Nicknames P2 - R. Arellano

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You leaned against the book shelf, watching all the kids pass and run for the exit even thought the bell just rang seconds ago. Your eyes landed on a short girl and a tall curly haired boy next to her, you quickly waved; "Gwen! Finney! Over here" their heads turned to you before rushing to get through the crowd of kids. You smiled at them but it immediately dropped when you watched finney get pushed to the floor, bumping into Gwen. You bumped shoulders and shoved other kids out of the way to get to them.

"Yo what the fuck is your problem?" You questioned, standing infront of the siblings as Gwen helped up her brother. "My problem is you and your little friends being alive!" His voice roared as he threw a punch at you, landing it on your cheekbone. A pain shocked through your face when his knuckle made contact with the bone; this was sure as hell going to bruise.

You swung back, but aimed for his nose. As soon as he stumbled back you kicked him to the floor, knocking him onto his ass. You straddled him,pulled him forward by his shirt before retracting your arm and tightening your fist; "Y/N comon! Admins are coming" finney yelled, trying to pull you back. You ignored him and punched the guy, landing it square on his nose drawing blood.

"Y/N he's not lying we have to go!" Gwen yelled, grabbing your other arm before successfully pulling you off, your hold on the dudes shirt was released as you huffed, still feeling a rush of adrenaline course through your body. Everything around you was loud, people cheering for you to finish the job; knock his ass out;

You jumped when you heard the library doors slam open, three teachers and an admin rushing in through the crowds of students. "Oh shit- let's go!" You swung your backpack over your shoulder and ran, pulling finn and Gwen along behind you. "Stop Right there L/N!" A teacher yelled, trying to catch up to you. You scoffed before running out of the building and around to the side. "Holy shit- thats our homeroom teacher" finney laughed out, pointing to the area we just came from. "She's so gonna chew you out Y/N!" Gwen laughed, punching your shoulder playfully. You could only laugh as you leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down.

All of your heads turned, almost flinching when you heard the sound of leaves crunching under someone's feet, just around the corner. "Robin?" You all said in sync when he rounded the corner. "There you are, what the hell happened back there babe?" He asked, locking eyes with you. Finney arched a brow at the nickname and glanced to Gwen who shrugged in reply.

"Uhm..some punk pushed finney and Gwen for no reason, so I rocked his shit." You smiled, trying to seem innocent. Robin walked up to you, crouching before cupping your cheek; "Did he do this?" He asked, looking at the forming bruise then back up to your eyes.

His eyes always held so much..concern when they looked at you. Like he was worried you'd break, as if you were fragile. You scoffed and looked away; "It's nothing, I won anyways." You looked back at him before patting his shoulder and standing up, him following. "Alright, y'all still down for icecream?" You looked around, clasping your hands together awkwardly. Everyone nodded, you checked around the corner for a teacher and there was none in sight so you all made your way to the bikes, each hopping onto their own.

The ride there was peaceful, no cars so you could all ride on the road as you pleased, no rocks or bumps, the sun wasn't too bright; it was all just right. If it weren't for the aching pain coming from your cheekbone. It was right under your eye and it was hurting: badly. But you weren't gonna let a stupid bruise ruin your day with your boyfriend and two best friends, no. Instead you were gonna play it off until you got home for the day.

Once at the icream shop, you all piled the bikes on the side of the building, hoping no one would steal them. "Ice creams on me today, after all I did just get everyone in trouble" you smiled, glancing at your friends. "YN you basically saved us, but I'll take the free icream anyways." Gwen remarked, snickering at the end of her sentence. Finney and Robin only nodded in reply, agreeing with her.
"Can I get a strawberry and banana milkshake?" "A strawberry icecream" Gwen covered her mouth and leaned closer to the cashier "two scoops" you deadpanned at her before laughing and pulling her into you, ruffling her hair. Both of you were in a laughing fit before you gave the cash to the ice cream lady. "Cookies and cream please" finney ordered "an a mint chocolate chip for me" Robin added, putting his own money down

"Robin I told you I'm paying today" you pushed his money away, back to him. "It's fine hermosa, just let me pay this once and you can pay next time." He slid his money back to the cashier, causing you to groan; "fine, come sit next to me when you get your change back" you kissed his cheek before following the siblings to a table.

You all sat down waiting for the ice creams, talking about school, grades, bullies and even the recent kidnappings. You kept glancing at Robin though, trying to see what was taking so long, until you saw him being passed a bag that was seemingly frozen. He began to walk over and you eyed him questioningly; he slid into the seat next to you before pressing something cold to your cheek, causing you to flinch. "What's this?" You asked, looking at the bag then back up to him.

"An icepack for your cheek, it looked like it was really bothering you." He replied, inching the icepack closer to your cheek, waiting for the okay. You smiled fondly before leaning into the bag, letting the coolness soothe the ache of the bruise. "You guys make me want to shit myself" gwen blurted out, you and robins cheeks flushed red/ with heat before you all bursted out laughing.

This was amazing.

Word count: 1069

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