Little imagines

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I'm bored so have my little ideas I couldn't turn into chapters; as imagines!!! None of them really have a theme 💀

Imagine being a crybaby while dating The vance hopper. Like hes always getting in fights and run-ins with the cops and is always scaring you half to death. One specific time that stuck with you was when he was getting jumped during a date and this one dude just comes full on charging at him from behind with a knife, by this point your sobbing; your boyfriend is fighting off three guys by himself and about to get stabbed. So almost instinctively you block vance and grab the charger's wrist twisting his entire arm causing him to cry out in pain as he falls to his knees. Your just profusely apologizing while balling your eyes out after realizing you just broke this dudes arm. Vance turns to you after he knocked the other guys down and his jaw dropped. "Y/N, hey babe I'm sure it doesn't even hurt" he'd try to comfort you but you only cried harder as you hugged him. "It doesn't even hurt him,right?" He'd turn his attention to the guy on the floor with a threatening glare. "Y-yeah not at all-" the guy would agree, trying to not get another broken arm. Vance would definitely walk you home after that and would make sure to have dates in more populated places so the chances he'd get jumped were thinner.

Imagine being his #1 supporter, ever since childhood you've been right next to him, helping him practice, train and even making sure he ate the balanced meals he needed for baseball. When you were both in grade school and it was his first ever real game, you were sitting closest to him cheering him on wether he was pitching or batting. And ever since then you've been right by his side, his go to, his #1. Right after games HED run straight to you, giving you the biggest hug ever, lifting you and spinning you if his arms weren't sore (which when it came to you they never were) and then he'd catch up with his family that sat behind you. And being so close with Bruce, came being close to his family. They were very involved parents and Bruce was very open towards them, as well about his little crush on you. They'd invite you over for "family night", dinned, lunch, brunch- whatever! They just used it as an excuse to get to know you more and get Bruce to spend time with you. You can bet when he finally asked you out, it was cute. His mom had called you and asked for some help with her garden, but once you got there and walked into the backyard Bruce was standing down a littlw pathway of bushes and holding flowers. "Can you be my- will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled at you nervously, waiting for your response. His hair was slightly slicked back with little strands bouncing to the front, he was wearing a white button up and black jeans and the scenery was beautiful. You figured the flowers had bloomed and he used this opportunity to wow you.  After you said yes and gave him a little kiss his family were smiling and cheering, but because he only had two siblings and his parents they weren't too loud. (He took you out to eat after, turns out his mom had set reservations at this little restaurant)

Imagine being his go-to, his partner, just his in general. Robin is a very simple guy when it comes to fighting; you say some offensive shit to him or anyone he's friends with and your getting your ass handed to you. But he especially doesn't mess around when it comes to his partner. I mean holy shit, someone could look at you wrong and he'd call them out, which usually lead to heated arguments that you'd have to drag him away from. While it did get annoying sometimes, he knew when to shut off his protective side, and just be your boyfriend. Taking you on bike rides, walks around the park, going to the movies, etc. Robin is very close to his uncle and family, ae you are close to his family. They're very inviting as and cheerful most of the time, they like having you over for dinners and holidays. "Robin! Tu novia esta aqui!" "You only had two tamales! Have some more" "No quieres mas pollito?" We're coming things they said to you. He's definitely invited you to the movies more times than you could count, seeing the rated r and ma movies as his uncle usually walked you two in before he left himself. Watching  movies with Robin at home, meant lots of casual cuddling, his arm around you as you leaned on his chest, him sitting on the floor on a cushion as he leaned back onto your legs while you braided/played in his hair, taking turns laying your head on one another's lap, or even just leaning your head on his shoulder. If you couldn't tell, he loves to watch movies.

Imagine being his ride or die, like literally. You've been through so many fights together and just seeing you fight back with so much gives him that boost of confidence he needs to fight back as well. Before he met you he took shit from others and just accepted being bullied. But after seeing you beat the living hell out of that one ginger kid for pushing finney down right infront of you- he hasn't been the same. You both get jumped often, which means having each others back, you get kicked down? Finn is right there ready to punch that son of a bitch. Finney is being held back? Your right on their asses. After being friends for a while, finney developed a crush on you and insisted you calling him fin. And after being well, whatever you two were you of course had to meet gwen. She was y'all's third fighter basically, helping to beat the shit out of people, even if it meant using rocks. She's also the one who helped finney acknowledge his feelings for you, and also helped you two get together. She was like a wingman, ride or die and protector all in one. Dating finney didn't really change anything but the title of your relationship with the boy. You were still extremely close and honest, even though sometimes he kept little things from you like sly remarks people made to him, you never let it lead to anything but a disagreement. He is practically the perfect partner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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