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Picrew pic is what I picture for Mickey wheeler. I just have to write this story. I'll make sure to write more and update.


Mickey Wheeler. Born 1967. 20 minutes after Nancy Wheeler. 4 years it wasn't so bad. Mickey was named that because her Mom refused to name her anything like Bethany, Tracy, Tiffany, or Sandy cause she knows other moms would want to name their little girl a beautiful name.

With some thinking, they both agreed with Mickey, which took a lot of convincing from the Mom.

Mickey after Mickey Rooney starring Breakfast at Tiffany's, a classic film in 1961.

Nancy was spoiled with dresses, dolls, Princess toys, all that sh*t.

Mickey would want those things, but not for long.

Later on, Mike was born, and Mickey didn't hesitate to ask to hold him at the hospital. She was happy to have a little brother, of course Nancy too.

But she was hoping for another girl.

4 years with Mike was wonderful for Mickey, in addition the mental problems. Yeah, an 8 year old girl who now doesn't like to match with her twin.

"Mom!! I don't want to wear the same dress as Nancy!! I wanna wear the dinosaur shirt!!"

"Mickey if you wear the pink dress like your sister, you'll both be matching twins!!"

"Come one Mickey, at least for your mom. We're gonna be late for the movies if we don't hurry."

With some convincing, Mickey was force into the dress.

"Look at you!! You look so cute, just like Nancy!!" Karen said with glee.

"You look so cute, just like Nancy!!"

"Hurry honey, we're gonna be late!!"

"Right, ok girls let's go while Mike stays here at home with Beth. We'll be back!!"

Mike was only 4, but Mickey wish she stayed with her brother instead.

Mickey gave Mike a kiss on the forehead.

"Love you Mike, be nice to Beth." She gave him a smile.

He smile back.


Nancy grabbed Mickey's hand.

"Let's go we're gonna be late!!"


"Ted, we have a problem." Karen came back with only two tickets. Ted waiting by the entrance with the girls who Nancy was trying to get Mickey to wear a ponytail just like her because Mickey decided to take hers off.

"They only have two tickets for The Great Race. That would mean one of us takes a kid and the other can just watch something else."

"Then I'll take Nancy and you can take Mickey."

Before grabbing Nancy, she runs to hug her mom. She starts to cry.

"But I wanna see that movie!! Please mommy!!"

"Oh alright. Ted you can take Mickey and see another movie. No horror movies. Come one Nancy." After kissing Ted, she said she'll see them after the movie.

When they're out of sight, Ted goes to see what else is there to watch. There he finds Jaws is available. He goes up to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets for Jaws?"

The man looks down at Mickey, then looks back up at Ted. He shrugs and just gives him the tickets



"Now sweetie, let's keep this a secret from your mom about watching this movie ok? She'll kill me."

Mickey nodded, eating her large popcorn and drinking her large soda, because they made a deal that she gets large snacks for this.

The seats were almost close to the front, maybe Mickey should've said to also buy a music player.

When they got seated and prepared. The movie started.

Everything was fine, until the shark made its appearance. You can hear other people frightened or screaming.

Mickey wasn't. She was watching the movie with astonishment. She loved this movie. The gore was so cool to her cause it felt real. This is the kind of movies she'll love.

She is so gonna make sure she watches other movies like Jaws.

Writing is hard but I got chapter one!! Hopefully it's long cause I almost messed up the timeline age. Searching up movies in 1965-1975 to make sure it fitted with their age was hard.

EDIT: it's a prologue now

Math + history= stress

Hope y'all like this story!!!

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