Chapter 4

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      "Ari, this is ridiculous. You really don't have to do this. My brother is only doing this for his entertainment." Mia said as she watched me tie my apron around my neck. 

      "If this is what it takes to get me back to the hotel, so be it." I finished tying the apron and turned to look at myself in the mirror that was hanging in the kitchen. I really did look like a waitress. 

        "Well, I'm staying in the kitchen to help you then." Mia crossed her arms as she watched me tie my hair up in a bun.

        "You're not going to be in the meeting with him?" 

        "Pfft, please. He takes all the guys with him. The girls are only able to go on missions." 

        "That's kind of sexist."

        "Thank you! But he doesn't see it that way with that thick skull of his. I never met anyone so stubborn like him." She told me and I laughed. 

        "It's good to see the help is here, ready to do their job." Elias walked into the kitchen as he cuffed the wrist of his suit jacket. He was wearing an all-black tight tux with a black silk button up, leaving three buttons on top unbuttoned. He rose a brow when he noticed me looking him up and down. I quickly turned around to place snacks on my tray. 

           I turned to walk to the other side of the kitchen to grab another tray to place other snacks on. Elias stepped in front of me, and I shot a glare up at him. "Don't you dare embarrass me out there. One fuck up and your head is on the line." I could hear the coldness in his threat, but I still continued to glare at him. He rolled his eyes and walked away from me, leaving the kitchen. 

         "Your brother is quite the people person, isn't he?" I asked Mia and she groaned. 

          "I like to blame his people skills on his reputation." 

           "Reputation?" I asked Mia as I began to fill another snack try. 

           "Yeah, my brother has this reputation of being the deadliest and dangerous capo dei capi in Italy. He never misses a shot. He hits the bullseye every time. If he has a target on someone, he's set on it. Not even bullets seem to stop him. They call him a demon. People view him as evil, cruel, and unmerciful." 

          "But he's not that way towards you, is he?" I asked her and she shrugged. 

          "He has been at times when I annoy him about things." She told me. People began to walk into the kitchen, grabbing the snack trays I filled. "They must be here." Mia told me as she walked into the dining room to peek through the curtains that were hung up as dividers. Mia motioned me to come beside her.

       I walked over to peek out with her. "You see that man who looks about in his early fifties at the other end of the table?" She whispered to me, and I nodded my head. "That's our father. Instead of dad, we call him Sebastin. We never had much of a relationship with him. 

      The blonde on the right with the fake boobs is Camila. She is the younger sister of Romano. They're part of the Rossi mafia. He usually sends his sister to these meetings. I think he does it so he can get rid of her for a bit. Plus, he knows it annoys Elias.

        Then one beside the blonde is one of our guys." I recognized him from the club by his bleach hair, "that's Vito. He's third in command and one of my brother's best spies. The one on the left of my brother is another one of our guys," I also recognized him as the other one who was standing with Elias at the VIP balcony, "his name is Enzo. He's second in command. My brother goes to him about everything.

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