Chapter 18

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    So, this is how a heartbreak feels. Sure, Elias has caused my heart to ache before, but this was different. Was it because I knew I was never going to see Elias again? Or was it because whatever we had ended, before it began? Either way, I hated this feeling. 

    I curled up in a ball under the covers as I heard the bathroom door of our hotel room open. I heard a sigh followed by the sound of a suitcase unzipping. "Ari, are you ever going to get out of bed?" Zoey asked me. 

   "No. I like it here. I can be sad with no judgement." I told her.

   "First off, no one is judging you. If anything we're all worried about you. You don't socialize with anybody, you don't eat, and you haven't moved from the bed since we got here. I know what you're doing and you can not keep going like this."  

   "I can't lay around being depressed?"

   "No, Ari, you can't. You also can't lay around waiting for him to call. It's been three days and you still have not heard a word from him. From what Mia has told me, Elias sure isn't laying around feeling sad for himself. So, why should you?" 

   I rolled my eyes at her. "Elias is a boss. He doesn't have time to lay around and feel sad. I, on the other hand, do have time to lay around and feel sad." 

   "Fine. If that's what you want to do, so be it. I am going with the girls to explore Venice while we're still in Italy. I'll be damn if I go back to New York with regrets of not exploring Venice." I heard Zoey say as she made her way to the bathroom. 

   I let a groan out as I processed Zoey's words. She was right. I can not continue laying here feeling depressed while waiting for Elias to call. For all I know, Elias could be with another girl right now, trying to forget about me. The thought of Elias with another suddenly angered me.  

   He could be out here doing God knows what and here I am laying around being sad about him. I think the fuck not! I threw the covers off me and jerked myself out of bed. I unzipped my suitcase to look for an outfit. Zoey walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and with makeup on. 

   "I see my words changed your mind!" Zoey said ecstatically as she grabbed a bottle of perfume to spray herself with. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black off the shoulder top from my suitcase, before slamming my suitcase shut. 

   "No, the thought of Elias doing God knows what with other bitches, did!" I said as I flounced towards the bathroom. 

   I'm sure Zoey rolled her eyes as she chuckled. "Your overthinking is honestly going to be the death of you." I saw her shaking her head as I closed the bathroom door. I changed clothes and applied my makeup. I decided on straightening my hair, so I used Zoey's straightener.    

   I walked out of the bathroom to see Zoey taking selfies of herself. "Cam wanted me to take pictures while we're on our trip to send to him." Zoey told me as she moved her phone down to go through the pictures she just took. 

   "At least he cares." I told her as I walked over to my bed to throw my sleep clothes on it. "Do you guys talk on the phone?" 

   "Yes. Except for last night. If I was able to hear you cry in the shower last night, I was afraid he would hear you too." I shot a glare at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. "Are you ready to head out now?"

   I pulled my Vans on and gave her a nod. "Yes, I'm ready." She grabbed her purse and I reached her my wallet to carry in her purse, so I would not have to carry my bag. I placed my cell in my pocket. We exited our room and made our way down to the lobby. 

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