Chapter 20

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      "Alright sounds like a plan. We just got out from the pool and we're currently getting ready, so we will see you soon!" Zoey said through the phone. I watched as she ended the call before placing her cell in her purse. She looked over at me, "Aurora is currently at the bridal shop around the corner." 

      I rose a brow and Zoey shrugged. "Don't know why she is, but that's Aurora for you. She likes to do things out of the blue like that." 

     "Thank you, Zoey. I'll be on my way now." I said to her as I opened the hotel room door. Zoey rushed over and closed the door on me. My eyes went to slits as I glared down at her. 

     "If you're doing this, you better be sure. I don't want you to want her now, and then months later send her home. Even when she gets in harms way. You keep her by your side and protect her. Not free her." I kept quiet as my glare met Zoey's glare. 

     "Are you willing to do that? Are you hundred percent in this? Do you truly see yourself being with her for the long run?" I stayed quiet. "Well do you, Elias?" 

     I looked away from Zoey and let a deep breath out. Normally, I would leave without answering because my thoughts and feelings were no one's business to know, but Zoey needed to know the truth. She was protecting Aurora. Not because of who I was or what I did, but out of love. I turned back to Zoey with an impassiveness expression. 

     "The only way I would allow Aurora to leave my side is if Death came to claim me or her, but Death will never have her. I'll kill Death myself before it did so." Zoey stayed quiet. "I can't and I won't let her go this time. It was stupid of me to even try."

     She continued to stare at me. "I can't deny my feelings for her anymore." 

     "Do you love her, Elias?" Zoey asked me. I paused for a minute to really understand my feelings. Was this love? Did I love her?

    To be honest, I had no clue. I know I could not bear the thought of living without her. I wanted her to belong to me and no one else. So was I feeling love? Or was this some kind of possessive feeling I had? 

     I never felt love before, so I was clueless about my feelings. All I know, is I just want Aurora and only Aurora. "I don't know, Zoey... But with her, I feel this euphoria that I can't explain." 

     Zoey smiled a small smile as she let a soft chuckle out. "Go get your girl, Elias." Zoey said as she opened the hotel door up. Cam, Vito, and Enzo were waiting outside the door. I made my way over to the them, "hey," I turned back to look at Zoey, "she loves you too, Elias." 

    My heart drummed as I watched Zoey close the door. A small smile crossed my face as Zoey's words replayed in my head. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over at Vito, who wore a smile on his face. "Let's go, lover boy." Vito told me. 

    I rolled my eyes and made my way toward the elevator. I heard whispers and glanced down the hallway to see my sister and the other girls staring at me with big grins on their faces. I could see the excitement on my sister's face. Stephanie gave me a thumbs up and Livia was bouncing with joy. 

    How annoying. Why can they not act normal about this? I made my way on the elevator with the guys. "Damn, this means Aurora will never get to experience sex with other men!" My eyes shot open as I heard Emma's comment from down the hall.  

    I wanted to get off this elevator and give her some harsh words, but I had no time for that right now. There will be enough time to do that later. I just needed to be with Aurora right now. I needed to her to be in my arms again. 

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