Chapter 5

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      The next morning, I decided to sleep in. Ten a.m. eventually became twelve p.m. Mia brought me breakfast, but I refused to get out of bed to eat. The thought of me being here for a while and possibly never being able to see or talk to my mom again made me depressed. I decided to finally get up at one. I went to the bathroom to use the toilet and found clothes folded on my bathroom sink. Mia must have laid these in here. 

        After my shower, I dressed in the long black tee and leggings that were left for me. I was comfortable enough to fall asleep again, but I decided against it. I walked over to the bedroom door and was shocked to find the door unlocked. I made my way to Mia's room and knocked on her door. Nothing. "Mia?" I asked as I opened the bedroom door. Mia was nowhere in sight. 

        I began to walk to the kitchen until I heard voices coming from a room to my right. I peeked through the cracked door and seen about eight people including Mia, sitting around the table. A meeting, I assume? I heard Elias mention my name and I rolled my eyes. Yep, that's exactly what it was. No thank you. 

       Since everyone was in a meeting, I decided to go exploring. I went down hallways and upstairs in the house just looking into rooms. I suddenly came to a room that was an office. I went inside and scanned my eyes at the books that were on the shelves. I pulled a book out and seen how worn out the cover was. I smiled as I grazed my finger along the spine of the book. 

         I placed the book back after I finished skimming through the pages. Unfortunately, I couldn't read it due to it being in Italian. I walked by the desk, accidently bumping into it with my hip. "Oh shit, that hurt." I mumbled to myself as I held my hip in pain. A picture fell down onto the desk. 

         I quickly leaned up but groaned from the pain in my hip. I picked the picture up and placed it back in the spot it was in. I glanced down at it, only to jerk my head back to look at it again. I grabbed the picture and stared at it wide eyed. This... This was impossible... There's no way... 

        My heart raced as I looked around the room and every time I picked a frame up, my heart began to beat louder and faster. I grabbed every picture frame he was in and stormed out of the office to the meeting room. I didn't give a shit if they were in the middle of a meeting. 

      Elias was in the middle of talking, when I stormed in. "Get out of here-" He was about to yell at me, but I cut him off. 

      "What the fuck are these?!" I yelled. I could feel tears building up in my eyes. Don't tell me it's true. Don't. 

      "What the fuck is what?" Elias yelled back. I threw the picture frame at a wall close to him, breaking the glass. Everyone stared at me wide eyed, and Mia had a hand over her mouth with her eyes wide watching me in horror. If I get killed over this, so fucking be it. 

        I threw another one, breaking the glass on that as well. "Was he in the fucking mafia?!" I yelled as Elias picked up the broken frames. I could see pure anger on Elias's face. I threw another one and Elias jerked his head at me. 

         "Do it again and I swear to the Gods I will fucking end you right here!" Elias yelled at me. 

          "Was he in the mafia as well?!" I yelled again. 

         "Why do you fucking care?!" 

         "Because he's my fucking brother!" Everyone stared at me in shock. Elias's expression became stone while he froze in place, staring at me with wide eyes filled with disbelief. "Leo is my brother." I said in a softer sad tone. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

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