3. ᴏᴜᴛꜱɪᴅᴇ ʜᴇʟᴘ

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(Second's POV)

As we reached the light at the end of the tunnel, we both began to fall towards the sea. Suddenly, I felt the other me pick me up. He was.. flying.

"You'd should've told me about the drop. Just point in the direction we need to go."

Pointing towards Chosen's house, we flew over and landed near the entrance. Walking to the front door, I knocked and waited for a response.

...nothing. I knocked again. Still nothing. And then I knocked once more.

"Second, go away. I know that's you. I need sleep too you know."

"It's important!"

"Ugh.. Alan accidentally bluescreening his computer again is not an emergency."

"It's something different! Come on!"

I could hear him let out an annoyed and tired groan as he walked down the stairs and to the front door. As he opened it, he immediately looked to me.

"So what's so important that I need to get involved?"

I pointed to the alternate me he somehow ignored.

"What are y.."

He looked over to him, then back to me.

"God please tell me I'm dreaming right now. One of you please tell me why there are two of you at my doorstep right now."

"Eheh.. it's complicated."

Other Second looked to me.

"Are you sure this guy.. is.. capable?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

Chosen rubbed his eyes again before speaking.

".. you know what? Get in here, both of you."

We both walked inside, Chosen closing the door behind us.

"So, what is going on..?"

As we explained the situation, Chosen nodded, seeming to understand.

"Huh. I see. So, an alternate universe, eh? Who exactly from your world are we up against?"

"An elite hacker, known as _nala."

"..._nala? Tch. What a stupid name. What is he capable of?"

"Hacking, coding malicious viruses, you name it."

"And his objective is to either completely take over or destroy the Internet altogether, right?"


"Hm. I'm getting a sense of déjà vu from this. Is there any way to possibly stop him?"

"That would be to attack from the inside. Get into his files, find more information about him, and report him to the police so he won't be able to do anything again. However, it won't be easy. The amount of advanced protection he has is insane, almost impossible to break through. However, all we need to really do is get us back to our world so we can cut off connections. Then, everything goes back to the way it was."

"That'd be simpler."

"Right. How should we go about it?"

They just continued to talk. I turned to look out the window, tuning them out. God, today was crazy. Well even if it was crazy, it was kinda exciting, I will admit.


Someone busted through the front door. It was the other Yellow.

"What is it Yellow?"

"_nala knows your location and is preparing to attack here."

"..damn it, at what time?"

"5 minutes."

"5-?! Call the other three here."

I stood up and walked over towards Chosen

"You two, find somewhere to hide."

"I can just as easily help-"

"No. You can't. Now go. Take him with you."

Chosen scoffed. Grabbing my wrist, Chosen dragged me into another room and sat me against the wall. We could hear the others arrive and start to plan, then quickly scatter out.

The next 5 minutes were silent and unnerving. No one made a move. Out of nowhere, a something crashed into the building and exploded. Immediately after, I could hear the footsteps of the others as they started to defend us. I peeked through the slightly open door. The room we were in was wrecked, and there was a slight view of the fight. Chosen peeked with me.

"Is that..?"

Yeah, it was the other Chosen. He seemed to be the only thing that arrived to try and attack us.

"Where is he?! The other Second?!"

"Why would you need to know?"

"And why would I tell you?!"

The other Chosen grabbed Second and threw him to the ground, but only a few seconds after he got back up, summoning a glowing rope which he used to lasso in the other and slammed him into the wall. Quickly breaking free, he leapt up as the fighting continued. I just watched in awe. The other Chosen started to ignore them and went straight for the inside. Suddenly, Chosen grabbed me and pulled me away, putting an arm around me protectively.

It was only an hour before it all stopped. Once it did, the both of us carefully stepped out. Chosen finally let go of me.

"Well.. there goes my wall I guess."

The five landed and walked right through the now broken wall.

"Are you two alright?"

Blue walked up to us.

"Yeah, we're fine."

"Hey, you."

Second looked to Chosen.

"Come with me. We need to talk."

  And with that, he flew off. Chosen, puzzled, followed him.

The other four walked up to me. Green took my hand.

"It's not safe out here, we need to take you home."

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