looking down, shaking your head in disappointment and embarrassment youd ram into something, praying it wasn't a wall until you felt hands softly touching your arms, trying to pull you back a little . "You alright?" He asked, cashing you to look up. "Yeah- I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" you replied, slowly inching away from him.

He had the prettiest brown eyes, shoulder length hair and a bandana tied around his head. "You sure? You look like you were running away from someone" he asked again, trying to get confirmation. He was a little concerned with how red your eyes looked, how you looked distressed. "Really, I'm fine it's just something with my boyfriend." You confirmed, locking eyes with him before quickly catching yourself and pulling away.

"I'm sorry,,," you trailed on, waiting for him to say his na- "Robin, Arellano" he replied; "sorry for that Robin, maybe I can treat you to icecream or something as an apology, seeing as how many people are staring at us right now" he looked around, all eyes were on you two, whispering and gasping. "Is YN cheating?" "Robin? YN?" "Jacks gonna be so pissed"

"Ah, so your the popular YN LN then?" Robin looked back to you, chuckling lightly. You smiled shyly and nodded embarrassed that everyone knew you by now. "My class is about to start, how about after school for the icecream?" Robin asked, which you nodded; "for sure." He nodded one last time before walking away, you waving at him until he turned to face the opposite way.

You let out a sigh, feeling like you'd been holding your breath since the interaction begun. Your shaken back to the present when the bell sings signaling lunch is over, and 3rd period was about to start.  You quickly turned to walk with the rush of students, getting to your class as quickly as possible.

You entered the classroom?throwing your books atop of the desk before plopping into the seat. As you stared into the board all you could imagine was the boys face. His smile was strangely cute, as well as his shoulder length hair and bandanna combo.

Surely enough you were snapped out of it when the bell rung. You stood up, suprised and sutured that school was over already. "Y/N, you were spaced out like the entire class, are you okay?" A friend asked, walking up to you with a concerned face before chuckling a little.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine just thinking, y'know?" You smiled at her before swinging your backpack over your shoulder. "Are you doing anything after school? Me, Jack, Noah and some others were having a little get together at my place if you wanna come?" She asked, walking with you out of the classroom.

"oof,uhm I have plans with someone after school but I'll definitely stop by after." You replied, giving her an apologetic look knowing Jack would probably make you-not-going a big deal. She sighed; "alright, who are you meeting?"

"Uhh just someone." You replied, looking away and seeing Robin standing at the school exit, leaning against a wall. "Gotta go, I'll stop by later!" You yelled as you ran to Robin, waving at the girl.

Robin stood straight, "Hola princessa, estas lista?" He asked, in a singsong voice. You tilted your head slightly; "princessa?" Your cheeks were warm now, the nickname gave you butterflies. Sure Jack had called you his princess numerous times, but when Robin said it; it just felt different. In a good way.

"Yeah, The little princess of the school." Robin grinned, placing a hand on your head before walking out the building making sure to hold the door for you. You thanked him before you both continued your walk to the ice cream parlor. Thank goodness it was a short walk or else it would've been horribly awkward.

"So, what flavor do you want?" You asked, looking at him as you both stood in line. "Anything mint or chocolate, you?" Robin leaned forward just a bit, leveling himself with you before his eyes turned to you.

"Uu, probably just a sundae." You answered before it was your turn to order. "Can I get a sundae without nuts." You ordered and turned to Robin. "Can I get mint chocolate chip on a waffle cone?" You took your cash out your pocket but a hand was placed on yours, pushing it back to your pocket.

"I got it." Robin slid the cash to the cashier before smiling at you; " this was supposed to be my treat." You laughed, "Consider this date as the treat" Robin winked at you before taking his cone ms your sundae from the cashier. Your cheeked flushed once again

"Date? I have a boyfriend- I can't go on dates!" You squeaked, obviously distressed as you eyed around making sure no other students were around to hear or see you and Robin. "And where is your boyfriend? Not treating you right I assume." Robin shrugged

"He's at a party but he isn't that bad, I mean he has gotten a little distant, and he's been ignoring my calls..and he hangs out with my friend more than me.." you trailed on, thinking about his current behavior towards you.

"What a shame, you should just end things if hs treating you like that." Robin cooed, sliding your icecream to you as you sat across from him in the little booth. "I don't know.. do you think he's cheating on me?" you asked, looking up at Robin after staring at your lap for so long.

He only shrugged in response as he ate his icecream, almost completely unbothered. 

Pt2 coming bc I'm lazy also, this will probably be my second to last chapter.

Should I start a book with Robin or Vance?

Word count: 10555

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